Chapter 119

Tao Yaoyao was worried about Ji Hengxuan, and planned to go back and look at that Ji Hengxuan, but it is a pity that Tong Jing and Xi Tongjun would not agree, "Girl, your injury has not fully recovered, why don't you write a letter like this, How about I send the letter for you?"

The Zhao family is now here in Xicheng, probably the same family, but aren't the Zhao family and that He Youge immortal?How could this He Youge's younger sister have anything to do with the Zhao family?

But no matter how you feel?Xi Tongjing would not let Tao Yaoyao leave, the person he rescued through all kinds of hardships, the Great Pearl has not yet been obtained, so it is impossible for him to let this woman go.

As for revenge, Xi Tongjing sighed, he knew people wrongly, and now he can't blame others, so he stopped thinking about it, and only wanted to be a big pearl. In fact, he still had one wish, which was that he couldn't beat He Youge.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard Xi Tongjing's words, and she was about to agree immediately, but she soon felt that something was wrong. The people from the Zhao family wanted to kill herself and then send the letter back. , no matter how you look at it, it is a masterpiece of death, "That... no need, I am like this now, and it will only hurt people when I go back,"

These words made the corners of Xi Tongjun's mouth twitch, wouldn't it hurt us if he stayed?But I didn't say this, Tao Yaoyao would stay. In fact, she is very sensitive to people, it's just a pity for Tong Jun, but it's a pity that Tong Jing's eyes were calculating.

Tao Yaoyao knew in an instant that Xi Tongjing was probably plotting against herself, but she didn't know why she was plotting against her right now. If she took a step and looked at it, the fox's tail would definitely show.

Tao Yaoyao's injury was very serious, and it took ten days and a half months before she could get out of bed. Right now, Tong Jun couldn't help but wonder, did Tao Yaoyao have a big pearl on her body?

But this idea was quickly rejected, because when Tao Yaoyao came back, all her clothes were stripped off, and it was impossible to hide things now, so they knew clearly that the big pearl was not on Tao Yaoyao's body.

Tao Yaoyao can get out of bed, this is the strangest thing about Tong Jing, Tao Yaoyao can clearly feel that this man is teasing her, definitely running away from her.

The gentle tone, soft gaze, and the icy water that people couldn't help but cut open, made Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but get goosebumps, she wanted to know, why did Xi Tongjing treat her so well?

Although she has a decent appearance, she is not enough to make people fall in love at first sight. Right now, Tong Jing is showing courtesy for no reason. Tao Yaoyao thinks that something abnormal must be caused by a demon, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Tao Yaoyao's body has improved a lot, and her internal strength has no major problems, but she can feel that she has been poisoned. She was already poisoned, but now she wants to be poisoned. It's a pity that she is not a medical student, so she won't know what it is for a while. poison?

"Young Master Xi is bothering you these days. I am almost in good health, so I plan to leave tomorrow," Dare not let Xi Tongjing deliver the letter, now that she is almost well, Tao Yaoyao said that she can leave.

But it's a pity that Tong Jing immediately showed a sad expression when he heard this, "Is it because I didn't entertain you well? That makes Miss Yao'er want to leave?""

What you said is very watery, if Tao Yaoyao said that he did not entertain well, it would be ungrateful no matter how you look at it, but since he entertained him well, it would be unreasonable for him to run away.

"'s not like that, but I have something important to do, so it's really inconvenient to stay for a long time," Tao Yaoyao said, now she was in a hurry to find Ji Hengxuan, but she didn't have the time to stay.

"Are you looking for the young master of the Zhao family?" Tao Yaoyao was taken aback for a moment, and she stopped to look at Xi Tongjing, "Everyone knows about you and the young master of the Zhao family...but If he knows that you are this He Youge's younger sister, what do you think will happen?"

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao's face turned cold, and she looked at Xi Tongjing, "What are your plans, Mr. Xi?" Tao Yaoyao said coldly, she was suspicious of this man at the beginning, uneasy and kind, now It seems to be so.

Hearing this, Xi Tongjing looked at Tao Yaoyao, "I know you think I'm blackmailing you, but He was your sister who was sorry for me first, He Yaoyao, let's make a deal, I don't Tell the people of the Zhao family your identity, and you go back and get the big pearl for me, He Yaoyao, you owe me your life, if you take a secret one out, you can exchange it for a big pearl."

Xi Tongjing has come down these days and clearly knows that Tao Yaoyao looks carefree and a little silly, but he has more thoughts in his heart than that He Youge, his eyes are always sentimental, but they are the most ruthless one of.

After these days, Xi Tongjing clearly knew that the Huairou policy was useless. At first, he planned to make He Yaoyao like him, but it was a pity... all previous efforts were wasted, and he could only choose another method now.

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Xitongjing, "Where did Zhao Wuji go?" Looking at Xitongjing, Zhao Wuji left, what about Ji Hengxuan?
Tao Yaoyao didn't dare to ask more about Ji Hengxuan's matter, she was afraid that if she asked, she would be self-defeating, but fortunately, the matter between herself and Zhao Wuji was already full of storms, so she was not afraid to bring it up now.

"Zhao Wuji went to Beijing with the fourth prince," said Tao Yaoyao in shock. Isn't the fourth prince Ji Hengxuan?How could Ji Hengxuan and Zhao Wuji go to Beijing for no reason?
"It was the empress or your sister who sent the fourth prince to Beijing. The fourth prince has been imprisoned in another courtyard for many years. It is reasonable to recall him now. People in the Zhao family are not at ease. There is nothing wrong with the other courtyard going to Beijing with the fourth prince. "This He Youge is cruel and merciless. Now that the fourth prince is going to Beijing, a 12-year-old child, how can he be the opponent of this He Youge.

Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, she was afraid that Ji Hengxuan's identity would be known by others, but she frowned quickly, could the Fourth Prince of this other courtyard be this Young Master Ji? The family is scheming against He Youge, and He Youge is also scheming against the Zhao family, and now he is here because of himself as a butterfly.

I saved this Ji Hengxuan, so there will be no later incidents, because after going to Beijing this time, the Zhao family will be ransacked and beheaded, but I remember that it was two years later, but I didn't expect it to be two years earlier .

The butterfly effect is really powerful, Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time couldn't help worrying, will Ji Hengxuan have problems in the capital?Although he looks very smart, He Youge is not a vegetarian right now.

"Okay, I promise you to go get the big pearl, but don't go back on your word." Since Ji Hengxuan and Zhao Wuji have both gone to the capital, there is no reason for him to stay, so now he is going to cooperate with the inside and the outside, and go out to eat the inside and the outside. traitor.

Tao Yaoyao agreed very readily, but Tong Jing stared at Tao Yaoyao in a daze, he didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, "You can't lie to me, right? You deliberately coax me, and ignore it when you get away, right?" ?" It wasn't that he was suspicious, but that for the sisters of the He family, they were afraid of the dark because they had suffered a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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