Chapter 127

"Go to Dongyuan Rongmei and walk around more," the man in black confessed, Ji Hengxuan was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at the man in black with a puzzled look on his face.

"Where is this Rongmei, it's not easy for me to go as a prince," not to mention taking Zhao Wuji with me, it would be even worse, but he knew that it was because it was not easy to go that he let himself go.

Right now, He Youge is vicious. If Zhao Wuji is charged with adultery in the harem, then the Zhao family will definitely be implicated, and it will be even easier to charge him with treason when picking up the airport.

So right now He Youge is using Zao Wou-ki as the lead to let Zao Wou-ki go out. Hearing this, the man in black said, "Do you still need master to teach you about this? You can figure it out,"

He disappeared as soon as he said that. Ji Hengxuan's expression was cold when he heard this. Sure enough, there is a slave as long as there is a master, but that's all, he has his own plan anyway.

When Zao Wou-ki came back, he heard Ji Hengxuan's words, "It seems that it is really vicious. Once this strategy is successful, no matter whether I have something to do with Rong Meiren or not, I often walk around these days. Let me add you, yes I instigated it, at that time the Yellow River couldn’t be washed clean.”

If it wasn't for Ji Hengxuan who really came back and dropped the bone monkey, and went to Dongyuan with the bone monkey himself, and after seeing Rong Meiren a few times, when something happened to Rong Meiren and all the evidence pointed to him, the bone The monkey jumped out and said, "No wonder my cousin asks me to go to Dongyuan every day." If he said that, he couldn't wash it away.

So talking about He Youge is considered vicious, and this kind of strategy can be figured out, "But this beauty Rong seems to be the most favored beauty recently, this He Youge is really domineering,"

This glorious beauty has been favored these days, and this He Youge is impatient to do it. In the past four years, as long as He Youge sees the favored people in the palace, he will do it.

"My royal father dotes on other women, so she will kill her as soon as possible, but she doesn't know that she is having an affair with other men. If the royal father finds out if it is good or not, he will also kill her." He Youge has many blue faces, but he doesn't know himself. Does your father know?
Hearing these words, the corners of Zao Wou-ki's mouth twitched, he had a very bad feeling, Ji Hengxuan would not plan to let his father wear a green hat this time, right?Such thoughts made Zhao Wou-ki tremble.

On Tao Yaoyao's side, Tao Yaoyao has a palace to live in, which was given by Emperor Gu. In fact, it was all because of He Youge's words, "I see my little sister, she has lost a lot of weight these days, let alone this little girl As I get older, it will be difficult to see me after I get married, so I plan to stay in the palace and get together more..."

On the one hand, she was looking for her husband's family, and on the other hand, she was contacting her sisters. When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao sat on the imperial concubine chair and fell asleep due to drowsiness. When she woke up, she heard that He You song came.

But seeing that she was sleeping, she didn't bother her anymore, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning when she heard this, but she didn't ask too much, instead she found something to eat, and picked the fruit in front of the gate to eat.

"Aunt, I want it too," Tao Yaoyao was picking the fruit, when she heard a voice behind her, she saw a little milk baby carved in pink and jade, which looked so cute that Tao Yaoyao couldn't help pinching it stand up.

"You want it too, okay...Auntie will try my best to pick it up for you," she began to pick it up with the stool, then cleaned it up and gave it to the little kid, who is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince likes this Tao Yaoyao very much, because this is the younger sister of the mother's mother, and she is also beautiful. Looking at her eyes does not make her dislike it. The child is actually the most sensitive, and he can very sensitively feel the malice of many people.

When many people see themselves, they feel that they are not looking at themselves, but at other people, although they still don't know why?But he just didn't like those looks.

On the contrary, it's this aunt who doesn't make me hate her when she looks at her, so when she saw this aunt picking fruit, he also ran over. The queen mother didn't let him do this or that, he actually hated it very much.

"Auntie, where are you going to play?" Seeing Tao Yaoyao going out, His Royal Highness immediately followed, Tao Yaoyao likes children, seeing this His Royal Highness is like seeing Ji Hengxuan when he was a child.

It was the same with Ji Hengxuan when he was a child, he followed him carelessly, but it's a pity... the young man in front of him made him feel scared, Tao Yaoyao said that it's better for him to see him less, so as not to be put off.

Tao Yaoyao felt ashamed of her elders, the older Ji Hengxuan was, the less she could resist in his hands, Tao Yaoyao said that it would be better to hide.

"Auntie is going out for a stroll, come and hug little Hengli." Ji Hengli still likes Tao Yaoyao, even though he and He Youge don't want to see each other, but right now, he still likes Ji Hengli.

Tao Yaoyao took Ji Hengli to play, everyone in the palace knew that when he was holding Ji Hengli to watch the fish, suddenly the big rock fell down, Ji Hengli was so scared that he cried out, Tao Yaoyao turned around and See this Ji Hengxuan.

"It's fun, isn't it? It's easy to raise, isn't it?" Tao Yaoyao twitched the corners of her mouth, her face full of embarrassment. When she was hugging Xiao Hengli just now, she suddenly felt emotional.

"This little Hengli is really easy to raise and fun," but Ji Hengxuan's evil star behind him heard this sentence, Ji Hengli cried into tears, and Ji Hengxuan glared at Tao Yaoyao.

Zhao Wuji on the side couldn't help but raised his forehead, Ji Hengxuan snorted coldly, "Many man, crying like a little girl, is it shameful?"

"..." The corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched, feeling that these words sound familiar, isn't this what she said to Ji Hengxuan before?Why is this kid so good, she came back to block Ji Hengli with words.

"I'm not a little girl, woo woo... Fourth brother is a villain, auntie, I hate him, auntie, let's go and tell the queen mother, woo woo..." Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan with teary eyes, and stared at Ji Hengxuan. .

"Fourth Prince, you are a manly man, but you are like a child, Hengli, let's not talk to this cheapskate, take this opportunity to get revenge..." He hugged Ji Hengli and left.

It's not easy to get close to Ji Hengxuan now, so he ran away without saying a word, Ji Hengxuan gritted his teeth and said he was stingy, so he showed her his stinginess.

It seems that this little demon left him and returned to the water with the fish, but he was happy. Zhao Wuji at the side disagreed with this approach, "Hengxuan, you are too impulsive,"

"Don't worry, everyone knows that I have a grudge against He Youge. Only by doing small things can people feel at ease. Of course, the same thing can also be given to He Youge. I have my own measure." Although he is impulsive, he still has reason , know what to do and what not to do.

(End of this chapter)

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