Chapter 104

Seeing Ji Hengxuan's serious appearance, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then felt funny, even though Ji Hengxuan looked about as tall as herself.

But when that immature face pretends to be an adult, it immediately makes people feel very disobedient, and when she teaches herself with a straight face, it makes Tao Yaoyao even more disobedient, and she can't help it immediately. Stop smiling.

"Okay, I'll turn around and leave when I see Young Master Ji in the future." This child is being so lenient right now, if he finds his own wife in the future, he doesn't know how to control her.

Suddenly she felt that she wanted to know a little bit about the role-playing characters here, but although she was a little curious, she also knew that she didn't care too much about it.

After Tao Yaoyao responded to Ji Hengxuan, Ji Hengxuan's complexion immediately improved. You must know that if this Tao Yaoyao, Ji Shao came too close, he would be very unhappy.

Not only because he was worried about Tao Yaoyao's safety, but also because he didn't like that Ji Shao was approaching Tao Yaoyao with a face similar to his own.

Ji Hengxuan followed Dongmenxi in and out in the next few days, but at this moment Ji Shao couldn't help frowning, "Mother De, have you lost a lot of people recently?"

Ji Shao doesn't know why?Right now, I feel uneasy in my heart. I always feel that someone is disappearing?But right now, I can't find any clues, "This young master and old slave don't know either,"

Sister De said, Seeing Sister De's appearance, Young Master Ji couldn't help frowning, "Go pass the letter to Master Feige, and say that something is wrong with the Zhao family's situation."

"It's the young master," Mother De nodded immediately upon hearing this, and immediately walked towards the gate, but suddenly she heard Young Master Ji calling out to herself again.

"Wait a minute, Mother De, you haven't seen your family for quite a while," Mother De trembled when she heard this, and shook her head with a smile.

"It's okay, as long as they are good old slaves, they will be happy," he said and left directly. When he saw the fleeing man running away, Young Master Ji couldn't help but smile.

After De Mama left, she ran into this corner and started crying, "Miss, I'm sorry, miss and this old slave don't want to, but miss... this old slave can't help..."

There was a pigeon in that bosom, and when she was looking at the pigeon, the Dema Mama hesitated a little. Suddenly, De Mama turned her head and saw Zhao Wou-Ki standing behind her. When she saw Zhao Wou-Ki, she was scared one jump.

"Young Master..." The note was hidden, and the pigeon was also caught in his hand, "Young Master, I will return the old slave..." But before he left, he was driven by a knife. When he saw all this, Sister Nade shivered.

"Eldest young master... what are you doing? Eldest young master..." When he spoke, he trembled, and when he heard this, Zhao Wuji smiled, his expression was very cold.

"Mother De, you should go with me to see the old man." Hearing this, Nanny De couldn't believe it, and she had a bad premonition in her heart. She knew that this was definitely something that had been exposed.

"I..." I was tapped on the acupoints soon, and I was carried to see the old man. After De Mama walked in, she saw the old man sitting not far away. Right now, Ji Hengxuan, Mr. Zhao and others all there.

"Mother De..." Ji Hengxuan looked at Nanny De and said indifferently, Ji Hengxuan had already changed into his own clothes, that is, men's clothing, and he was more handsome and calm at a young age.

Mother De was startled by Ji Hengxuan's voice. When she saw Ji Hengxuan's voice, her complexion darkened to death gray, but she also carried that surprise, fear and surprise. At that moment, Mother De's face was like Just like the fuel used to dye the cloth, it is colorful, "Your Highness, you are not dead yet,"

"I didn't die, you are very disappointed, don't you and that woman want me to die?" Ji Hengxuan looked at Nanny De and said, his expression didn't change at all, but it made people feel cold to the bone.

Mother De raised her head to look at Ji Hengxuan, at that moment she suddenly said, "This old slave knows, this old slave will punish you," now that she has betrayed her master, and even killed her little master next time, she is already a sinner.

"Mother De, you...why did you betray?" the old man looked at Mother De and said, Mother De lowered her head when she heard this, and looked at the ground.

"If I could, I wouldn't betray even if I died, but... I can't watch my child die," Sister De's words made everyone slightly stunned.

It turned out that Mother De gave birth to a child in her early years, but it was a pity that because of her unclean identity, the queen mother knew about it and wanted to kill her, because the palace was pregnant, which was a big taboo.

Naturally, Mother De was reluctant, so she knelt on the ground and begged the queen. The queen still had feelings for Mother De, and finally the queen came forward to cover up the matter, but she didn't expect it.

"The woman found out about my having a child, and she was still working as a fake eunuch in the harem. She threatened me that if I didn't help, the child's life would be killed. I had no choice but to do this. , but this servant really has no intention of harming His Highness, "

Hearing this, everyone looked at Nanny De with complicated thoughts. If Tao Yaoyao was here now, she would probably know the ins and outs, because this child will be a great help to Ji Hengxuan in the future, and as a traveler, He Youge, of course, knew all about it, so he acted first.

"The queen mother?" Ji Hengxuan has never known about his mother's affairs. Hearing this, everyone immediately looked at Nanny De, and became nervous. Although everyone said they regretted it, but now they still don't Willing to believe.

"It's the old slave who is sorry for Miss, miss...Miss was strangled to death in that palace, it was the old slave who was incompetent," she had no choice but to watch him being strangled to death.

Then he pretended to commit suicide, and when His Majesty saw it, he directly said that the empress had died of a serious illness. Ji Hengxuan's eyes immediately turned cold when he heard this.

"You..." Everyone was full of that anger. After suppressing his anger, Ji Hengxuan looked at Mother De, "Tell me, what does that woman want to do? Who is that Young Master Ji?"

When Ji Hengxuan arrived, his mother was already dead. Right now, he wished to give this mother a knife, but he couldn't change anything, so he knew very clearly what he was going to do? !

Ji Hengxuan knew what he was going to do at this moment, how to take back the Zhao family, regain his own initiative, how to start revenge, if even the Zhao family can't completely regain the initiative, then don't mention any revenge , Even saving one's life is difficult.

After hearing this, Mother De said, "I don't know about them either. I seldom let the old slave know about them, but the young and old slaves still knew a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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