Chapter 126

Ji Hengxuan sat down in his seat and drank the tea. Now that he is young, although he can drink, but... he was dealt with by Tao Yaoyao before, so he absolutely dare not drink in front of Tao Yaoyao.

Of course he didn't dare to commit crimes against the wind, but he dared to hide Chen Cang, so Ji Hengxuan was very opportunistic this time, Ji Hengxuan sat aside, Tao Yaoyao hugged his thigh quietly, and when the banquet ended, Tao Yaoyao was stopped by someone.

"Slut, stop for me." Not far away, a woman in a red palace dress, with the eight-treasure gold hairpin on her head, came with a noble look, her expression was cold and full of anger.

When Tao Yaoyao looked at the other party, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "Who are you?" This person didn't know him, but the current attire should not be that concubine, and it is possible that such an arrogant princess.

"Who am I? I am the Eldest Princess. Bitch, your title is originally mine. You are a shameless bitch just like your sister." The Eldest Princess was very annoyed. The title of Princess Mingyue was originally It should be your own.

But I didn't expect to give it to Tao Yaoyao today. Tao Yaoyao blinked her eyes when she heard this, "You go ask His Majesty to ask for it, and besides... Your Royal Highness, if you are not mistaken, you should call Auntie."

No matter what your previous identity was?But now that he is a princess, his status is different, not to mention that He Youge has nothing to do with him, and the title of the princess has nothing to do with him.

"You stand there, He Yaoyao, don't be too complacent, you and your sister don't know where you are bitches, don't think that you can cover the sky with one hand," Tao Yaoyao said coldly He turned his head and looked at the eldest princess, with a cold expression, then turned and left.

The eldest princess was very angry when she saw that Tao Yaoyao didn't give her face so much, so she went directly to Ji Hengxuan. The queen mother is the handkerchief friend.

The eldest princess came to Ji Hengxuan's residence, and couldn't help frowning when she saw the surroundings, but she couldn't bear to go in when she thought of what her mother and concubine said. A legitimate son, after all, is more honorable than the original wife's legitimate son.

The mother and concubine asked herself to have a good relationship with Ji Hengxuan. Now that the four princes have the support of the Zhao family, if they fight He Youge, it is not certain who will win. Soon the eldest princess looks at Ji Hengxuan who is not far away.

When he saw Ji Hengxuan, he was slightly taken aback. At the banquet just now, he didn't pay too much attention to Ji Hengxuan, but now he saw Ji Hengxuan's appearance, which really surprised him.

Looking at Zhao Wuji beside him, Zhao Wuji entered the palace as a guard and followed Ji Hengxuan, so there is no problem with his identity at the moment.
The concubine mother said her identity and age will soon be in-laws. Now this person chooses her concubine mother to dance Zao Wou-ki. At first she was still not happy, but after seeing Zao Wou-ki at the banquet, she felt that this Men are worthy of themselves.

Originally, the mother and concubine planned to find someone to ask her father to give her a title, which was Mingyue's title, but she never expected...such a noble title to be given to this Tao Yaoyao, how can this not make her angry.

The title of Princess Mingyue has always belonged to the Eldest Princess. Of course, even if it is not the Eldest Princess, it is the First Princess or the title that His Majesty loves her most, because the Mingyue represents love.

But no one expected that this Emperor Gu would actually give this title to Tao Yaoyao, such a behavior made people unable to help but investigate deeply, and the Eldest Princess was even more furious.

"Sister Huang..." Ji Hengxuan said when he saw the eldest princess who was not far away. The eldest princess walked over with a gentle and pleasant appearance, but she was not as fierce as she was looking for Tao Yaoyao just now.

"I haven't seen the fourth brother for so many years, and the fourth brother is doing well in the other courtyard." Although the words were addressed to Ji Hengxuan, Ji Hengxuan's eyes were not blind, and he looked at his imperial sister clearly, and his eyes stayed on Zhao Hengxuan. On Wuji.

Zhao Wuji's expression was cold and hard, as if he didn't see the eldest princess's hospitality, so he just stood there with the wood, Ji Hengxuan smiled faintly, "It's okay, isn't it just like this..."

The neither salty nor weak tone made the eldest princess believe that if she had been kicked out of the palace for many years for no reason, she would be full of resentment and anger, but she didn't show it right now.

Instead, he smiled directly and said, "Fourth brother should have a lot of resentment towards this He Youge, and also towards this woman..." Sowing discord is the purpose of coming this time, especially after being robbed of the title by that Tao Yaoyao, What's more, I can't wait to eat that pair of sisters alive.

"The Empress... This time I was able to come back thanks to the help of the Empress. What can I ask for right now?" Ji Hengxuan knew his identity clearly. Now that he is a bone monkey, it is not easy to talk about He Youge bad words.

"Fourth brother, how can you do this? Are you going to admit a thief as your mother? Have you thought about it before and after, if you do this, she will die unrepentantly, He Youge and He Yaoyao, that bitch, look... Since coming to this harem, our life has been messed up,"

She didn't like He Youge, at least when He Youge didn't come, because she was the eldest princess, she was favored by Emperor Gu to some extent, but because after He Youge came, her princess had already been forgotten Cleaned up.

If it wasn't for my unwillingness, I would deliberately go to my father's place every time, let alone right now, in this harem, no one in this world would remember me as the eldest princess.

The eldest princess's indignation was only towards Ji Hengxuan and Zhao Wuji, and there was not much fluctuation. The eldest princess became anxious, "Ji Hengxuan counted me as wrong about you, you are a coward, and you are just trying to survive. "

After saying that, he turned his face away and left, Ji Hengxuan's expression remained the same, Zhao Wuji frowned, but didn't say much, "Go down and get me some food."

Zhao Wuji nodded immediately when he heard Ji Hengxuan's words, because he could feel that just now when the eldest princess was there, there was an extra breath in the courtyard, and it seemed that the person from He Youge was watching in secret.

He Youge was really worried. Even though he knew that the bone monkey was going well, he still didn't feel at ease. Ji Hengxuan smiled coldly. This woman is very suspicious and loves to think wildly. It's good that he can take advantage of her.

Whether it is surveillance, the tighter the surveillance, the more I can resolve her distrust of him. Soon after Zao Wou-ki left, a hidden guard appeared in front of Ji Hengxuan, "The Empress has orders, let you Days, take Zhao Wuji to Dongyuan, where Rong Meiren is, so familiar..."

(End of this chapter)

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