a zombie haunts me

Chapter 241 The Soul Appears

Chapter 241 The Soul Appears
The shadow that suddenly appeared in the corner surprised Bai Chenxu and me.

The shadow looked like a dog with its arms around its back, and its figure was somewhat similar to the nineteenth male.

The beating heart suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and then, it beat violently as if stimulated.

Cold sweat broke out without warning, soaking my back in an instant.

I froze for a second, and quickly took a step back.

But Bai Chenxu walked towards that black shadow as if he had met his relatives...

I grabbed Bai Chenxu's arm and said in a low voice, "Wait, let's figure it out before we talk about it. Don't fall into someone's trap."

"He is the master... is my master..."

Bai Chenxu suddenly pulled my hand away, his voice choked up: "Master's body is different from that of ordinary people, his right shoulder is about an inch lower than his left shoulder, so the shoulder pad on the right shoulder of his clothes is higher than the one on the left. One point, except for me who lives with Master every day, I think few people know."

Hearing what Bai Chenxu said, I finally cleared up my doubts slowly, but why did the nineteenth man's soul stand quietly in a dark corner without saying a word?

Moreover, that black shadow looked very faint, as if it might disappear at any time.

I was hesitating, but I didn't expect that the nineteenth prince would speak up.

"My soul is locked in the Tiancui Cave of Baicui Mountain. I have exhausted all my strength to show up. You guys quickly bring your equipment to save me, otherwise, I will soon be lost."

The nineteenth man's voice was very soft, as if the words had reached the edge of his throat and suddenly turned around, but Bai Chenxu and I could hear them very clearly.

"Who locked your soul, and who killed you, Nineteen Lords, please tell us quickly!"

I immediately asked, however, the shallow black shadow in the corner slowly disappeared before our eyes.

Bai Chenxu walked over in two or three steps, but the dark corner was empty...

"Coward, is that person just now really the nineteenth prince?"

I'm still a little worried, I'm afraid that the so-called Tiancui Cave he said is just a cover!
However, Bai Chenxu firmly believed in it. He nodded heavily and said to me: "Master knows that I am timid. When I was young, I often joked with me, saying that after I die, I will be the first to come to scare me. However, I I know, he definitely won't do that, so I believe what he said, just now, he must have exhausted all his strength to show up and come to our rescue."

"However, even if the nineteenth prince's spells are not exquisite enough, they are not inferior to ordinary Taoist priests. How can ordinary people imprison his soul?"

I really can't figure it out, or maybe the opponent's mana is too powerful.

"I don't know either. It seems that I have to go to Baicui Mountain in person, otherwise, I won't feel at ease in this life."

Bai Chenxu wiped away the tears on his face, his tone was very firm.

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Without any hesitation, I decided to follow Bai Chenxu up the mountain for this trip. Although I didn't know what I would meet, the Nineteen Lords had kindness to me, and I had to repay this favor.

Moreover, although I am pregnant with a child, I always feel that this child seems to be able to protect me every time it is critical.

Bai Chenxu didn't agree at first, until we left the morgue, I said to him: "Coward, if this is a trap, I will never let you take the risk alone."

He stopped suddenly and turned his head to look at me. At that moment, I saw his red eyes, but apart from sadness, there seemed to be a trace of comfort hidden in those eyes.

"Little Pepper, thank you..."

Bai Chenxu suddenly lowered his voice and said to me, I was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "It's not like you at all to be so polite."

But at this moment, a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder, like a ghost's claw, so heavy that it made my breathing stagnate...

I was so frightened that I almost screamed, as if someone had cast a fixed spell on my body, and I couldn't move at once.

"Why did you stay so long?"

A strange voice came from behind me, and immediately, the force on my shoulder disappeared.

Bai Chenxu smiled awkwardly, and then apologized repeatedly: "I'm really sorry, we got lost just now, so we stayed a little longer, and I caused you trouble."

I turned my head and saw that it was the old man guarding the gate, so I was relieved.

It's just, why does this old man walk without making a sound? It really scared me to death just now.

After leaving the funeral home, we went straight to the teahouse. Grandma waited for us for a long time, almost falling asleep.

We dare not tell grandma about the nineteenth son, because we are afraid that she will be worried, and second, we don't want her to go to Baicui Mountain with us.

However, when she heard that I would go out with Bai Chenxu early tomorrow morning, grandma seemed very disturbed. She obviously guessed something, and asked me in a low voice, "Did something happen to your nineteenth son?"

Bai Chenxu and I shook our heads and waved our hands almost at the same time, but this gesture betrayed us unconsciously.

"I watched you two children grow up. Since you were young, you two have never lied. After so many years, you still haven't developed your ability to lie. Tell me, what's going on? "

Seeing that we couldn't hide it anymore, Bai Chenxu and I looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and told grandma everything.

At first, grandma's eyes were full of shock, but in the end, it slowly turned into sadness, but she still refused to let the two of us take risks.

"Have you two ever thought about what will happen once that person knows that you are going to save Jiu Gong's soul?"

Faced with grandma's questioning, Bai Chenxu just shook his head and said, "No, Master almost exhausted his last effort to escape and report the letter. If that person knew that he would report the letter, how could he give him a chance? "

What Bai Chenxu said was not unreasonable, but grandma was always doing it for our own good. I couldn't bear to hide it from grandma and sneaked to Baicui Mountain.

Just when we were struggling, grandma shook her head lightly and said to us: "Forget it, you can go if you want, you Shijiu Gong is a poor person, if you can only end up in a ghost after death, it will make me feel sad." Are you really sorry to go?"

After a pause, grandma then said to us: "You two must be careful, remember, and come back safely."

Bai Chenxu and I nodded, temporarily settled our grandma in a nursing home with decent conditions, then Bai Chenxu and I packed up our luggage and headed straight to Baicui Mountain with enough equipment.

Baicui Mountain is not a place that everyone can go to. The bottom of the mountain is okay, but after halfway up the mountain, the mountain is full of miasma. The miasma can make people difficult to breathe and feel weak. Many people died because of the miasma in the mountain. Not only that, since ancient times, as long as he is an experienced hunter, he will never go hunting on Baicui Mountain.

Therefore, there are rumors that a group of monsters live on Baicui Mountain, and those monsters feed on people.

Although Bai Chenxu and I don't believe the rumors, everyone knows the danger of Bai Cui Mountain.

With enough equipment, we took a taxi to the foot of Baicui Mountain. There are very few people coming and going here, but there are still a few shops on the side of the road.

Bai Chenxu and I planned to eat something, and then buy some water and food to go up the mountain. After all, we don't know how many days this trip will take.

As soon as I walked into a store, I saw a child squatting on the ground playing with something.

When we got closer, we realized that the owner had gone somewhere.

So, he said to the child: "Little friend, where are your parents?"

The child raised his head, glanced at us, and ran away in a panic as if frightened.

Bai Chenxu and I looked at each other, not knowing what to do, but not long after, we saw a woman in her thirties coming out of the back room.

After seeing the two of us, he looked at us again and again, and then said to us: "What do you two want to buy?"

It turned out that she was the proprietress, and she looked quite young.

Bai Chenxu and I picked out good things, paid the bill, and were walking to the door when we heard a strange voice.

"Honey, what's going on here? Why is the child crying all the time, saying that two people came into the store just now, one is a human and the other is a ghost?"

I suddenly felt a "thump" in my heart, it turned out to be the owner's voice, presumably when Bai Chenxu and I just walked in, we saw a child, it must be their child.

But why did the child cry and say that he saw a person and a ghost?

Could it be that Bai Chenxu and I have a terrifying appearance?

At this time, the proprietress spoke up: "How can a child's nonsense be taken seriously? The one who just came in is clearly a couple. The woman's belly has been there for several months, and it looks like she is about to give birth."

"That's not necessarily true, my wife. It's not that you don't know where this place is. Baicui Mountain has never been very peaceful. Many people know that there are monsters in the mountain. I think we'd better be careful."

After listening to the shopkeeper's words, Bai Chenxu and I walked forward slowly where we had stopped.

He suddenly turned his head and asked me: "Tell me, what kind of monster lives in this Baicui Mountain?"

"how could I know?"

I waved my hand, but my heart became more and more heavy.

After a while, I heard Bai Chenxu smack his mouth lightly, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that we'd better be careful."

After finishing speaking, he opened the small bag he carried with him, gave me some charms, and said to me: "These spells can deal with some monsters with weak mana. Take it first, even if it is for self-defense."

I nodded and put the talisman away, but the more I walked forward, the more I felt that something was wrong, I grabbed Bai Chenxu's hand and said, "By the way, where should we go up the mountain from? Could it be..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw behind Bai Chenxu...

(End of this chapter)

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