Chapter 121

Tao Yaoyao returned to Beijing and was sent to the He family. Uncle He didn't like Tao Yaoyao very much. He looked at him with an indescribably cold expression, "The past three years Where did you go? Do you know how much energy your sister spent trying to find you?"

Tao Yaoyao lowered her head and didn't dare to refute these words, she kept nodding her head to show weakness, seeing Tao Yaoyao like this, the other party's expression eased a bit, but the eyes were still not happy, and she took Tao Yaoyao into the car.

Tao Yaoyao wore a light blue long dress, her exquisite figure made her look extraordinarily delicate, and her small face was like that June peach blossom, if He Yaoyao was said to be that peach blossom, then her sister was The beautiful woman who came out of the water hibiscus.

Tao Yaoyao was sitting on the carriage, with the servant girl waiting on her side, "Second Miss, you just ran away without saying a word, but I'm so anxious for Eldest Miss, Second Miss, don't be like this in the future,"

The maid in front of her is He Youge's personal maid. In order to show Tao Yaoyao's importance, He Youge sent Lan'er to Tao Yaoyao, but Tao Yaoyao could see the difference. This Lan'er was very different. like myself.

At least Tao Yaoyao felt a little bit, these people regard He Youge as jewelry, but this He Yaoyao is worthless, everyone despises it very much, this look can see everything, Tao Yaoyao said nothing head on.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, Lan'er didn't shut up but said, "The Fourth Prince is going back to Beijing, Second Miss, please don't make trouble, after you go back, you can't be angry with the Eldest Miss anymore."

The noisy Tao Yaoyao was upset, she didn't say a word, but this maid said a lot of words, Tao Yaoyao's face was ugly when she heard it, she looked at Lan'er, and slapped her directly .

"Shut up, get out..." Judging from the attitudes of these people towards her, Tao Yaoyao can probably find something out, that is, He Yaoyao has a hot temper and doesn't like He Youge very much. You don't need to be polite.

Lan'er was beaten and pursed her lips, resentful eyes flashed from the bottom of her eyes, but she didn't say much, but nodded her head and went out, thinking in her heart, how could someone like a fairy like the young lady be so annoying? Disgusting little sister.

With He Youge around, this He Yaoyao has never been favored since she was a child, Tao Yaoyao doesn't want to, Tao Yaoyao won't have any dislike just because those people like He Youge, isn't it just some It's just a code, if it's not for entering the role, it's rare for me to take care of it.

Lan'er got out of the carriage, and everyone immediately spread the news that the word that Tao Yaoyao was fierce and domineering, and that she was even more cruel to her servants was spread, and the corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched.

I was just slapped when I heard Lan'er scolding me, but I didn't expect to become such an image now, but it doesn't matter, how other people live has nothing to do with me.

Tao Yaoyao was sitting in the carriage, she should eat and drink, and as He Youge's younger sister, she was not afraid of being poisoned to death by others. Tao Yaoyao enjoyed eating and drinking, but Lan'er couldn't be more angry.

But thinking of He Youge's explanation, he could only endure it, "Lan'er is so ignorant, please show me better, don't make her get angry and leave,"

He Youge doesn't want her sister to run away. If she loses it, she will have to spend time looking for it. If she finds it, she will immediately send her out and marry her into someone else's house. If something happens in the future, but It has nothing to do with me.

Thinking of He Youge's explanation, Lan'er could only hold back her nausea and serve that Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao felt comfortable, but this time Ji Hengxuan's expression was bad, "You said that He Youge's sister was found, and you can't wait for her." On the way back to Beijing?"

"Yes, we will meet in about two days," said He Youge's younger sister, who had already caused a lot of trouble in the city. Now that she was found, everyone knew about it immediately.

Hearing this, Ji Hengxuan frowned, "What about Xiaoyao? What happened to Xiaoyao's clue?" As for Tao Yaoyao, he guessed it now, but... Didn't Tao Yaoyao lose her memory?How could she go back to be He Youge's younger sister?Or are the people there fake?

Ji Hengxuan thought about a lot of things, but the more he thought about it now, the more unreliable he felt, and his expression gradually turned cold. It seemed that he was going to see He Yaoyao in two days, to see if He Yaoyao was right? Which Xiaoyao did he think of? !

"The fourth prince, General Chen, is asking to see you outside." Hearing this, Zhao Wou-ki and Ji Hengxuan exchanged glances. Zhao Wou-ki stood aside, and Chen He walked in. After seeing Zhao Wou-ki, he hesitated to speak.

This time Ji Hengxuan was also scrupulous, and he winked at Chen He. Chen He immediately thought that it would be difficult for Ji Hengxuan to ask Zhao Wuji to go out, so he said coldly, "Mr. I hope Mr. Zhao will leave, "

"Why haven't I listened to General Chen?" Zao Wou-ki said with a displeased face, this temper made Chen He displeased, but he didn't say much, but looked at Zhao Wou-ki directly.

"Young Master Zhao, this is what His Majesty ordered. Young Master Zhao must not be qualified to listen, and I hope that Young Master Zhao will leave." This time, he issued an order to evict guests directly, so Zhao Wuji looked at Ji Hengxuan.

"Does the Fourth Prince think so too?" Ji Hengxuan was embarrassed when he heard these words, and after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth.

"General Chen, this is your fault. Mr. Zhao is my cousin. I believe that he will not harm me." This is to tell Chen He that He Youge has a plan right now. Alienating the Chen family will ruin He Youge's plan.

Although Chen He is a reckless man, he speaks so clearly. If he doesn't understand, he should be buried. He left and said, "The fourth prince is offended, so I will come back later."

Can I spoil the empress's affairs, the current Zhao family's wolfish ambition, if not get rid of, it will be a serious problem, Chen He left, Zhao Wuji looked at Ji Hengxuan.

"It seems that this He Youge has made a big move this time, but is this He Youge overconfident and didn't hide it from Chen He?" Looking at Chen He's appearance, he knew that Chen He must know about He Youge Plan, are you too confident in your own charm?
Otherwise, how can Chen He know now, after all, once this matter is spread, it will be a serious crime of beheading, and it will also make all previous efforts come to naught, and instead let the Zhao family turn against the army.

"It's not that she's too confident, it's that she has been so successful over the years, which has already made her conceited and arrogant, and she doesn't need to worry about anything," especially after she died. Did Ji Hengxuan really want to know if he acted without any scruples?Why did I make He Youge so taboo?
(End of this chapter)

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