Chapter 130

Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengli sat in the carriage, looking at the scenery outside, there was a faint light in the bottom of their eyes, the joy on their face could not be concealed, and the same was true for Ji Hengli beside him.

"Look... Auntie is so beautiful," Ji Hengli said, Tao Yaoyao nodded as she looked at the jugglers, Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengli looked outside, and Gu Di looked at them with a soft expression.

I don't have any thoughts, I'm just relieved, I feel that Tao Yaoyao has really grown up, and won't cause trouble for You Ge, and it's also a feeling to see the little son I really love, so close to Tao Yaoyao Tao is happy.

It's a pity that he was happy, but this He Youge looked dissatisfied. He Youge looked at the two with an indescribable displeasure on his face. When she looked at all that, she was thinking in her heart, that My sister-in-law seduced my brother-in-law.

Thinking of Tao Yaoyao's gaze becoming more and more twisted, Tao Yaoyao turned her head and was taken aback by He Youge's gaze. I don't know why?Tao Yaoyao felt that He Youge didn't like her sister very much.

As for why he didn't want to see it, Tao Yaoyao couldn't figure it out, from the rumors at the beginning to He Youge's actions at the end, everything made Tao Yaoyao a little numb.

It seems that every time He Youge does something, it is to tarnish He Yaoyao's reputation. Tao Yaoyao shakes her head and feels that she thinks too much, but she is careful. In the arms of God.

When they got off the carriage, Ji Hengli took Tao Yaoyao's hand to buy candied haws. Tao Yaoyao took out the money, "This Yaoyao has really changed a lot, and now her temperament is becoming more and more likable."

"Gu Lang, do you like it?" Gu Di was slightly taken aback when he asked this sentence, but he didn't pay much attention, looked at Tao Yaoyao and said.

"Of course I like it," Gu Di's words made He Youge's face look bad, "This is your sister, I love Wujiwu, there is nothing I hate,"

He Youge smiled reluctantly when he heard this, lowered his head and bit his lips, and looked at Tao Yaoyao fiercely. Tao Yaoyao felt a chill behind her, and when she looked back, she found He Youge gaze.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Feeling that Tao Yaoyao's face was pale, Ji Hengli was slightly taken aback and said, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, expressing that she was wrong. I can't wait to swallow myself alive.

Have you done anything outrageous?Tao Yaoyao said that although she wanted to, she hadn't implemented it yet, Tao Yaoyao smiled, "I'm just a little tired, let's go eat noodles,"

Tao Yaoyao sat at the booth with Ji Hengli and ordered the noodles. The two of them, Gu Di and He Youge, were in love with each other. In the blink of an eye, they saw the two eating happily. This Emperor Gu was not angry at all.

"Yaoyao, how can you bring Heng Li to eat here... If there is a contingency..." He Youge said, Gu Di also frowned, Tao Yaoyao ate the chaos.

"Sister, Heng Li and I both eat a pot of food, and I also take the bowls and chopsticks by myself. If there is a problem, others will take the lead," Tao Yaoyao told He Youge, I just looked at it Eat, can't die.

Hearing this, Gu Di smiled, "You little girl is very calculating, so I'm not afraid of any accidents..." Gu Di also sat down, not restrained, and He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao and also looked at Tao Yaoyao. sat down.

"There are too many contingencies, but everyone is afraid of them, so don't go out, don't eat, if you walk carelessly, there will be accidents, so don't walk, so if it's really a contingency, then It's just bad luck, as long as I'm lucky, I won't be hurt in any event in the world," Tao Yaoyao said with a smile.

"Yes, it won't hurt Hengli either. Father, you can eat it too. It's delicious," Ji Hengli gave Gu Di some food, but Gu Di didn't refuse. It can be seen that this Gu Emperor really loves Ji Hengli.

He Youge sat at the side and also ordered Chaos, Gu Di also ordered a bowl while sitting, Tao Yaoyao ate two bowls by himself, Gu Di couldn't help being slightly stunned, and looked up and down at Taoyao tender.

If I remember correctly, when this girl came out of the palace, she had apricot cake in her bosom. She killed it with Heng Li in the car just now, and when she came down, she ate candied haws and layer cakes. chaos.

"Is Heng Li full?" Gu Di asked, Ji Hengli nodded, but he taught him a bowl, Gu Di was slightly taken aback.

"Auntie is not full yet." After hearing this, He Youge and Gu Di were both taken aback for a moment, looked at Tao Yaoyao, and kept eating, "Auntie is very good at eating, one person can eat ten A generous amount,"

Ji Hengli counted with his fingers, and upon hearing this, Gu Di looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Xiao Yao, where have you been all these years?"

"I went to serve as a slave, and then the young master of that family fell in love with me. The old lady didn't agree, so she packed me up and threw me out," Tao Yaoyao explained briefly, and Gu Di was slightly taken aback when he heard this. .

"Who is it? You tell me, and I will vent my anger on you," Gu Di wanted to protect Tao Yaoyao, and it is naturally impossible for Tao Yaoyao to be bullied right now. Although it is simple, he is also being wronged by Tao Yaoyao .

"No need, even if it's me, the grandson I've raised for many years, I wouldn't be happy if I suddenly fell in love with a servant girl, let alone... If it wasn't for the young master protecting me, I wouldn't know where I am now, so I'm very upset I'm satisfied, anyway, I'm fine," Tao Yaoyao said indifferently, and Gu Di didn't plan to investigate when he heard it.

Tao Yaoyao is not afraid of these people to investigate right now, even if she knows about her affairs with Zhao Wuji, it is impossible for Ji Hengxuan to be involved, not to mention... She has a relationship with Zhao Wuji, and has a grudge against the old lady, but it is easier for this He You Song peace of mind.

He Youge's eyes were red when he heard this, "It's my sister's fault. If it wasn't for my sister not protecting you well, you wouldn't have suffered so much. My sister will definitely not let anyone bully you in a while."

"..." Tao Yaoyao felt that He Youge never forgot to add drama to herself, but it didn't matter who said it clearly in and out of the play, you come to a paragraph and I sing, it is very present.

"Sister, thank you, sister... When I was going out, I met a human trafficker. I finally ran away, but I had no food, so I could only sell myself as a slave. Only then did I know that where there is a sister, there is no one." dare to bully me,"

The two sisters, you and I, know that they don't want to see each other. Tao Yaoyao doesn't like He Youge, and He Youge doesn't like Tao Yaoyao, but Tao Yaoyao's body is her own sister. There is no way to leave it alone, but Tao Yaoyao doesn't care, if you dare to act, I dare to come, just play with that He Youge.

(End of this chapter)

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