a zombie haunts me

Chapter 242 Bai Cui Mountain

Chapter 242 Bai Cui Mountain

The forest behind Bai Chenxu was bursting with flames, I pointed there, my fingers stiffened, I was so frightened that I didn't know how to express it.

At this time, he also obviously realized that something was wrong, and turned his head in a hurry, just in time to see the red fire flashing past.

But in an instant, everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Coward, did you just see that?"


"There seems to be a fire..."

After I finished speaking, I quietly waited for Bai Chenxu's answer, but he didn't answer me, but just stared at the forest in a daze.

It's not that he doesn't feel nothing, even I can clearly feel his body stiffen slightly.

"You stay here, I'll go up alone."

Bai Chenxu suddenly turned to me and said, at this moment, I can already see that his expression has changed slightly.

A moment later, he had a pale face, with one hand supporting his waist, and the other tightly pressing the cloth bag full of magical artifacts.

"You know it's dangerous to go up the mountain, right?"

My words made Bai Chenxu tremble all over, and then turned to look at me.

There seemed to be something wrong with the expression on his face, he took a deep breath, and then said to me: "If I guessed correctly, the fire just now should be the illusion of the evil thing guarding the mountains and forests."

At this moment, Bai Chenxu slowly let go of the hand that was tightly holding down the cloth bag. Suddenly, I saw something trembling violently in his cloth bag.


I asked inexplicably, unexpectedly, Bai Chenxu sighed, then frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "It's the compass."

I remember that every time something weird happened, the compass would spin wildly, which was caused by the different magnetic fields. To be more precise, the person hiding in this mountain might be either a ghost or a demon.

It was as if something had suddenly poked my heart, and I was in a panic of pain.

I don't know what I should do, but some strange thoughts suddenly appeared in my mind.

"Have you ever thought that we might be able to do it another way?"

Hearing what I said, Bai Chenxu lowered his eyes slightly and said to me, "What method did you think of?"

"Fighting poison with poison!"

I smiled at Bai Chenxu, then pointed to the cloth bag on his body.

After thinking about it, I said to him, "You must have something to drive away evil things, right?"

He nodded, and immediately understood what I meant in the next second.

After a pause, he said, "I'll give it a try."

Soon, Bai Chenxu and I found a remote place, he took out a bag of powder from his bag, I found some dry firewood from around, and started a fire.

Bai Chenxu sprinkled the powder on the fire, but in an instant, a puff of smoke rose all around.

The pungent smell dispersed in an instant, and Bai Chenxu and I picked up the fans and fanned the thick smoke in with all our might.

Even though I covered my mouth and nose with my sleeve, the pungent smell still made me cry.

"Does this thing really work?"

At this moment, I could barely open my eyes due to the choking smoke that filled my surroundings.

"I don't know, I just saw that my master used it, and it seems to be effective in dealing with ghosts who are not deep in knowledge."

I couldn't help frowning, thinking to myself, could it be that this ghost's morality is too high, so a small packet of medicine powder has no effect on him?
Just as we were thinking, there was a strange sound from the forest, and then, the wind was strong, and the thick smoke began to blow towards us quickly, out of our control.

"Come on!"

Bai Chenxu pulled me and ran away, I didn't have the slightest chance to catch my breath.

But after a while, a huge dragon ran out of the billowing smoke.

But the dragon's eyes were tightly closed, as if it was so smoked that it couldn't open its eyes.

"What should I do, there seems to be no way out."

My heart trembled, and the blood in my whole body seemed to boil in an instant.

"There's no other way, let's flee to the mountains, and when its eyes recover, we probably won't have a chance."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Chenxu immediately pulled me and ran away. I don't know if this is the right way, but judging by the situation, we probably have no other chances.

After a pause, I turned my heart and said to Bai Chenxu: "Do you know the way?"

Bai Chenxu shook his head, and after a while, he continued to say to me: "It seems that there is only one way up the mountain."

I hesitated for a moment. Is this really the only way? Why do I feel that this way seems weird.

As I was walking forward, a strange wind blew in my face, and in an instant, I felt myself soaring into the air.

Looking down, a mass of black things flew to my feet and lifted me up. At this moment, Bai Chenxu was standing there staring at me in a daze...

"What are you doing in a daze, save me!"

I yelled, but Bai Chenxu seemed a little at a loss.

After the "huh", I had already flown very high. At this moment, I realized that I was actually sitting on the body of that giant dragon...

There was cold wind whizzing past my ears, and my whole body seemed to be surrounded by a burst of cold air, and my heart seemed to be pinched hard, and I was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

When I reacted, I only felt a buzzing in my head, and then it exploded with a bang.

I tightly grabbed the back of the giant dragon, however, its body was too slippery, I couldn't grasp it at all, suddenly, its body trembled suddenly, and then I shook it , fell off its back.

At that moment, the feeling of weightlessness made my scalp tingle, and I thought, I might not be saved...

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from my ear: "Mom, don't be afraid!"

I was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the voice I spoke just now came from my stomach.

My child is talking again...

My body suddenly became very light, but in the blink of an eye, I finally sat back on the ground safely.

"Little Pepper..."

Bai Chenxu's voice came from far away, and I quickly turned my head, only to realize that he was standing on a hillside opposite.


The dragon was howling, and at that moment, I suddenly realized that the head of the dragon seemed to be less than one meter away from me.

Suddenly, the head of the giant dragon suddenly hit me.

"Help... help..."

I yelled and raised my hand to cover my eyes, thinking that I could avoid it, but I didn't expect that the dragon didn't attack me.

"Little Pepper, run quickly..."

Bai Chenxu's voice came again, separated by a hillside, it was impossible for me to run over now, when I looked up, a light blue halo slowly appeared on my body, that halo helped me block the attack of the giant dragon .

It seems to be an enchantment, my God, there is an enchantment on my body?
My eyes subconsciously saw the child in my belly. It seemed that if it wasn't for this child, I would never have escaped.

I was running, and suddenly felt that something was not right.

Suddenly looking up, I saw Bai Chenxu standing there not far ahead, holding a spell in his hand.

He recited the spell silently, and the spell flew towards the dragon quickly.

My beating heart suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and then it started beating violently, and the blood all over my body boiled instantly.

"Little pepper, be careful!"

Following Bai Chenxu's reminder, I hurriedly turned around and found that the giant dragon was slowly falling behind me like that.

I was so frightened that I fell to the ground and rubbed my arm that hurt from the fall. I turned around again, but the dragon that just fell disappeared.

"Are you OK?"

Bai Chenxu didn't know when he had come to my side and gently helped me up.

I was stunned for a moment, and I asked puzzledly, "What was that just now?"

"It was just a dragon transformed from a ghost. I didn't expect that the yin energy here is so heavy."

As Bai Chenxu said, he took out a compass from his pocket.

When I saw the compass in his hand, I was stunned. The pointer of the compass was spinning crazily. Not only that, the compass was obviously flat, but the pointer drooped slightly, as if it was heavily pressed by something , shaking non-stop.

"Then what should we do now?"

I stared into Bai Chenxu's eyes, thinking to myself, Bai Chenxu wouldn't let me run away right away?
However, to my surprise, Bai Chenxu turned around quickly, pointed to a tree not far away, and said to me, "I just discovered that the entrance to Tiancui Cave is at that place."

I turned my head to look at the big tree, a tree that was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary. I don't know why Bai Chenxu told me with such certainty that that tree was the entrance of Tiancui Cave.

"Don't you believe me?"

He frowned slightly, and moved the direction of the compass. The next second, I found that the trembling compass had stopped completely.

"How is this going?"

I pushed Bai Chenxu's arm puzzledly, but he just raised his eyebrows.

After a while, I found that he put away the compass in his hand and said to me calmly: "The compass is broken."

My mind went blank for a moment, and then I suddenly thought of something, took a deep breath, and said, "Then let's hurry up and save Shijiu Gong."

"Don't rush."

As Bai Chenxu said, he took out a small box from the cloth bag on his waist, handed it to me, and said to me, "Open it first and have a look."

I opened the little box and took a look, only to find that what was in the box turned out to be a small red string.

"What's the use of this red rope?"

I stared at him blankly, vaguely feeling that I had seen this red rope somewhere before.

By the way, I seem to remember it. When I went to the foggy forest before, Bai Chenxu tied a red rope to Yue Nishang's wrist. If it wasn't for the red rope, it would be impossible for me to get rid of Yue Nishang's tight grip. The hand that clasped my wrist.

"In case something pulls you or entangles you, you can use this red rope to tie him up."

Bai Chenxu paused, took a deep breath, and then said, "However, this red rope can only be used once."

(End of this chapter)

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