Chapter 129

Tao Yaoyao had nothing to do the next day, so she went to play with that little group boy, Ji Hengli. Ji Hengli liked Tao Yaoyao, but He Youge stopped him clearly, why Ji Hengli came to find Tao Yaoyao this time.

Tao Yaoyao was playing with Ji Hengli, this time Ji Hengxuan also took Zhao Wuji to Rongmeiren's place, Rongmeiren's courtyard was a place full of crabapple flowers, delicate and red.

Ji Hengxuan was sitting not far away, he could get closer without going, so was Zhao Wuji, after a while, he saw a woman walking out, the woman's appearance made Ji Hengxuan slightly startled.

This woman's appearance is a bit like He Youge's, but her brows are also a bit like Tao Yaoyao's. In fact, she is right. He Youge is very similar to Tao Yaoyao.

Right now, this beautiful woman's appearance is like He Youge's. His father is really amazing. With He Youge, he still wants to find excitement on other women.

That's right, what He Youge doesn't have, but the beautiful woman in front of me has it, the woman with crabapple flowers, she is really beautiful. Ji Hengxuan stood not far away, and after a while, he got up and took Zhao Wuji away.

And when Zhao Wuji and Ji Hengxuan left, Tao Yaoyao just came with Ji Hengli, when he saw Ji Hengli and Tao Yaoyao, Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Fourth Brother..."

Instead, Ji Hengli went up to say hello, and when he heard Ji Hengli calling him fourth brother, Ji Hengxuan was slightly taken aback, looked at Tao Yaoyao, as if he was asking something?
Tao Yaoyao told him with her eyes that she didn't know anything.

Ji Hengxuan nodded, "En," and then took out a jade pendant from his bosom. When Ji Hengli saw it, he immediately became a little dazed, restrainedly grabbed his clothes, and looked at Ji Hengxuan.

As soon as Tao Yaoyao saw that Ji Hengxuan was giving a small gift, she immediately bumped into Ji Hengli, "Hurry up and follow up, brother is giving you a gift for meeting," Ji Hengli immediately took it cautiously after hearing this.

Looking at the fourth brother, he felt that he was not that scary, and then touched the bosom, and after a while, he also took out a jade pendant, "Brother, here you are..."

Ji Hengxuan looked at the jade pendant, Ji Hengli was worried, and looked at Tao Yaoyao with his help-seeking eyes, Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched, killing Ji Hengxuan with his eyes, Ji Hengxuan obediently took the jade pendant.

Ji Hengxuan left, and Ji Hengli immediately took Tao Yaoyao's hand, "Fourth brother is not so scary, really... Auntie, I will go and play with brother in the future, okay?"

The other people in the palace were afraid of him, so he went to play with those people, but they all avoided him, which made Ji Hengli very disappointed, now that an aunt and brother came, he immediately became happy.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao smiled, "Of course, let's go...Auntie will take you to play," she said while holding Ji Hengli's hand, rubbing that beautiful hair with a smile.

Tao Yaoyao took Ji Hengli to play around, and when He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao, his face became darker bit by bit, Tao Yaoyao sat and ate, and He Youge smiled.

"Yaoyao eat more, by the way... Yaoyao is fun in the palace these days?" Tao Yaoyao will cause trouble if I don't want me, but Tao Yaoyao should eat and drink these days, nothing to do Just took my son to play.

Sometimes when you go to bubble up in front of Emperor Gu, no one will cause any trouble. If Tao Yaoyao doesn't cause trouble, it will be difficult for He Youge to come forward to solve it. If you don't come forward, how can you marry Tao Yaoyao casually.

"It's fun, let Hengli come and eat more," Tao Yaoyao smiled, and then talked to Ji Hengli, Ji Hengli nodded and ate, and then gave Tao Yaoyao something to eat, then He Youge saw all this and died Biting the chopsticks.

Ji Hengli didn't talk to that He Youge. Tao Yaoyao has clearly discovered that Ji Hengli is estranged from that He Youge after these days. Although they are still close sometimes, Tao Yaoyao can tell that Ji Hengli, There is a fear of this mother.

Yes, fear... Those eyes never dared to touch that He Youge, what did this He Youge do?Let the child be afraid of himself?

He Youge left after eating, and Tao Yaoyao went to play with Ji Hengli. The eldest princess has often come to make trouble these days, but every time Tao Yaoyao is neither salty nor weak, it makes this eldest princess feel like hitting cotton. Useless.

"He Yaoyao, stop for me." When looking at Tao Yaoyao, the eldest princess had an ugly expression, "He Yaoyao... did you hear that, He Yaoyao..."

Tao Yaoyao ignored it at all, and ran away with Ji Hengli in her arms, "Auntie, don't you hate eldest sister? I don't like it very much either. Eldest sister always wants to bully me when no one is around, but mother always don't let it,"

When talking about this mother, Ji Hengli lowered his head and sighed, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, "Does Xiao Hengli like the empress very much?"

"I like it..." He naturally likes his mother, but he is also afraid of his own mother. He lowered his head and did not speak. Tao Yaoyao knows that many things should not be rushed, and it is better to take it slowly.

"Father... Mother Queen..." Suddenly Ji Hengli saw He Youge and Gu Di who were not far away. Gu Di was dressed in plain clothes and looked like he was going out of the palace in disguise.

"Father, where are you going?" Gu Di didn't expect to be bumped into by Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengli, so he immediately wrapped Ji Hengli and made a fuss.

"My little ancestor, you have been called, my father is going out of the palace, let's go together..." These days, He Youge has nightmares every day, and his face is not in a good mood. Gu Di plans to take someone out.

But he didn't expect to meet Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengli. When he saw Ji Hengli, Gu Di would naturally not leave him behind. He just happened to go out together, and Tao Yaoyao went by the way.

When Tao Yaoyao heard that Emperor Gu was going to leave the palace, her eyes lit up immediately, and she followed without changing her clothes. The clothes she and Ji Hengli are wearing now are all made of ordinary-looking, luxurious materials .

Tao Yaoyao followed happily, but He Youge was not happy. He looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Don't you still have something to do, Yaoyao?"

"No, sister, I'm just playing with Heng Li, and I really want to leave the palace," Tao Yaoyao said that she didn't see your displeasure, and now she understands He Youge's temperament.

To put it bluntly, it is possessiveness, but to put it bluntly, it is self-importance. I hope that everyone will focus on her and not give half of it to others. Gu Di is like this, Ji Hengli is like this. will know.

If Tao Yaoyao wants to help Ji Hengxuan, she will naturally destroy her internally. Now that she has won over Ji Hengli, Gu Di has also played well with his favorability. The next step is to hook up with He Youge's blue face and create a Conflict, even if it is not hooking up, can also lead to a beautiful misunderstanding.

(End of this chapter)

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