Douluo became a snow emperor

Chapter 8 Physical fitness class, the weakest monitor

Chapter 8 Physical fitness class, the weakest monitor
"get out of class is over, Huo Yuhao and Dixue, you two come with me to the office.

After saying this, Zhou Yi turned around and left without hesitation. At this time, the bell for the end of get out of class in the morning was far from ringing. "

Dixue and Huo Yuhao got up and followed Zhou Yi out. Except for the teachers' office building behind the two teaching buildings, Zi and Hei, there were simple offices in each teaching building.

"Huo Yuhao, I don't like to talk nonsense. Wang Dong's martial spirit surprised me, but yours made me very curious. With my experience, I can't feel what your martial spirit is. Now I want to I know the answer." Zhou Yi's strength was undoubtedly evident in his words.

"Teacher, my martial soul is the main body martial soul, the spirit eye." Huo Yuhao felt that there was nothing to hide, so he said it.

After hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Zhou Yi was visibly startled, and a hint of surprise flashed in her bright eyes that didn't match her old face, "Body spirit, spiritual attributes? Eyes?"

"Yes." Huo Yuhao said.

"Then Dixue, what's the matter with your martial soul? I can clearly feel the strength of your martial soul, but why haven't I heard of this martial soul?" Zhou Yi asked with some doubts.

Dixue had already thought about this problem. After all, a powerful martial spirit that had never appeared before suddenly appeared on a little girl. I believe no one would believe it.

"Report to the teacher, my martial soul is a mutated martial soul. My martial soul was supposed to belong to a snowman, but for some reason, it has become an ice and snow girl who always has the ultimate ice." Dixue's expression was extremely perfect , It is impossible to see that she is lying.

Zhou Yi also believed it, and only heard her murmur: "Well, is it a mutant martial soul? It's still such a prominent mutation."

"Okay, Dixue, you can go out now." Zhou Yi said after thinking for a while.

After a while, Zhou Yi walked out with Huo Yuhao's portrait.

After leaving the freshmen teaching building, Zhou Yi led Huo Yuhao to the back of the college, that is, to the west.After walking not far, Zhou Yi frowned slightly, and said, "This is too slow. I'll take you for a while." While speaking, she flashed to Huo Yuhao's side and grabbed his shoulder with her right hand. The next moment, Huo Yuhao appeared A feeling like flying through the clouds.

After going west for a while, Zhou Yi changed to heading north again. Huo Yuhao felt that they seemed to have left the Martial Soul Department of the Outer Court and entered the Soul Guidance Department of the Outer Court.

After a while, I came to an extremely dignified place, and I saw a sign saying: Soul Guidance Device Experimental Area.

As soon as he entered the door, Huo Yuhao discovered that the soul tool testing area was all made of metal structures.And the metal that made up here had never been seen before, and it was a dark brown color.

Zhou Yi seemed to come here often, and was already familiar with everything here. She led Huo Yuhao along the corridor to the north, reached the end, and stopped in front of a door named Experimental Area No. 12.

Zhou Yi led Huo Yuhao into the door.

"Fan Yu." At this moment, Zhou Yi shouted loudly.Immediately, a group of people at the side of the venue were attracted to look at her.

One of the tall, middle-aged men frowned slightly, and walked towards them with big strides.

The middle-aged man is about 1.8 meters tall, with very broad shoulders, wearing simple cloth clothes, his thick and strong arms are still exposed, exposing muscles like granite.The lines on the face are clear, and the eyes are deep and heavy.Once you stand there, you will feel like standing on a mountain.

"Zhou Yi, why are you here?" Obviously, this middle-aged man was Fan Yu whom Zhou Yi called.

"Do you still remember what you told me last time?" Zhou Yi said excitedly.

There was a helpless smile on Fan Yu's face, and he said: "I have talked to you too much. How do I know which sentence you said? If there is nothing wrong, you can go back first. I still have a few experiments to do here. .”

"It's what you said last time about the soul instructor of the spiritual department!" At this moment, Zhou Yi completely lost the domineering spirit she had in class, and spoke softly in front of Fan Yu.


It was very late for the experiment, when Huo Yuhao saw Dixue waiting for him, Huo Yuhao had some doubts.

"Sister, how do you know I'm here? Also, my sister's martial soul shouldn't be mutated, right? That kind of feeling can't be wrong! Because my martial soul is mutated, so I don't care about the mutated martial soul. The feeling is very strong." (Every time Huo Yuhao asked about Dixue's martial spirit like Tianmeng Bingcan, Tianmeng Bingcan always said ambiguously.)
"My martial soul is indeed not mutated, but I will tell you later." Dixue said ambiguously.

"Okay." Huo Yuhao didn't hear the answer he wanted, but he didn't feel sorry, after all, Dixue said he would tell him.

The next day, I had my first physical class.

A pile of iron chains had been piled up on the Shrek Square at some point.Under Zhou Yi's order, the students stood up neatly.

Zhou Yi said to all the students: "I reviewed the results of your entrance exams, plus the test in the morning, so far, Dixue's cultivation level is the highest among all of you. Therefore, I declare that from now on, He is the monitor of the first class of freshmen. The position of monitor is set to be floating, and whoever has the ability to defeat him can replace him as monitor. Do you understand?"

At this time, Dixue felt bad after hearing what the teacher said.what the hell?I don't want to be the class monitor. The class monitor is the most tiring thing, so she immediately said, "Teacher, my level is too high and it's not easy to defeat. Let Wang Dong be the class monitor!"

... (After a series of quarrels between Dixue and Zhou Yi, bah, no, how can cultural people call it a quarrel? That's called a debate! In the end, Wang Dong became the squad leader.)
"I declare now that Wang Dong will be your squad leader from now on! Whoever defeats him in the future will be the squad leader. Do you understand!" Zhou Yi shouted.

"Understood." Among the students, several male students who considered themselves not weak looked at Wang Dong with sharp eyes.But the female students looked at Wang Dong with a slightly gentler look.

Zhou Yi pointed to the iron chains in front of him, "These are iron clothes, specially used to improve physical fitness. Each of you should wear one. After wearing them, start running around the square. From now on, run until the bell It will end when it sounds. You can use your soul power, but you cannot use soul skills. Ranking will be made according to the number of running laps. The last one will be expelled from the freshman class."

"There is one point I want to emphasize again. In my class, it is not only when the assessment is due that someone will be eliminated, but at any time. Today, 91 people will become 90 people, start now!"

Dixue first picked up the iron coat and put it on casually.Then there was Wang Dong, his expression changed after taking the iron suit, but he still put it on.But he said in his heart, "This is at least thirty pounds, if you wear it for running..."

However, before Wang Dong was given too much time, Tie Yi finished sending out.The students put on iron clothes and walked slowly to the starting point.

"Three, two, one! Run around!" Zhou Yi shouted.

Dixue and Wang Dong took the lead, running at the front, Huo Yuhao was the last, and Huo Yuhao didn't seem to care about his ranking, just ran slowly behind.

Huo Yuhao didn't speed up, he was very clear about his physical condition, Zhou Yi said, he had to run until the bell rang for the end of get out of class.And the class time in the afternoon lasted for two hours.This is just the beginning!The most reasonable goal he set for himself is to keep running until the bell rings instead of competing with others in speed.

Time passed slowly, Wang Dong was already close to the limit, and the speed also slowed down.Then, someone fell, and then, like dominoes, the students fell one after another.In the end, only Dixue, who was still expressionless, Huo Yuhao, who was hovering on the edge of the limit, and Wang Dong, who was panting, were still persisting.

At this moment, Dixue came to Huo Yuhao's side, slowed down, and stood side by side with Huo Yuhao, releasing her soul power to assist Huo Yuhao in running.It was getting closer and closer to the end of get out of class, and Huo Yuhao and Dixue were still running side by side.Seeing this scene, some of the fallen students continued to run, and then, more and more people got up, and finally, the whole class got up and ran.

At this moment, Dixue saw Wang Dong who was loafing nearby, called him to stop, and said to Wang Dong, "Come on, come and help Huo Yuhao."

Of course Wang Dong was extremely reluctant, but after some threats from Dixue, bah, no, is that a threat for a scholar?That's called reasoning, but it's just a physical reasoning~
"Dingling bell" the piercing bell rang for the end of get out of class, but in the eyes of the students in the first class of freshmen, it was like the sound of nature. Almost at the same time, almost everyone in the first class of freshmen lay on the ground, gasping for breath.As for why almost?Because Dixue was still standing next to Huo Yuhao.At this time, she was also panting a little, her complexion was reddish, and she looked flabbergasted, which added a bit of beauty to her.

Zhou Yi looked at it and nodded, and found a healing soul saint for the students.

Huo Yuhao also recovered from the semi-comatose state, and was nourished by the soul skill just now. The cool feeling made his muscles tired and disappeared without a trace, and the meridians in his body were still immersed in the warm feeling brought by Xuantian Kungfu.It can be said that there are two heavens of ice and fire. Since he started to practice after awakening his martial soul at the age of six, he has never felt so comfortable.

Huo Yuhao slowly got up, his body was already dirty, but Huo Yuhao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Zhou Yi looked at the students with twinkling eyes.Zhou Yi was moved. Since she became a teacher, she was rarely moved by the students' performance, but this time, she was really moved.Because of Huo Yuhao, and also because of the ninety students who got up one by one and followed behind him.This is no longer simply a physical exercise for them, but also a mental exercise for them!On the faces of these eleven or twelve-year-old children, Zhou Yi saw the determination amidst fatigue.

Zhou Yi looked at the students who stood up one by one, and said calmly: "I have to say, you gave me a surprising answer. Today, no one will be eliminated."

Zhou Yi said: "You should thank Huo Yuhao. Originally, I had already prepared the punishment for you. The task I assigned was to ask you to run until the bell rang for the end of get out of class before counting laps. However, except for Huo Yuhao, you No one ran from the beginning to the end. But seeing that you can burn a little bit of blood under his leadership in the end, there will be no more punishment. Wang Dong will go out."

"Yes~" Wang Dong said weakly.

"Wang Dong, as the squad leader, you don't help each other, but it has a negative effect. Therefore, I am going to revoke your position as the squad leader, and Huo Yuhao will take it. Before the next physical class, Huo Yuhao will be the squad leader of the first class. If someone To challenge him, Wang Dong, you are in charge of the fight."

"Oh~ okay." Wang Dong said weakly.

In the afternoon, Dixue saw Huo Yuhao who was selling grilled fish.

(End of this chapter)

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