Chapter 131

Tao Yaoyao talked to He Youge for a while and then went shopping. Tao Yaoyao studied and took Ji Hengli with him. He Youge followed Gu Di. The two of them were holding hands, looking very affectionate. After looking at the two of them, they went shopping the day before yesterday without saying much.

After walking tired, go to the teahouse to sit and do it. At night, Gu Di plans to take He Youge to see the peach blossoms. There are many peach blossoms on both sides of the canal. Right now, he plans to take He Youge to see the peach blossoms.

He Youge sat at the side, looking at Tao Yaoyao, but unexpectedly, someone came in suddenly, "Miss He..." The man was handsome, and he could tell at a glance that he was the master of the world.

"Miss He has been away for so many years. I didn't expect you to be here. Why did Miss He leave without saying goodbye that day?" He Youge was embarrassed when he heard these words. Holding the pastry and leading Ji Hengli down the road, he silently ignored the show.

Tao Yaoyao looked at the man, what did he say to He Youge?He Youge was jealous of Emperor Gu and didn't dare to say much. Emperor Gu looked cold while drinking tea, and after Tao Yaoyao saw the man leave, the two had a dispute.

Tao Yaoyao didn't hear clearly, but there should be a big problem with her appearance, Tao Yaoyao clearly knew at the moment that she went up to deliver food, and she slipped in a sentence, Tao Yaoyao didn't want this.

Tao Yaoyao hid with Ji Hengli in his arms, and He Youge left alone. Gu Di looked cold and looked at Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengli, sitting not far away, both of them were holding cakes, just like the little hamster When she looked at him, she couldn't help but chuckled.

This girl is not young, but her temperament is like that of a child, she couldn't help being pitied, she stretched out her hand and said to the two of them, "Come and sit, do I want to eat you?"

Gu Di felt that he had brought a son and two daughters. The son was Ji Hengli, and the daughter was naturally the two sisters of the He family, the eldest daughter and the youngest daughter. Now that the eldest daughter He Youge ran away, only these two dolls were left. up.

"Is it really okay for my sister to run alone?" Tao Yaoyao worried, but shook her head in her heart, although she didn't know what kind of temper the two of them had.But He Youge left his son and ran away, which is also capricious.

Tao Yaoyao ignored so much. When He Youge ran back, he saw Tao Yaoyao, Gu Di, and Ji Hengli enjoying themselves happily. At that moment, there was that anger in his heart, because at that moment, the three of them were considered a family. But he himself became an outsider.

Especially looking at the smile on Tao Yaoyao's face, the seemingly teasing (I wronged her for teasing Ji Hengli at all) made He Youge's face even more ugly, Tao Yaoyao asked a little more, looked at this the door.

I saw that He Youge's eyes were blazing with fire, almost starting a prairie fire. Not to mention Tao Yaoyao was startled, Ji Hengli in his arms also trembled, lowering his head and not daring to look at his mother. .

Tao Yaoyao was eating, and He Youge walked over with a smile, as if what happened just now had never happened. Seeing that the person came back, Gu Di also brought her some food, "How about I apologize just now?"

"En," He Youge nodded, looking at Tao Yaoyao with gloomy eyes, Tao Yaoyao felt that He Youge hated her very much, and why?She didn't understand it yet.

Tao Yaoyao ate with her head down, planning to slip away with Ji Hengli after eating, this He Youge looked at Ji Hengli, "Hengli come here..."

Ji Hengli trembled at this call, pulled Tao Yaoyao's clothes, shook his head but refused, his little face shrank into Tao Yaoyao's arms tremblingly, his mother was like this again, it was terrible...

Ji Hengli has been more sensitive than others since he was a child, and he soon felt his mother's gloomy gaze, and he trembled in fear, "Hengli..."

"Aunt..." Ji Hengli still didn't give up, seeking Tao Yaoyao's protection, He Youge's face turned ugly, Tao Yaoyao was a little embarrassed, hugging Ji Hengli.

"That sister, it's okay, I'll hug her," Tao Yaoyao said with a smile, Ji Hengli was so afraid of He Youge that he was about to cry, how could this He Youge make this child so frightened?
Could it be abuse?But it doesn't matter that Ji Hengli didn't show signs of being abused this time, He Youge didn't want to talk, and directly hugged the child into his arms, "If Yaoyao likes children, she can go and have one herself."

This is her son, not her son, and she is trying to repeat the same old trick to take away everything from her, don't even think about it... Tao Yaoyao lowered her head and didn't look at He Youge, feeling that He Youge was baffled.

"Sister...Heng Li was hugged and hurt by you," Tao Yaoyao said when he saw Ji Hengli crying with a small face, and He Youge's face immediately turned ugly.

"What do you think of me? You are an aunt, not a mother..." Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback by this sentence, she understood the meaning, and He Youge was on guard against herself.

Although she didn't have the memory of He Yaoyao, she could also sense from He Youge's attitude towards her that she was afraid of herself?But what are you afraid of yourself?
"Give me the child, Youge," Gu Di looked at He Youge, and hugged the child. Ji Hengli immediately grabbed his father's clothes tightly, and Gu Di frowned.

Looking at He Youge with dissatisfied eyes, "Why is the child so afraid? How did you take care of the child?" This Emperor Gu said, feeling that He Youge had wronged the child.

He Youge was also aggrieved, "How would I know, I love him very much." He Youge felt aggrieved, he had given everything for this child, but this child never understood his own heart.

He Youge cried, and Ji Hengli couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he saw it, and his heart softened, "Mother, don't cry, baby... the baby is just a little cold, and the baby is not afraid of mother,"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengli with a pale face, obviously terrified, but when she wanted to get close, her expression turned cold, but instead of holding the other's hand, she drank a cup of tea with the teacup.

After He Youge heard this, he wiped away his tears and looked at Ji Hengli. After seeing Ji Hengli, he stretched out his hand to hug Ji Hengli. Ji Hengli immediately burst into tears. His mother liked it when she was gentle, but it was fierce. Sometimes it scares me.

He Youge hugged Ji Hengli directly, and looked at Tao Yaoyao with serious eyes. Tao Yaoyao lowered her head and started to drink tea without speaking. While drinking tea, she saw that Ji Hengli was still crying softly.

Especially when the coldness on He Youge's expression became heavier, Ji Hengli cried harder, Tao Yaoyao smiled, "I still have things to do, brother-in-law, I'll leave first,"

It's okay to leave He Youge behind, eat and peel him alive, and he's not in the way, but Ji Hengli will cry even more fiercely this time, He Youge, a mother who scares a crying child, is also awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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