a zombie haunts me

Chapter 222 Wedding

Chapter 222 Wedding
Hearing Wu Chuan's words, a huge hole opened in my heart, as if my heart had been gouged out.

I looked up and saw the banner above the church just in time, and my whole body was like a thunderbolt.

I found that the banner clearly read: "Wish Mr. Wu Chuan and Ms. Liu Yiyi a happy marriage for a hundred years."

How did he become Wu Chuan? It should be Ah Lang!
Could it be that once the contract takes effect, everything will change accordingly, and there is no need to modify it artificially?
A chill spread from the soles of my feet, and with the continuous circulation of blood, it spread to my limbs and bones in an instant.

I was so scared, so afraid that I would fall into the trap of that contract and never get out.

But at this moment, I noticed that Wu Chuan's complexion suddenly darkened, and he said to me: "You are my bride today, don't think about others."

He chuckled, and then, his face quickly approached me, and he was about to kiss my lips.

I tried hard to resist, but no matter how hard I struggled, my body just wouldn't listen.

Just when I thought I couldn't escape, a voice suddenly appeared in my ear: "Little Pepper, I'm here to save you."

Suddenly, countless smoke bombs were projected from behind me, and the billowing smoke immediately emitted from the church.

Everyone was coughing violently, and I found that my originally stiff body seemed to gradually gain some consciousness.

Suddenly, someone pulled me violently from behind me, and I broke free from Wu Chuan's arms immediately.

Strange to say, the moment I broke free from his embrace, I found that my stiff body had regained its freedom. Without even thinking about it, I just ran away.

"Bai Chenxu, why did you come to save me, Ah Lang?"

But Bai Chenxu held my hand tightly and said to me: "He has no way to save you, but if I don't come to save you, you will die!"

At that moment, it seemed to return to my childhood...

I still remember that when I was young, Bai Chenxu and I went up the mountain together to steal tea from other people's houses.

At that time, there were not many people who were able to reclaim a piece of land on the mountain and grow tea on a large scale.

Therefore, their strength is also very strong. In order to prevent the tea leaves in the tea garden from being stolen, they have special personnel taking turns to watch the night.

Bai Chenxu and I were too young at that time, we only knew that tea leaves could be sold for a good price, so we went to steal from other people's tea gardens.

As a result, we were discovered before we started that night, and we were so scared that we fled all over the mountains and plains.

Just like now, he held my hand and led me to run like crazy, desperately running...

I don't know how long I ran, but in my impression, I seemed to have run several streets. I was so tired that I said out of breath, "I won't run anymore, I can't run anymore."

I glanced behind me, but Wu Chuan didn't catch up.

I know that he won't chase me, because even if I leave today, the contract is still there, and I will always go back to him.

But my heart was still a little unwilling, I stared at Bai Chenxu's face, and asked him in a low voice: "Why did you come here?"

Seeing that there were no pursuers, he slowly relaxed, and said to me: "Don't talk so much, and follow me to the hospital immediately."

"Hospital...Could it be that Ah Lang was injured?"

No, let's not say that Ah Lang is a zombie. He is not so easily injured. Even if he is injured, it is impossible for him to go to the hospital for treatment.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help trembling all over, my breath was obviously short, but now it suddenly slowed down.

"What are you still pretending to be stupid for? Go to the hospital with me right now and take this child away!"

Bai Chenxu's tone was so firm that my heart fell to the bottom.

"No... I won't go!"

I never dreamed that this time, the person who advised me to take away the child would be Bai Chenxu. I would never do this. This child is mine, and no one can take it away.

"Are you crazy? What ecstasy drug was given to you by that zombie? Do you know that giving birth to this child is the real beginning of your nightmare."

At that moment, Bai Chenxu's words pierced into my heart like a sharp barb.

Fear tore my tight nerves back and forth, and I seemed to have fallen into a huge ice cellar all of a sudden, shivering from the cold.

Why is giving birth to this child the beginning of a nightmare, why is everything so weird?
"What do you want to say, say it clearly!"

I don't believe it, and I really can't persuade myself to believe it completely.

There is always a voice in my mind repeatedly persuading myself: Don't trust him, don't trust him...

"You don't know that this child is a corpse, do you?"

Bai Chenxu stared into my eyes and hit my vitals effortlessly.

Of course I know, I also know that this child will be born safely and healthily after I have taken Zombie Grass.

"So what about the corpse, that's my child too."

I refuted Bai Chenxu, I didn't even know that my voice was so natural.

However, Bai Chenxu suddenly widened his eyes, looked at me with horror, and said to me: "Do you know what it means to give birth to a corpse?"

I was stunned, well, I admit, I really don't know, but I believe that as long as I take good care of him, I will always find a way to prevent him from drinking human blood and from hurting others.

"You are crazy!"

Seeing that I didn't respond for a long time, Bai Chenxu continued: "This child will become the strongest zombie. At that time, even this child's own father will not be able to discipline him. Do you think that if he wants to suck everyone's blood, Can anyone control it?"

"No, my child will not disobey me, I will not turn him into a blood-sucking monster..."

But when I said such things, I seemed very unconfident, and even I began to be afraid in my heart.

The child is still too young. In fact, counting it, I was only half a month pregnant with this child.

"Little Pepper, I always thought that you were a very sensible and kind girl. Unexpectedly, you have completely changed now. Have you been brainwashed by that zombie? Think about it for yourself. He approached you from the very beginning. The purpose, what is it for?"

At that moment, the defense line in my heart completely collapsed. I raised my eyes, and my eyes fell heavily on Bai Chenxu's face, and asked in a low voice: "I never told you these things, how did you know?"

I suddenly thought of A Lang's words again, he said, Bai Chenxu may still be controlled by the dead soul, it seems that all this is true, true...

But I wasn't sure, I just took a step back subconsciously.

"Little Pepper, you don't have to believe me, but you have to believe Master!"

I suddenly thought of something, and my heart seemed to be heavily pressed by something suddenly, and it was even difficult to breathe.

It turned out that the nineteenth prince had already guessed it, and that's right, there was a vision in the sky, how could he fail to divination?
That's why he sent Bai Chenxu over, but unfortunately, the magic weapon was taken away by Ah Lang.

Suddenly, I felt that the child in my stomach was changing little by little, and there was a sharp pain in my stomach. I slowly squatted down, clutching my stomach, so that cold sweat broke out.


A voice suddenly came from my ear, which made me paralyzed on the road. My child... the child who was still in the womb, could talk!

"Mom, bride!"

I turned my head and found that it was a child standing by the side of the road, and his mother was passing by holding his hand.

I let out a long sigh of relief, it turned out that it wasn't my child.

Only then did I suddenly realize that running all the way, I don't know how many people's eyes I have attracted, mainly because my wedding dress is too eye-catching.

I whispered to Bai Chenxu, "Change your clothes first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Bai Chenxu hesitated, pondered for a moment, but still nodded hesitantly, helped me up, and went straight to a clothing store.

After changing the wedding dress, my heart also fell to the ground.

Walking out of the fitting room, I gently put the wedding dress on my wrist, took a deep breath, and said to Bai Chenxu: "What else do you know, I want you to tell me everything!"

Bai Chenxu thought for a while and said to me: "This is not a place to talk, come with me."

So, I followed Bai Chenxu to a very quiet coffee shop.

After ordering something casually, the two of us sat facing each other.

At first, I felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, until Bai Chenxu's voice came: "Little Pepper, do you still remember the email I sent you last time?"

I nodded, of course I remember, until now, the images of Yue Nishang lying in the coffin have always been clearly imprinted in my mind, as if carved with a knife.

I will never forget myself at that time, the feeling when my heart hurts. Although I try my best not to think about it now, as long as I think about it, my emotions will still fluctuate obviously. I know that this is inevitable.

"At that time, when I took these photos, I vaguely realized that behind this scene there must be a pair of hands silently pushing everything."

Bai Chenxu took a deep breath, and then said: "Although I haven't found out who this person is yet, I already have some clues and some evidence."

Hearing Bai Chenxu's words, my heart couldn't help but tremble suddenly, and then I asked, "What have you mastered?"

"Zombie Song Lang disappears almost every once in a while, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes even for a day or two."

I seem to have noticed this before, but every time Alang told me that he was busy with company affairs and ran out secretly at night several times. At that time, I also had the idea of ​​following him. But later, there was no chance, so he took it for granted that he had returned to his castle, and didn't think much about it.

Now, when I suddenly heard Bai Chenxu say this, the doubts in my heart spread slowly, like a stone falling into the middle of a lake, causing waves to ripple...

(End of this chapter)

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