Chapter 118

When Tao Yaoyao woke up, she saw Xi Tongjun sitting in front of her, Tao Yaoyao looked at Xi Tongjun, her eyes widened, Xi Tongjun was startled, "What are you doing? I am your lifesaver, "

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao not only didn't show kindness, but became even more angry, "Mr. System..." The bastard, Mr. System, clearly said that he would pick her up, not to mention that the coincidences in the world are all being caught Deliberately arranged.

Let’s just say that Xitong Jun in front of me has almost the same tone as the name of Mr. System. Mr. System said that when he comes to save him, Xitong Jun will appear. It’s no surprise.

"Ahem... Stinky girl, how did I offend you? I just feel sorry for what Tong Jun has to do with you?" This stinky girl pinched herself last time, but now she said goodbye and wanted to eat herself because of her name. It's a pity that Tong Jun should not be angry.

"Mr. System, you really don't remember me?" Tao Yaoyao frowned. If she was really Mr. System, she shouldn't have played with her and didn't know her. "Could it be that you have sealed your memory to experience life like the game said? Wow Rely on...feelings, you are on vacation just to play this, wake me up quickly, "

"..." Xi Tongjun felt that there was nothing to say to this girl. Is this girl out of her mind? If she wasn't out of her mind, would it really be okay to argue with her for so long?

"I'm not the system master you're looking at, I'm Xi Tongjun, the second young master of Xi's family, do you hear me clearly?" Look at this pity Tong Jun.

"Oh, I hear you clearly, you're really not the system master?" Tao Yaoyao underestimated in a low voice, and when she heard this, Xi Tongjun's face immediately turned dark, and when she looked at Tao Yaoyao, she said something Not happy.

Tao Yaoyao turned her head and pretended not to see it. Xi Tongjing pushed the door and came in, her face was pale and her footsteps were a little vain. She looked like a seriously ill person. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback. This sick and beautiful man is really eye-catching up.

In this world, many things are generated by the system, so everyone will be handsome and beautiful. This time Ji Hengxuan is ruled by demons, Zao Wou-ki is cold-hearted, Xi Tongjing is weak, and so is Xi Tongjun. Which kind of sunny and cheerful.

"Ahem... the girl is awake, what's wrong with the girl?" Xi Tongjing whispered softly, with a gentle tone, and that considerate greeting, Tao Yaoyao immediately became a little restrained when she heard it. It was as if he was afraid that if he was too noisy, he would make that sickly beautiful boy seriously ill.

"I'm much better," she is still on task, even if she is seriously injured, she will still be alive and kicking, but it still hurts a bit, clutching her chest, she didn't feel it when she looked at Xi Tongjun just now, but now she is pity Tong Jun was not the queen of the system, so he immediately felt pain.

"Girl, it's better not to be brave, lie down first and I'll show you," Xi Tongjing said, Tao Yaoyao nodded and lay down, letting Xi Tongjing feel her pulse, the corner of Xi Tongjun's mouth twitched He smoked, and looked contemptuous.

My elder brother has an outstanding appearance. Even He Youge was fascinated when he saw him at the beginning. He looked exactly the same as He Yaoyao in front of him. It's a pity...that woman...everyone thought she was stupid, but in the end Those who cherish their families know that that woman is not stupid.

It is basically the existence of cannibalism without spitting out the bones, which directly caused the destruction of Xi's family. Right now, the family can't live in peace, so they can only hide in XZ. In addition, the big pearl was taken by He Youge, and his elder brother's body It went from bad to worse.

"Girl, your injury is very serious and you need to take care of it. Xiaotong, go and get some medicine," Xi Tongjing looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao's face immediately collapsed when she heard this, with an unhappy expression on her face .

"May I not need to take medicine, my health is very good," because the good and the bad are almost the same, and I should leave in three years, so there is really not much difference between taking this medicine or not taking it.

It's a pity that Tong Jing frowned, "It's better for children to take medicine. If you procrastinate now, you will become like me in the future. You can't do without medicine every day. At that time, it will be a long-term pain. Why don't you choose it?" Does it hurt?"

This is to tell Tao Yaoyao that if Tao Yaoyao doesn't take the medicine, she will suffer from the illness for a long time, but if Tao Yaoyao takes the medicine too much, even if it is difficult to drink, it will only take a few days. Which one is good and which one is bad is pretty obvious.

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at the Xitong scenic spot and nodded. In fact, she didn't say that she really didn't need it, but if you suppressed others to save you, you couldn't be disobedient, "By the way, then Xitong Jun ..."

"Brother Ling? Could it be that Brother Ling has offended the girl in some way?" He knew very well whether his younger brother had been in contact with this He Yaoyao, but why did Tao Yaoyao react so strangely?
"Ahem... that... I think he looks familiar, by the way... Does he say strange things all the time, such as the words of "Ya Lidie... Wow," Tao Yaoyao said.

"..." Xi Tongjing looked at his younger brother, and Xi Tong Jun also looked puzzled, "What is this elegant butterfly?" The two said in unison, the words in this girl's mouth are really weird?
"Haha... Yayongdie is Yayongdie, a kind of butterfly," Tao Yaoyao said. Hearing this, Xi Tongjun and Xi Tongjing looked at each other. The two knew their target very well, this Taoyao Yao is lying.

Because He Youge also said strange things, but at that time, he just thought it was novelty, now that Tao Yaoyao was here, he felt that he was used to it, and he didn't get to the bottom of it, Tao Yaoyao took the medicine brought by the maid.

Swallowing and looking at the two brothers, he smiled and said, " you have candied fruit? White sugar is also fine... at least licorice, right?"

How could he take such a bitter medicine when he took medicine before, but now he was looking for something sweet to relieve himself from the sea of ​​bitterness, Xi Tongjing sighed and asked the girl to find something sweet, and finally brought an osmanthus cake.

After Tao Yaoyao saw the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, she drank the medicine in one gulp, and then began to eat the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. The medicine was so bitter that she didn't like it, so Tao Yaoyao didn't dare to let it stop her mouth for a second, and drank it in one gulp.

When they saw that Tao Yaoyao drank the medicine in one gulp, everyone was slightly taken aback. Others drank the medicine with a small spoon, but this girl took a sip fiercely and directly, even Xi Tongjing shook her head.

Xi Tongjun was even more stunned, this girl is really afraid of suffering, after taking this medicine like that, the long-term pain that I told my elder brother is not as good as the short-term pain.

Xi Tongjun looked at Tao Yaoyao, "By the way, what are your plans for the next step?" After the person was rescued, he had to figure out her current situation and start to deal with it. This big pearl must be taken back by this woman, otherwise the eldest brother His life is over.

Tao Yaoyao was eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake, looking at the two brothers of the Xi family, "plan?" What is her plan now?I really don't know, because I was thrown off the cliff, but Tao Yaoyao hesitated.

"By the way, where is this place? Do you know where this Zhao family is?" Tao Yaoyao knew now that something happened to her. Ji Hengxuan must be very worried this time. , where do you think you don't want him anymore?
Although they don't like the Zhao family anymore, Zhao Wuji and Ji Hengxuan Tao Yaoyao still hate the rest of the Zhao family, but it has nothing to do with Ji Hengxuan and Zhao Wuji.

(End of this chapter)

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