Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 7 The Appearance of the Soul Guidance Device

Chapter 7 The Appearance of the Soul Guidance Device
Zhou Yi looked at Wang Dong's Martial Soul, with a hint of satisfaction in surprise, and said to himself: "Bright Goddess Butterfly? The most beautiful butterfly Martial Spirit on the mainland. Good, very good. Finally, I didn't let everything go." Disappointed."

Huo Yuhao was pressed under him, but there was a smile on his face, "Thank you. Last time I pressed you, this time you pressed back."

Wang Dong got up with disgust on his face, "You stink, do you think I'm willing to suppress you?"

Huo Yuhao was not annoyed either, and followed him to his feet, panting heavily while showing him a thumbs up.

Wang Dong froze for a moment, then nodded to him, and compared his thumbs.Afterwards, both of them couldn't help showing a smile on their faces.All the grudges from before disappeared at this moment.

At this moment, Dixue came over quietly and said, "Xiao Yuhao, you did well~"

"Hee hee, it's nothing, sister." Huo Yuhao blushed.

All the students ran a hundred laps within the specified time and stood loosely on the Shrek Square.

At this time, Zhou Yi walked over.

She turned to the students expressionlessly, and said calmly: "Those whose names I have read come out, Cheng Cheng, Qiu Jianluo, Tang Dao, Shangguan Chentian, Lin Zeyu, Zhuge Yun, Tai Long, Tang Ling, Yun Xiaopiao .”

A few people had a bad premonition in their hearts~ but they still said tremblingly, "Yes!"

Zhou Yi said indifferently: "The nine of you can go back, pack your bags and leave the academy. From this moment on, you are no longer students of Shrek Academy."

Although they were prepared, they were still shocked when they heard it.

"Teacher, why?" A tall boy named Tai Long stood up with an angry face.Among the students who just completed the lap, he was still in the first camp and was one of the first to complete it.

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Shrek Academy doesn't need students who are opportunistic. They have strength but don't have a good and correct attitude. After being cultivated, they will bring disasters instead of help to any country. Tailong, you Say to yourself, did you run a hundred laps just now?"

Tai Long said confidently, "Report to the teacher, I have run enough!"

Zhou Yi smiled, "Have you run enough? If I remember correctly, when you first started running, because I hadn't come to Shrek Plaza yet, you walked slowly for two laps, and when the leader reached the fifth lap Then you start to catch up. So, instead of a hundred laps, you ran 97 laps. I believe that more than one person saw the laziness you started.”

"I..." Tai Long's face flushed immediately, he never expected that Zhou Yi, who didn't come to the playground at first, would tell his cheating and cheating as if he saw it with his own eyes, "But, even if I missed a few laps, and you can't just fire me!"

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Hmph, the reason I just said is that you are not worthy of being a student of Shrek Academy, you can get out!"

Zhou Yi looked at the other students, and said calmly, "Although I have a bad temper, I keep what I say. The nine people I pointed out were all cheating and cheating during the run, and they didn't complete the hundred laps. You guys If you are not convinced, you can go to the Academic Affairs Office to sue me, but now, you can leave."

"Mr. Zhou, I don't accept it. He didn't run a hundred laps just now, and he finished it with the help of others. Why wasn't he eliminated?" Another eliminated student named Lin Zeyu said angrily. The direction was Huo Yuhao.

At this time, Dixue said coldly, "I remember that the teacher didn't say that you can't help each other, right? He, Wang Dong, helped Huo Yuhao because he voluntarily did so and Huo Yuhao didn't force him. Get out, if you don't, I'll cripple your martial soul! "

Lin Zeyu felt the strong sense of oppression on Dixue's body, so he had no choice but to retreat his neck resentfully.

At this moment, even Zhou Yi felt that something was wrong, Zhou Yi thought to himself, "Who is this Dixue? Why have I never heard of his martial soul? And even I can clearly feel the oppressive feeling. "

Zhou Yi said again, "Get lost!"

Under the powerful influence of Zhou Yi and Di Xue, the nine students who were singled out walked away in despair. Of course, they didn't go to pack their luggage, but went straight to the Academic Affairs Office to file a complaint.It's the first day of school!How can they be convinced?

The expressions on the faces of the other remaining students had completely changed at this time, and they didn't dare to breathe when they looked at Zhou Yi.In just an hour, Zhou Yi had already established absolute authority in Class One of this grade.

"Go back to the dormitory to change clothes, and then go to the classroom for class. I'll give you a quarter of an hour." After speaking, Zhou Yi turned around and went back to the teaching building.

Huo Yuhao, Dixue and Wang Dong talked as they walked.

"This old witch is too cruel!" Wang Dong said angrily.

Huo Yuhao said: "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would..."

Wang Dong snorted and said, "Don't thank me. If you didn't fight with me, you can do it yourself. You can go in and change it first. I didn't sweat much."

Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, "Don't you hurry up and get together?"

At this time, Di Xue said, "Okay, you can go in and change your clothes first, and I will have a few words with Wang Dong."

"Oh? Oh, oh!" Huo Yuhao didn't understand, but he still nodded.

Dixue said to Wang Dong playfully, "Little sister, why did you come to Shrek Academy disguised as a man? Don't tell me that you are a man, because a man's martial soul cannot be the goddess of light, Die, a god-level martial soul." of."

"You, how do you know that the Goddess of Light, Butterfly, is a god-level martial soul?" Wang Dong was a little surprised.

"Hehe, sister, I know a lot~ And I also know about Butterfly God~ Don't interrupt, how did you get here?" Dixue covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"I, I came here secretly, my home is in Haotianzong..." Wang Dong explained.But this time the voice is a nice female voice.

... (Here is the content of the conversation, I don't know what to write, so I use ellipsis to express it.)
At this time, Huo Yuhao walked over.

"I, I'm leaving first!" Wang Dong blushed and ran in hastily.


A quarter of an hour was up, and Zhou Yi came to the classroom on time.Looking at the 91 students below, he nodded and said, "We are starting class now. I am basically satisfied with the test just now. Most of you have completed the simple test of running. Huo Yuhao, stand up."

"Teacher Zhou." Huo Yuhao stood up quickly, straightening his back.

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Report your soul power level."

"Yes. My soul power is level eleven." Huo Yuhao said respectfully.From Zhou Yi calling out their names before, he knew that this Teacher Zhou seemed unreasonable, but in fact he knew them all very well, and he might not be able to hide his cultivation from others.

Hearing the word eleventh level, the eyes of the students present showed doubts in unison, and Wang Dong directly raised his hand to cover his eyes.

It's shameful, it's too embarrassing, to lose to an eleventh level with my own cultivation.Wait, why is he only at the eleventh level of soul power?Isn't Shrek Academy's admission basis for level [-]?Thinking of this, Wang Dong couldn't help but looked up at Huo Yuhao in surprise.

"That's right, Huo Yuhao's soul power is only at level eleven. I know that you are all very curious as to why he was able to pass the academy's assessment and become a freshman. I will only say this once. In the future, before he is eliminated, no one is allowed to Ask him again for this reason. He is a special student of the college, and he does not need to pass the examination when he enters the college. However, this is the only exception for special invited students. If he cannot complete the learning tasks assigned by the college, he will also be rejected. Elimination. Alright, Huo Yuhao, sit down first."

"Although his talent is relatively poor, he also has his specialties. Next, I will say the one with the highest spirit power in our class," Zhou Yi said.

When Wang Dong heard this, he raised his head proudly.

"Dixue!" Zhou Yi said in the next moment.This made Wang Dong awkwardly change the movement of raising his head into a movement of shaking his hair.At the same time, he thought to himself, "Who the hell is he? Why have you never seen this spirit before? Daddy and Daddy don't know~" (Yes, Wang Dong secretly passed Dixue's information to Tian Qingniu python and titan great ape, just don’t know about the news they sent back.)
"Don't just report your soul power, let me introduce yourself." Zhou Yi said lightly, but the joy in her voice couldn't be concealed.

"Well, my name is Dixue, Martial Soul Bingtian Xuenv, Level 39 Control System Battle Soul Lord." Dixue said lightly.After finishing speaking, she took a step forward, and saw a figure very similar to Dixue appearing, but this figure was obviously Dixue's grown-up appearance.Three soul rings, one purple and two black, rose from Dixue's feet. (This spirit ring was imitated by Dixue with a powerful spirit, ordinary Super Douluo can't find it, unless Limit Douluo looks carefully, maybe he can find some strangeness.)
Everyone and his little friends were stunned (⊙o⊙)(⊙o⊙) All the students thought in their hearts, "This, you tell me this is a human? At this time, I still believe in human-shaped soul beasts, but you, I can only say that my friends and I were shocked~"

In fact, if it wasn't for fear of scaring them, Dixue could simulate a higher level spirit ring.

"Okay, take it back." Zhou Yi suppressed her excitement and said, but her body betrayed her, obviously, it was because of the excitement that she was shaking violently.


After a while, Zhou Yi wrote the words attack and defense on the blackboard.

"You should know the two words I wrote on the blackboard, attack and defense. In today's first lesson, I will tell you the way of attack and defense for soul masters. Since ancient times, our soul masters have always followed our own martial arts. The ability of the soul is divided into many departments, such as strong attack department, agility attack department, auxiliary department, food department, control department, defense department, etc. Some soul masters develop towards the limit in one direction, while others develop in a balanced way. The methods can be described as varied. Wang Dong, you come to answer, among the soul masters of each department, who is better at attacking, and who should be more inclined to defend and support?"

This question could not be more simple, Wang Dong stood up and answered without hesitation: "Naturally, the three systems of power attack, agility attack and control are more inclined to attack, and the three systems of support, food and defense are more inclined to defense."

Zhou Yi said bluntly, "That's the answer of a fool."

"Wang Dong's answer was correct before the Sun Moon Continent collided with our Douluo Continent more than 4000 years ago. But today, his answer is outrageously wrong."

"Di Xue, you answer." After speaking, Zhou Yi looked at Xiang Di Xue.

"Teacher, let my younger brother answer this question." The reason why Dixue said this was because after accepting Xuedi's memory, she knew that it was because humans had soul guides that they massacred soul beasts. do not want to answer.

"Okay." Zhou Yi nodded and looked at Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao thought about it carefully and said, "It's a soul tool!"

The seriousness on Zhou Yi's face finally softened a bit, "You are not too stupid, no wonder you can become a special guest. Yes, it is precisely because of the appearance of the soul guide that the attack and defense are blurred. This is what I want to talk about today. subject. Sit down."

... (The content in the ellipsis is all from the original work.)
"get out of class is over, Huo Yuhao, Dixue, you two come to the office with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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