Chapter 105

Sitting in this room, Ji Hengxuan held the teacup tightly in his hand, thinking about what Nanny De said, "I know Young Master Ji, he looks like a child, but he is already an adult people,"

"He has a very weird kung fu, he can make himself look like a child, and he can adjust his height arbitrarily." For all this, Ji Hengxuan was soon moved by a kung fu.

Bone shrinking skill, this bone shrinking skill can change people's body shape now, but at this moment, Ji Shao can shrink the height of an adult to the size of a child, and at this moment in this world, it is only One person can.

"Bone monkey..." Right now, this bone monkey is the only one in the world who can shrink his own body to the size of a child. It is said that the other party's bone shrinking skill has already been superb, and he can make himself as flexible as a monkey. Bigger and smaller.

But thinking of this now, Ji Hengxuan's expression turned bad. Tao Yaoyao just walked in and saw Ji Hengxuan's bloody hand. When she saw the bloody hand, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"You child, what's the matter..." Tao Yaoyao went directly to grab Ji Hengxuan's hand. After seeing the blood on the hand, Tao Yaoyao said, "You child, isn't this your hand?"

Ji Hengxuan came back to his senses at this time, and when he saw his hand, he froze for a moment, the blood on his hand had already dripped the blood on the table, when he saw this hand, Ji Hengxuan went to Not much reaction.

Instead, it was Tao Yaoyao who began to bandage his wound with a distressed face, looking at Tao Yaoyao, holding his hand, whether it was blowing for himself, Ji Hengxuan's cold face softened instantly .

That gentle gaze looked at Tao Yaoyao, making everyone forget his age, and just looked at Tao Yaoyao closely, for some reason?That familiar feeling has come.

Who is it?It's a pity that I can't remember it, why can't I remember it?How did I forget something? "Xiao Yao..."

"Xiaoyao?" Tao Yaoyao frowned and looked at Ji Hengxuan, "Call me sister, don't be too big or small." Why does this child call herself Xiaoyao instead of sister?

"Have we met Xiaoyao before?" Ji Hengxuan actually wanted to ask Tao Yaoyao if you also dreamed about me, but in the end he couldn't say it.


When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao blinked her eyes, "No, it's the first time we met..." Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched when she thought of the first time she met Ji Hengxuan.

She didn't forget that the first time she saw Ji Hengxuan was terrible, Ji Hengxuan obviously remembered it, when he saw Tao Yaoyao for the first time, Ji Hengxuan had that warm look on his face.

He thought of Tao Yaoyao stretching out her hand to him with blood on her face. At that time, he was really frightened by Tao Yaoyao. He was already frightened, but suddenly he threw a female ghost, and everyone would be frightened. After seeing Tao Yaoyao at this moment, he felt that she was a fairy.

"Okay, don't hurt your hand in the future, or if your hand is broken, I'll see what you do..." Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan and said, Ji Hengxuan's mouth slightly curled up when he heard this.

"Okay, I won't hurt myself again in the future," Tao Yaoyao nodded immediately when she saw Ji Hengxuan's quick confession and introspection.

Then he went out with food, Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, got up and walked out, these days he was calculating that Ji Shao, many situations now need to be handled carefully.

In the old lady's room, the old man looked at Ji Hengxuan, "What are you going to do? When will you do it? Now that you know that Ji Shao's priest and the people in the dark are almost cleaned up, you can do it now."

Ji Shao is bound to die, so he acted according to Ji Hengxuan's plan, and Ji Hengxuan planned to do just that if he said that, Ji Hengxuan said after hearing this.

"Just next month, next month is my birthday, I will do it next month, and then get rid of this person." Right now, Ji Shao must die, but when he kills Ji Shao, he needs to understand clearly , If there is something on this man that can be contacted with He Youge.

Just like what Tao Yaoyao said to herself, if this woman puts a Gu on that Ji Shao, and after Ji Shao dies, the Gu insect will also die, then it will be troublesome right now.

"I need to confirm one thing. If this matter is confirmed, Ji Hengxuan's life and death can be decided," Ji Hengxuan said. He is only 11 years old now, and he is very organized about this plan. The old man can bear it. Can't help being surprised.

When she was happy, she couldn't help feeling sorry for Ji Hengxuan, and the old lady felt even more distressed, and hugged Ji Hengxuan directly, "My poor child, after you rest assured, I won't let you suffer anymore,"

That woman He Youge is so vicious to this child right now, if Ji Hengxuan wasn't smart, she would be a pile of bones right now.

In fact, Ji Hengxuan in the previous life, without Tao Yaoyao's help, indeed became that skeleton after being betrayed, Ji Hengxuan didn't care about other people's thoughts.

At the most dangerous time, I have come over, and now I am no longer the Ji Hengxuan who can be slaughtered by others, nor is it who I am, but the Ji Hengxuan who can cry.

Right now, I have the ability to protect myself, so I am no longer afraid of anyone's harm to me. After discussing the matter with the old man and the others, Ji Hengxuan planned to make a move.

Although many people have been cleaned up, this bone monkey still has some skills, so Ji Hengxuan and the old man need to plan very carefully.

You must know that if this bone monkey runs away, their Zhao family will be in great danger, and the most dangerous person is this Ji Hengxuan, and the plan at this moment is only a few months, and the people who attack the Zhao family within Dema to surround.

Tao Yaoyao found that Ji Hengxuan was very busy these days, extremely busy, Tao Yaoyao frowned for all this, because Zhao Wuji was too busy these days, he didn't come to Tao Yaoyao to cultivate his relationship.

Well, although Tao Yaoyao knew very clearly that she had nothing to do with Zhao Wou-ki personally, she was uneasy if Zhao Wou-ki didn't come now, not because of this person, but because, what could be the reason why Zhao Wou-ki was so busy?Besides Ji Hengxuan's matter, what else is there!
But even if Tao Yaoyao knew this, she couldn't help, because Tao Yaoyao knew it too clearly, and she had no way to intervene in the affairs of the Zhao family and Ji Hengxuan right now. Youge's, but Ji Hengxuan's can't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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