a zombie haunts me

Chapter 221 Unraveling the Mystery of Identity

Chapter 221 Unraveling the Mystery of Identity
"The groom's car is coming, everyone get ready."

After a while, a person hurried over from outside the door and said to us while panting.

At that moment, my heart became a little nervous, why did it come so soon?

As I was thinking, several people rushed over and surrounded me and walked towards the center of the church.

Through the long corridor, I heard some messy footsteps, like my messy heartbeat.

When I walked to the door of the church, my grandma was waiting for me with a smile.

Seeing me, grandma said to me: "Wait here for a while and go in with Xiao Song."

I nodded, the excitement in my heart made my breathing inexplicably short.

At this moment, I saw A Lang's car slowly approaching. Through the windshield, I vaguely saw A Lang wearing a white suit, holding the steering wheel tightly, and the silver ring was particularly eye-catching.

I said softly in my heart: "Grandma, I'm sorry, I think my fate has probably already been tied to this zombie."

A beautiful sharp turn, the car stopped in front of me.

My heart trembled suddenly, "plop plop" beating faster and faster.

The car door opened quickly, and a pair of slender legs stepped out first, but the next second, the man got out of the car and quickly appeared in front of me.

In an instant, I was stunned. I never dreamed that it would be Wu Chuan in a pure white dress who came out of the car.

"why you?"

No, this is obviously A Lang's car, why is it Wu Chuan.

"You silly boy, who else is it but Xiao Song, come on, come in quickly, all the guests are waiting in the church!"

Grandma grabbed my hand while talking, and put my hand into Wu Chuan's palm. At that moment, my mind went blank. Will he be regarded as A Lang?

No, there must be something wrong.

However, my feet seemed to be controlled by someone, and I followed Wu Chuan slowly into the church.

Even though my steps were very stiff, even though grandma clearly noticed the difference in me, she still regarded Wu Chuan as A Lang.

"What's going on, why are you here?"

I asked in a low voice, but my footsteps still didn't stop.

The moment he stepped into the church, Wu Chuan suddenly turned his head and asked me, "If it wasn't me, who else would it be?"

"You...you are not Ah Lang, and Wu Chuan is not your real name, who are you?"

I've never been so panicked, I felt the envious eyes of people around me, my God, why didn't anyone find out that he wasn't Ah Lang?

"I am your future husband."

Wu Chuan's voice was so calm, like an egret perched on the calm water.

"No, you are not, I will not marry you."

After speaking, I turned around and prepared to leave, but no matter how I controlled my body, I couldn't stop my progress.

"You can't run away."

Wu Chuan slightly hooked his lips, and the smile on his face was so evil, it seemed like a different person from the first time I saw him.

"No... Ah Lang will come to save me, definitely!"

My belief has never been so firm, however, everything in front of me is playing back in front of me like a movie clip.

I clearly remember that Ah Lang's arms hugged me tightly, my back was pressed against his chest, and his lips were pressed against the back of my head. Although I was not breathing, I felt warmth behind me.

I heard him whisper in my ear, "Promise me that you will be the most beautiful bride."

It turned out that he already knew that today's bride is me, but the groom is not him.

It turned out that he had already decided to leave, but he refused to tell me anything.

It turned out that I was the stupidest fool...

My heart seems to be freezing, I can't feel it beating anymore, but the softest part of my heart seems to be twisted hard by someone, and the pain is piercing.

Before we knew it, Wu Chuan and I had reached the front of the church, and the pastor was standing right in front of us.

At that moment, I felt like I was about to be unable to breathe, my whole body seemed to be pressed by something, and I couldn't breathe at all.

"Wu Chuan, what exactly do you want to let me go?"

At this time, I had to bow my head, although I didn't want to do this either.

But Wu Chuan suddenly hugged me tightly in front of everyone, and whispered in my ear: "Don't you understand?"

"Understand what?"

I feel like I'm really about to collapse, and the cold sweat has already soaked my back.

But Wu Chuan patted the back of my head lightly, and said to me: "Innocent little white rabbit, you don't even know you've been betrayed. Think about it yourself, what kind of business is my bank doing?"

At that moment, my body trembled suddenly, and fear shot up like a flame rising from the ground in an instant.

I remember that A Lang once told me that the soul bank is doing a dark transaction of buying and selling souls. No, A Lang is in trouble!

At this moment, what I think of is not myself, but his safety. I know that he will be in constant trouble until he mortgages his soul to the Soul Inn, but in the end, there is no way to redeem it.

"What kind of deal did you make?"

I stared into Wu Chuan's eyes, but the uneasiness in my heart continued to expand.

"So you don't know yet."

He suddenly laughed, but my body held by him was a little stiff, and I was about to take it back, but found that I still couldn't move, and at this moment, I heard him say to me: "Think about it yourself, Why is it that every time you encounter danger, you can turn evil into good luck in the end, why do ghosts and ghosts happen, but you still stay in this world, you really think that everything is as it should be."

I suddenly took a deep breath, obviously on this warm and sunny day, but my body seemed to be covered with a layer of ice and snow, which made me shiver from the cold.

If it was him, every time I was closest to death, he was the one who protected me, but I didn't expect that all of this was based on the deal he made with the Soul Inn.

"So... when did it start?"

I raised my eyes and met his eyes, but Wu Chuan still refused to let me go.

He suddenly smiled, and that smile made me feel inexplicably terrified.

"You mean, he signed a contract and can never marry you?"

Hearing the word "get married", I felt a little strange, but soon understood that it meant getting married.

That's right, the Soul Bank has been in business for an unknown amount of time, and the boss's words naturally follow some ancient vocabulary.

However, in the next second, I was shocked suddenly, and my heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

What Wu Chuan said just now was that when the contract was signed, that is to say, A Lang had already made a deal with the Soul Inn before signing the contract?
The hairs all over my body stood on end, and this weird feeling made me numb all over.

"What's going on, tell me clearly!"

I couldn't hold it anymore, but my heart became more and more restless.

"Do you remember the old house No. 17 on Juxing Street?"

He asked me in a low voice, and I immediately nodded heavily, like a chicken pecking at rice, fearing that I might miss something.

"Haven't you ever wondered where he obtained those magic weapons, and why you were able to escape smoothly? Do you really think that the evil spirit gathered by those undead is really so easy to deal with?"

At this moment, I just felt dizzy in my head, as if I was knocked by something violently, there was a buzzing sound, and then, it exploded with a bang, and the fear in my heart also changed from this second. Get out of hand.

Wu Chuan's body is very warm, which is completely different from A Lang's, but I can't feel any warmth, like being hugged by a mass of ice, shivering from the cold.

However, we are now standing in the middle of the church, and I have my wedding ceremony under the envious eyes of everyone.

What should I do, how should I get out?

"Why don't you ask? Didn't you always want to know why he was able to replace Song Lang and become the president of the Song Group, with an identity that everyone envied?"

At this moment, the mystery that has troubled me for a long time was finally revealed. It turned out that the reason why Ah Lang obtained the status of Song Lang, the president of the Song Group, was also because of the Soul Bank.

I suddenly remembered that the last time I saw Song Lang, he had revealed something to me, and I thought it was very weird at the time, but I didn't expect that all of this was actually related to the Soul Inn.

"No wonder you keep reminding Alang repeatedly to keep his promise and keep a distance from me. No wonder you keep emphasizing that I will come to you and come back to you sooner or later. All this is because Alang has already Sign a contract with you..."

My whole body seems to have suddenly walked into a barren land, and I can't find anything around me, but I keep walking forward, trying to explore.

"Yes, you are very smart. I think you are very suitable to help me in Qianzhuang."

He stared into my eyes, and those eyes seemed to have some kind of magic power, which attracted me deeply.

But I tried to control myself with willpower and said firmly to him: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested!"


He sneered, and then said to me in that blindly confident tone, "You'll be interested."

I don't know why, that face of Ah Lang appeared in front of my eyes again. At that moment, it seemed that there was a voice saying to me, leave here, leave here...

However, I struggled hard, only to find that there was no way for me to break free from his control. I was like a bird in a cage, tightly locked in a cage by him.

"I'm sorry...Wu Chuan, I can't marry you, my groom is not you, not..."

I refused again, as if I was constantly hinting to myself, but I was afraid, I was afraid that if this continued, the last line of defense in my heart would be broken through, and then I would no longer be able to control myself.

"Really?" The smile on Wu Chuan's face got deeper and deeper, and then I heard him say, "Take a good look yourself, who is your groom today?"

(End of this chapter)

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