Chapter 122

"By the way, pay attention to this matter about He Yaoyao. Besides, you go down first, otherwise Chen He will be more or less suspicious," Ji Hengxuan said. He Youge's arrogance is a good thing for him, so he is very happy. I am happy to see the other party's ambition expand.

Ji Hengxuan clearly knew that He Youge would never be reconciled to just being his empress and empress. Right now, his father is not afraid of breeding tigers. If he raises this poisonous scorpion, one day he will be eaten alive by the poisonous scorpion.

Zhao Wuji just went out, this Chen He immediately entered the room, this Chen He looked at Ji Hengxuan, "Bone Monkey... The empress asked you to act according to her plan these days,"

Right now, the empress has a very comprehensive plan, and she is just waiting to let the Zhao family dance. Hearing this, Ji Hengxuan nodded, with a look of hands and feet, which satisfied Chen He. Chen He was explaining something , and then this leaves.

When Ji Hengxuan watched the arrogant man leave, he smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth, with that cold look on his face, and quickly covered up the sneer, he wanted to see, this He You What is Song's plan?
What is He Youge's plan?Ji Hengxuan made a rough guess, so there is no fear at the moment. Tao Yaoyao sat in that car, and when she arrived at this boundary, she was drowsy all over. She was given a place to live at night, and Tao Yaoyao ate those things.

"Second Miss, what's wrong with you?" Looking at Tao Yaoyao, Lan'er said, after hearing this, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, looked around, wondering why she always felt that someone was looking at her?
"No, it might be an illusion," Tao Yaoyao took the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and ate it, with one hand for the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and the other for the peach blossom cake. She enjoyed eating, but suddenly felt a little cold again, and suddenly wrinkled. frowned.

Because it was getting a little cold soon, I felt someone was looking at me, and there was that indescribable weirdness, not this hatred or anger, but that...indescribable smell, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, He got up directly and planned to go back to the room.

When returning to the room, she felt a breath approaching, and when she was startled but did not resist, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback by the familiar emotion, "Why are you here?"

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she was slightly stunned, "You are... Xiao Ji, you are dying, don't you know that the people here are all from He Youge? You leave quickly, there are many people around me , all looking at me..."

"Aren't you going to be He Youge's younger sister, why do you care what I do?" These words were full of resentment and unspeakable grievances, Tao Yaoyao blinked and looked at Ji Hengxuan with a headache.

"I didn't follow you when I heard that you were going back to Beijing. You don't know... I was thrown off a cliff for no reason, and I almost died. Now..." Ji Hengxuan suddenly pressed him down, and kissed me up.

"It's my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been thrown off the cliff. Don't worry, I will avenge you." Tao Yaoyao would never let anyone harm her.

"Don't mess around, it's your grandmother after all, don't make trouble with them because of me, or I'll be a sinner through the ages, don't worry... I'm not alive and kicking, Xiao Ji, look at me, I'm really alright , I'll go back to take care of you when you go back to Beijing," Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan and said.

When Ji Hengxuan heard this, he looked at Tao Yaoyao, with complicated and moved expression, he immediately hugged Tao Yaoyao tightly, "Miss...Second Miss..."

"What's the matter?" Lan'er was sent by He Youge. Tao Yaoyao felt that He Youge was very strange. Everyone said that she doted on her sister, but Tao Yaoyao felt that this was not doting, but rather be on guard.

Lan'er was monitoring him, dissatisfied and wary of himself, if this He Youge really loved He Yaoyao, it would be impossible for He Yaoyao to be disgusted by everyone, only when he was ignored, would he Let He Yaoyao grow crooked.

"Miss, don't you want to eat? This slave will bring it to you," Lan'er said. After the second lady left, nothing changed when she came back, but the amount of food she ate surprised everyone. Where did Second Miss go?Will it be like a starving ghost who can't move his eyes when he sees food?
Tao Yaoyao remembered after hearing this, she called for supper and walked over to take the food, while Lan'er looked around the room, Tao Yaoyao frowned, "If you don't leave, keep it Waiting for tea?"

Tao Yaoyao's expression naturally didn't change at all. When she heard this, Na Lan'er smiled, "I don't dare to serve you, the second lady eats better."

This was not pleasant to hear, and she was very rude, Tao Yaoyao ignored it, and slammed the door directly, I'll go, without He Youge's permission, who would treat He Yaoyao like this?That is, myself.

Tao Yaoyao closed the door with an expression of displeasure, Tao Yaoyao is not surprised by Lan'er's attitude towards her, but every time she comes out like this, she feels comfortable and that is abused, especially when she sees Ji Hengxuan's half-smile With his gaze, Tao Yaoyao felt that this brat was still smiling.

Seeing that Tao Yaoyao was unhappy, Ji Hengxuan restrained his smile and pulled Tao Yaoyao to his side, "It seems that you are a fake sister, you don't care about your sister very much, and the servants can bully you like this,"

Everyone said that He Youge was kind to Tao Yaoyao, but Ji Hengxuan didn't know her. That woman was simply using Tao Yaoyao as a target to show her kindness and nobility. Otherwise, how could people bully Tao Yaoyao now? Yaoyao.

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao curled her lips, "It doesn't matter... Anyway, it's not my sister, I don't even remember her, now it's just forced by others,"

Tao Yaoyao doesn't admit that she is He Youge's younger sister, and now she thinks that she has amnesia, and someone has assumed this identity for no reason, Ji Hengxuan's eyes flickered when he heard this.

Because he knew that Tao Yaoyao and He Youge were biological sisters, but he didn't plan to say it right now, because He Youge was kind to Tao Yaoyao at the beginning, but he guessed it after a while, if he really cared this sister.

When she first lost her sister, she would look for someone desperately instead of chasing and killing herself, so what He Youge is doing now is just to show others that she is kind.

Ji Hengxuan sat here for a while, and then left directly. When he left, he told Tao Yaoyao not to mess around. Tao Yaoyao had already let He Youge know, and it was impossible for Tao Yaoyao to hide In this case, Tao Yaoyao can only be let go.

What's more, Ji Hengxuan also clearly knows that Tao Yaoyao is not the kind of person who needs to be protected all the time. She has the ability to protect herself. When someone protects her, she will be lazy to think about anything, but Once there is no one to protect her, Tao Yaoyao will find a way to save herself.

Seeing Ji Hengxuan leave, Tao Yaoyao sighed and started to eat. She will see He Youge tomorrow. She is really looking forward to it and wants to see what kind of woman this He Youge is.
(End of this chapter)

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