Chapter 128

Tao Yaoyao left with Ji Hengli in her arms, and when she returned to her residence, she wiped Ji Hengli's face with the towel. Ji Hengli was still crying like a little bag of tears, and Tao Yaoyao wiped his little face.

Ji Hengli and this He Youge, Tao Yaoyao stared blankly for a long time but couldn't see where he was thinking, but he looked exactly like that Gu Di, but Gu Di was also a handsome guy who everyone loved.

Now this reprint of Xiaotuanzi looks very cute, especially the oil bottle hanging on the small mouth, and the two red peaches, which made Tao Yaoyao like it very much. Soon Tao Yaoyao felt that she was not authentic, so she began to coax Ji Hengli, it was too disgusting It should be, actually gloating.

"Okay, Xiaoleibao don't cry, these eyes are like peaches," Tao Yaoyao pinched Xiaoleibao's face, Xiaoleibao glared at Tao Yaoyao, that little face was very unhappy.

"You are still young, the fourth brother bullied me just now," said Tao Yaoyao, who was about to cry again, sighed, hugged the little bag of tears, and rubbed his hair.

"Your fourth brother is jealous of you. grew up with your mother, but your fourth brother didn't. He was alone outside and no one liked him. Tell me, isn't he very pitiful?" Tao Yaoyao instilled something into Ji Hengli.

Ji Hengli was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Did he bully me because he saw that I was doing well? Is it because he is too pitiful?"

"Of course it's because he's so pitiful," Tao Yaoyao nodded and said, Ji Hengli immediately regained his spirits when he heard this, his face was full of anger.

"But even so, it is impossible to bully me, and I have never bullied him, but forget it, I don't care about him, the queen mother said, I am a person who does big things, so I can't be too fussy, so I will go to him Reconcile, let him stop bullying me," Ji Hengli said with a smile on his small face.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengli in a daze when she heard this, with an indescribable smile on her face, "My little Hengli is sensible, but this is our secret, we can't tell your mother, otherwise She will definitely not let us get close to the Fourth Prince, "

"Well, we won't tell the queen mother," Ji Hengli nodded, and then fell asleep in Tao Yaoyao's arms. When He Youge found him, he saw Ji Hengli getting close to Tao Yaoyao. Immediately couldn't help frowning.

"Take Hengli back," and then asked the maid to carry the child away, and looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao woke up right now after the child was taken away, and was slightly taken aback when she saw He Youge.

"Sister..." After hesitating for a while, He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao and smiled when she heard Tao Yaoyao calling her sister.

"Look at you, Hengli is very close to you. It's only been a day, and I'm so close to you. My mother is jealous." If someone else, Tao Yaoyao would take this as a joke, why?
When it was He Youge, Tao Yaoyao felt a little cold, the surrounding air was slightly cold, Tao Yaoyao frowned, "Sister joked, Xiao Hengli is very good, treat him well people will draw near,'

But I don't know if Tao Yaoyao's words stimulated He Youge, He Youge's face was a little ugly, and he subconsciously said, "I am a queen mother, am I not doing it for his own good?"

After finishing speaking, this He Youge fell silent, because He Youge realized that he had said something wrong, and Tao Yaoyao also pretended not to hear, but couldn't help being slightly taken aback in her heart, this He Youge and Xiao Heng Li relationship is not close?
This is impossible, this little Hengli is so cute and cute, it cannot be someone who is not close to his mother, Tao Yaoyao didn't ask any more questions, and He Youge didn't want to say any more, so He Youge got up and left.

Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, this He Youge didn't know what she was thinking every day?When Tao Yaoyao was with He Youge, she would feel very tired, so she sighed and ignored it.

He Youge returned to this bedroom, came to Ji Hengli's residence, and when he looked at Ji Hengli, "Hengli, the queen mother is obviously doing it for your own good, why do you always hide from the queen mother?"

Although it looks close, He Youge feels that there is always something wrong with him in his little son's heart. He Youge doesn't understand, he can play well with this Tao Yaoyao in a day, how can he be his mother? Can't help it?

Hearing what the secret guard said about the matter between Ji Hengli and Tao Yaoyao, she felt very jealous in her heart, her son was never so close to her, and she hadn't hugged this child for many years, probably three or four years.

But Tao Yaoyao could be hugged, which made He Youge's face even more ugly. He Youge looked at the sleeping Ji Hengli, and sat for a long time before leaving.

Gu Di would come to her place today, and she would hate Gu Di when she thought of him, other emperors would disperse the three thousand harem for their beloved women, why shouldn't she be treated like a time-traveling woman?
Gu Di came to look for He Youge, He Youge changed his clothes and went up to meet him, and sat beside Gu Di, "By the way, this Yaoyao is getting old, is there anyone for His Majesty?"

Right now, he wants to marry this He Yaoyao, but this Emperor Gu said, "Let's live with you for a while, and spend more time with you," Gu Emperor thought so. He Youge is not in a good mood these days. When I came back, my temperament has matured a lot, just enough to spend more time with this sister.

It's a pity that He Youge, who heard this, didn't think so. He Youge lowered his head with displeasure in his eyes, thinking secretly, maybe you also have thoughts about Na Yaoyao, right?

She knows the story of Ehuang Nvying, and it is not surprising that Emperor Gu has thoughts at the moment. As far as her younger sister's appearance is concerned, any man would like it, not to mention her delicate-looking temperament, which is most suitable for everyone to hold her in high regard. Come pet.

It's a pity that she didn't like it, but she didn't like it. He Youge didn't say much, but thought in her heart, marrying this younger sister early, He Youge felt like she was shooting herself in the foot.

At first, she wanted to use Tao Yaoyao, but she didn't expect that her husband and son would be wooed. How can He Youge feel at ease? Actually... If Tao Yaoyao knew what He Youge was thinking, she would really know what to say, dear you think too much.

"Just listen to your majesty, after all these years, Yaoyao doesn't know where to go? She will be thrown off the cliff alive by others, woo woo... I feel sorry for the child," He Youge only knew about the investigation. That's what Tongjing is willing to give.

Xi Tongjing pretended to be someone else, and told the He family that Tao Yaoyao was thrown off the cliff, Gu Di was slightly taken aback when he heard this, what did he do to attract such hatred?

This He Youge saw the look of the bottom of the valley, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Even if Gu Di had thoughts on that girl, but if he is not clean now, I will see if you want it, and that flashed across his eyes. edge.

After the two of them talked about some things, Emperor Gu rested in He Youge's bedroom. The Emperor Gu who was served by He Youge was very good. When he woke up the next day, He Youge's face was radiant. I got what I wanted, that's why I'm in such a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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