Chapter 120

Tao Yaoyao glanced at Xi Tongjing with contemptuous eyes, "What are you doing as a man and mother-in-law? I will do what I say, don't worry... I will get you the big pearl,"

Tao Yaoyao still knows about the Big Pearl. This He Youge has a treasure, the Big Pearl can keep in good health, and let this woman wear the magic weapon that is not old, but also very healthy, and invulnerable to all poisons.

However, it is not clear how the big pearl got Tao Yaoyao. At present, it seems that this unlucky ghost should be the one, but how did she get cheated?Tao Yaoyao said that she is not interested in herself, because she is only interested in Ji Hengxuan.

Hearing Tao Yaoyao's words, Xi Tongjing looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Then thank you Miss Yaoer, don't worry Miss Yaoer, I will send you back in a few days."

He Youge looked for Tao Yaoyao everywhere, and now it's enough to send the person to this He Youge's person, and then he can get money and get rid of the relationship, but at this moment Tao Yaoyao nodded. ,

Tao Yaoyao planned to go back to the capital, and Ji Hengxuan rushed back to the other courtyard as quickly as possible. Ji Hengxuan sat in that room, "Is there any news about Xiaoyao?"

Because He Youge wanted the Fourth Prince to return to Beijing for no reason, Ji Hengxuan had to plan ahead and kill that Young Master Ji to pay for it by himself, but because Tao Yaoyao was not around, Ji Hengxuan was worried every day.

"Not yet, but I heard that there is movement on the other side of the Xi family," the people of the Xi family, the Xi family was wiped out a few years ago, as for why?Others don't know, but Zao Wou-ki knows better.

Back then, Xi Tongjing's love for He Youge was as deep as the sea, but it was a pity that in the end, his family was ruined. Regarding this He Youge, Zhao Wou-ki had to sigh with emotion for this woman, and those who liked her could count on ten fingers not come.

But everyone who likes her can't see the true face of He Youge clearly. Of course, when they see it clearly, most of them are almost ruined, and this Xijia's Xitongjing is similar.

"To investigate, we must find Xiaoyao when we return to Beijing..." I can't feel at ease when Tao Yaoyao is not here. At this time, because of He Youge, there are many people who know Tao Yaoyao. Letting He Youge's enemy find him, Tao Yaoyao has no good fruit to eat.

Ji Hengxuan hates He Youge very much. If it wasn't for this woman, Tao Yaoyao wouldn't be in so much danger right now, He Youge...

Zhao Wuji looked at Ji Hengxuan and said, "Don't worry, that girl is not an ordinary person, she is no more stupid than us." That girl looks stupid, but most of the time she is very smart.

When she doesn't like to use her brain, it's not because she's stupid but because she's bored, and she doesn't want to use her brain, but there are many times when she needs to use her brain, she won't be stingy to use her brain more.

"I know, but I just don't feel relieved," because that woman is too noisy, if she doesn't have himself, I don't know where she will be wronged, Zhao Wuji looked at Ji Hengxuan when he heard this.

In fact, he really wanted to say, why is this Tao Yaoyao older than you now, why did she look like a little baby, but Zhao Wou-ki himself was also worried about Tao Yaoyao, so he didn't say much.

Someone came into the palace, and it was a general who came to enter. He was slightly taken aback when he looked at Ji Hengxuan. He didn't expect that the Fourth Prince would grow up so well after all these years. "The last general, Chen He, has seen the Fourth Prince."

Chen He?Ji Hengxuan looked at the corner of Chen He's mouth, showing a flash of indifference. He Youge has a lot of blue faces. Right now, Chen He is one of her many lovers, but he just doesn't know if Chen He knows his identity?

Do you know Ji Shao's identity?But no matter whether he knows it or not, he is acting according to circumstances, "General Chen, please, General Chen has been exhausted all the way, I am really sorry."

Hearing this, Chen He looked at Ji Hengxuan, thinking in his heart, this bone monkey is really powerful, no matter how you look at it, it will not show any flaws, at this age in his 20s, he can play the role of a child seamlessly without being caught Find.

Just look at Zhao Wuji, and you will know how successful this bone monkey is when he traveled thousands of miles to protect the fourth prince. Unfortunately, Chen He didn't know that the bone monkey had already been killed by Ji Hengxuan and turned into a real monkey. Son.

Now that he didn't know that he was thrown on the mountain, Chen He restrained his thoughts and looked respectful. This superficial effort must be done, and Ji Hengxuan did the same.

After fighting each other several times, Ji Hengxuan asked someone to entertain Chen He to have a rest. After the entertaining, Ji Hengxuan looked at Zhao Wuji, "It seems that He Youge has so many lovers. Chen He must have known that he thought I was a bone monkey."

If he didn't trust Chen He, it would be impossible to tell him the identity of the bone monkey. Regarding this matter, Zhao Wuji also snorted coldly, "He Youge's power in the court comes from these people. "

Those young and promising men in the court hall probably had their own thoughts on He Youge, but now the older generation couldn't understand it, Ji Hengxuan put down the tea cup in his hand when he heard this.

"The more lovers she has, the easier it is for me." I need to find allies. Right now, those who don't like He Youge can become my allies. In addition, He Youge thinks he is a bone monkey Son, I was eager for an opportunity to frame the Zhao family, but I didn't know that he had already secretly dropped the bag.

Right now, I'm just planning to make this He Youge suffer, but when I think of He Youge, I think of Tao Yaoyao, and I don't know what happened to Tao Yaoyao right now?
Ji Hengxuan didn't know that Tao Yaoyao was also planning to return to Beijing right now, and at this moment Ji Hengxuan was planning what would happen after his return to Beijing, and Tao Yaoyao asked Xi Tongjing to contact the person He Youge and planned to return to Beijing. It's Beijing.

He Youge recruited the Fourth Prince to return to Beijing. In fact, it was similar to what Ji Hengxuan thought. People from the Zhao family were too obtrusive. This person died in the West City indifferently. He Youge suspected that it was someone from the Zhao family who did it, but the Zhao family Now that the military power is in place, His Majesty does not want to touch the Zhao family easily.

That's why he planned to force His Majesty to kill the Zhao family, because for He Youge, the current stumbling block in this world is the Zhao family. As long as the Zhao family dies, he can sit back and relax, but this He Youge didn't expect it.

When I called Ji Hengxuan back, I also received another message, "What? Did Yaoyao find it?" His expression was not overly happy, and he nodded lightly, "Since you have found him, let's bring him back." ,"

Although I don't like my younger sister very much, she is my younger sister after all, even if I let this girl find a good man to marry in order to repay this blood, I will not be very happy with this younger sister in the future, after all I am too benevolent and righteous enough, if someone else would not talk to this cheap little sister.

(End of this chapter)

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