a zombie haunts me

Chapter 205 The cry of a baby

Chapter 205 The cry of a baby
"Worriless Cave collapsed, and a large number of zombies returned to the world. There is a vision in the sky. Be careful in everything."

My beating heart suddenly missed a beat, and I felt the air around me become dead.

The Wuyou Cave collapsed, was it accidental or an accident, or maybe it was a series of conspiracy?

I suddenly remembered the lost coffin that disappeared in A Lang's room, and I always felt that A Lang's so-called burying the coffin might not really be buried.

It belongs to the Wuyou Cave, and A Lang will not let it be sealed in the dust forever.

I took a deep breath and went back to my room step by step. Bai Chenxu was inexplicably possessed. The nineteenth public must have guessed that everything was related to those evil things in Wuyou Cave, so he thought of it immediately. I.

Unfortunately, I was still pregnant with a corpse after all.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but I always feel that my stomach has become so heavy that I can't even straighten my waist.

Holding on to the wall, I walked step by step into the room, a small cold current drilled into my body along the wall, and my legs shook like chaff.


The morning sun shone into my room, and there was a throbbing pain in my stomach, and all my drowsiness disappeared in an instant.

I quickly got up, sat in the corner, and carefully huddled into a ball, because only in this way would I not lack a sense of security in my heart.

Coincidentally, when my stomach left the range of the morning light, it miraculously got better, and it didn't hurt at all.

However, the panic in my heart was still like a toxin spreading in my body, and with the flow of blood, it spread to my internal organs, limbs and bones in an instant.

The pain in my body and the hurt in my heart seemed to be on a different level. I reached out and touched my stomach, as if I could feel the fetal movement.

All of a sudden, the pores all over his body exploded like firecrackers.

My hands trembled slightly, but I quickly withdrew them from my stomach.

I don't know what I should do, I found that somewhere deep in my heart, there was a moment when I wanted to get rid of this child!

At this moment, there was a soft knock on the door, and I heard grandma's voice: "Are you up?"

"Grandma, I'm up, come out soon."

I replied cautiously, trying to control my volume, so that grandma would not find out that I was nervous at the moment.

"Yiyi, I heard that there is a new porridge shop on the corner of the street. The porridge there seems to be good. I know you girl likes to try something new, so grandma will buy it for you."

"and many more!"

I stopped grandma suddenly, thought for a moment, and said to her: "Grandma, I also want to go out for a walk, how about I go with you."

Staying at home, A Lang watched me closely, I can't go anywhere, why not take this opportunity to see if there is a chance to sneak out.

I don't know why, but when I think of the hospital, the operating table, and the piece of meat that fell out of my body...

My heart seemed to be gouged out suddenly, leaving only an empty hole, and when the wind blew, it passed through my heart in an instant.

I clutched the corner of the quilt tightly, a kind of reluctance spread in my heart, like sharp barbs, tearing back and forth my not very firm belief.

Is this not willing?

Is it a piece of flesh on my body, is it my own child, how can I do it?

When I followed my grandma out of the house, I was wearing a thick black windbreaker.

The sun was shining on my stomach, and the pain was obviously less obvious.

I don't remember how long it has been since I went out with my grandma, and my restless mind slowly began to relax.

I gently took grandma's arm, smiling and acting like a baby like I did when I was studying.

At this moment, a small paper airplane suddenly landed at my feet.

I stopped, raised my eyes slightly, and happened to see a little boy standing quietly in front of me.

His eyes fell on the paper airplane under my feet, but he didn't speak, just watched.

From his eyes, I can see the innocence of that kind of child, but those eyes seem to be born with a kind of sadness. No matter from which angle I look at it, I feel that this child seems to be a little different from other children.

"Kid, is this paper airplane yours?"

I smiled at him and asked in a low voice.

However, he still didn't answer me, just looked at me like that, without saying a word, as if he didn't understand.

"Where are your parents, kid..."

I opened my mouth, wanting to say something, but saw my grandma bent down quickly, picked up the little paper airplane, and then, without asking any questions, handed the paper airplane back to the little boy.

The boy quickly took the paper airplane, turned around and ran away without even saying thank you.

I was wondering in my heart, and when I turned my head, I heard grandma sigh deeply.

"That child is a poor child."

Grandma said to me as she walked forward slowly.

I quickly stepped forward, followed in grandma's footsteps, and asked, "He...what's wrong with him?"

"The child was born with hearing impairment from an early age, so, as a baby, he was different from other children."

My heart trembled suddenly, and an invisible pressure pressed on my heart, making me breathless for a long time.

When I heard such news before, although I felt uncomfortable, it was not so uncomfortable.

But at this moment, it seemed to be talking about my child, which made me feel heavy.

"So, he can't talk too, and can't study like a normal kid?"

I asked grandma in a low voice, but seeing her eyes slowly dimmed, she nodded immediately.

Then, she sighed again, and said: "This child not only has hearing problems, but also lags behind children of the same age in intelligence, so his parents abandoned him when he was three years old and threw him in the outside a shelter in the city."

At that moment, my slow pace stopped suddenly.

It was as if someone had stabbed me sharply in the back, and the cold knife penetrated into my back, and the sharp pain and biting cold slowly spread in my body.

"Later, the child really entered the shelter, but the conditions of the shelter were limited, and he was supposed to be transferred to the orphanage. However, he had just been sent to the orphanage for a few days, because he was isolated by other children and was almost taken away. People pushed down from the fourth floor."

I felt like an electric current passed through my whole body. I didn't expect such a young child to experience so much.

I suddenly thought of those clear eyes again, the innocence of a child was so dazzling on his face.

After a moment of silence, I took a deep breath and stroked my stomach gently with one hand.

Something seemed to flash through my mind, if I give birth to this child in the future, will he be isolated as well?

Just the thought that the child I am carrying is actually a corpse makes me feel so bad.

Just like what I saw in Lost in a Coffin, I was afraid that the child would be a freak who only drank blood and didn't drink milk.

And when he grows up, it is impossible for him to live with other children. Maybe he will be more terrifying than zombies, or he will be ridiculed, excluded, and looked down upon by others.

My heavy beating heart was getting faster and faster, and suddenly, I felt like the child in my belly kicked me.

"Yiyi, you look so bad, why don't you go back first."

Grandma seemed to be aware of my inappropriateness, so she simply stopped and looked at me quietly.

"I... I'm fine, I just think that child is really pitiful."

After all, I took my grandma and continued to move forward.

Silent all the way, I kept thinking in my mind, what should I do?

I don't want to see my children being bullied, but I also don't want to see my children sucking human blood.

Suddenly, the idea of ​​killing this child popped out of my mind again.

I thought, this matter should not be delayed any longer, the child will be born in just one month, and if the delay continues, the child will be born.

I put my hand in my pocket, and then secretly rang the phone.

I pretended to pick up the phone: "Hello...Okay, I'll be right there."

In order to avoid cheating, I quickly hung up the phone.

"Grandma, Bai Chenxu suddenly called me and said he has something important for me. I'll go first and be back soon."

Grandma knew what Bai Chenxu meant, so she didn't say anything, but told me to be careful on the road and pay attention to safety.

In this way, I managed to escape and took a taxi directly to the hospital.

The smell of disinfectant permeated the entire hospital. As soon as I entered the obstetrics and gynecology department, there was a burst of crying babies.

There was a crack in my brain in an instant, and I covered my ears suddenly, but the voice was still amplifying in my ears...

"what happened to you?"

A voice suddenly appeared behind me. I turned around and saw a woman in her forties, wearing a doctor's gown, a pair of glasses under the bridge of her nose, high cheekbones, and slightly downward lips.


I fought back the pain, even though the crying of the baby continued.

"Looking at your appearance, you must be pregnant, right?"

With just one glance, this woman has already seen through me.

I lowered my eyes slightly, and with my still flat belly, it is impossible for ordinary people to see that I am pregnant.


I opened my mouth and wanted to say something, but there seemed to be something blocked in my throat, and I couldn't speak at all.

"Come with me."

The woman quickly supported me, walked through the corridor with people coming and going, and entered an office.

"How long have you been pregnant?"

She adjusted her glasses, and then opened the case book on the desk.

However, I hesitated and couldn't speak, I couldn't tell her that I was only a few days pregnant, could I?

After a pause, I organized my words, and then whispered to her: "It's about a month or so."

"Are you sure it's more than a month?"

The expression on her face became more serious, and I didn't even dare to look directly into her eyes.

But I didn't know how to answer her, until her voice came again: "You don't want this child?"

(End of this chapter)

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