Chapter 132

Tao Yaoyao went out and didn't plan to pay attention to those people's affairs. This He Youge is a lunatic, although I don't know why Ji Hengli is crying this time?But Tao Yaoyao knew clearly that it was He Youge who was scared to cry.

But He Youge is Ji Hengli's mother, as an outsider, she shouldn't meddle in other people's business, so Tao Yaoyao goes out to go shopping by herself, giving the family of three time to get close to him.

Tao Yaoyao was good to go out, but unexpectedly saw someone not far away, "Xi Tongjing?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she saw this Xitongjing, looked around, and walked over when there was no one .

"Why are you here, Xitongjing? Are you not afraid of death?" If He Youge saw this, she would have to shed her skin if she didn't die. When she looked at Xitongjing, Tao Yaoyao's mind became complicated.

Bringing people to this corner, Xi Tongjing coughed a few times when he heard this, "You know, I don't have a few days to live with this body, and now the only hope is the big pearl, if there is no big pearl, I will die anyway , no matter how you die, it's the same,"

This handsome man bowed his head and said that he looked dead, not to mention how pitiful he was, but Tao Yaoyao curled his lips, don't think that he is stupid, this is playing pitiful for himself, look... whoever said that pretending to be pitiful is a woman's Patented, this man can also be so pitiful that it makes people fascinated.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Xi Tongjing, "Since you chose me, you should give me a trust, don't worry... I will never make mistakes for you when I do things,"

Tao Yaoyao said, "This big pearl will definitely be given to you before that braid." Hearing this, Xi Tongjing was slightly taken aback, braid?Then the corner of his mouth twitched.

He knew about the braids, he had heard it from He Youge, which meant death, "Then thank you, girl, by the way... Miss, this is medicine for your wound, your injury is very serious,"

"Oh, thank you very much," Tao Yaoyao knew that the wound medicine was fake and the antidote was the real one. It's a pity that Tong Jing poisoned herself, and she was embarrassed to let herself know now, if it wasn't because she didn't care much about this life. care.

She could have kicked Xi Tongjing in front of her. Xi Tongjing was a little embarrassed by Tao Yaoyao's words. After giving the antidote and saying something, she left.

And Tao Yaoyao also walked into the inn, and when she walked in, she saw that Gu Di and He You were singing happily, and Ji Hengli was drinking boiling water with the cup, because his parents were showing their affection , There is no time to take care of yourself.

As for the interaction between his parents, Ji Hengli has long been familiar with it. Regarding her mother, as long as she doesn't have bad thoughts, she won't be afraid, but once He Youge has those bad thoughts, she can't bear it. live scared.

When contacting everyone, Ji Hengli could clearly feel their malice. Tao Yaoyao didn't have any malice towards him, some just loved him, while Ji Hengxuan didn't like him, some were just indifferent and dispensable.

So he likes to get close, because for dispensable things, those who want to calculate themselves are much better, "Aunt..." Ji Hengli walked over as soon as he saw Tao Yaoyao, He Youge's face was not good-looking, But there is not much to say.

"Let's go to see the peach blossoms," Gu Di has reconciled with He Youge now, and naturally wants to see the peach blossoms. Tao Yaoyao nodded and went with him. While sitting on the boat, Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengli were there Playing with that water.

When the little feet touched the water, there was a smile on the corner of the mouth, "Auntie..." Ji Hengli slightly scratched Tao Yaoyao with someone, and Tao Yaoyao also broke back immediately after being splashed.

But at this moment, this Emperor Gu is against He Youge reciting poems. This Emperor Gu opens his mouth to recite poems, "Last year and today, in this door, the face of the person is red with peach blossoms. I don't know where the face is going, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in spring..."

He Youge also chanted, Tao Yaoyao was not interested in this at all, looking at the peach blossoms falling on the river, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, stretched out her hand to pick up the peach blossoms, and held them in her palms to watch.

With a gentle blow, the peach blossoms flowed down from the water. At this moment, she couldn't help but think of a sentence, "I ask you how much sorrow you can have, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward."

Watching the peach blossoms being taken away by the river of spring water, there was a bit of sadness, their painting boat was very big, and Ji Hengli was tired from playing this time, Tao Yaoyao stood by the boat and watched that person come People go to the shore.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden force behind her, and then her whole body was pushed into the water. When Tao Yaoyao jumped into the water, she turned her head and saw He Youge's distorted expression, and she was slightly taken aback.

He Youge really hates herself, no... not just hate, but why?Many images flashed through Tao Yaoyao's mind, which were He Yaoyao's memories.

When He Yaoyao was very young, he liked his elder sister very much, but he didn't know when, her elder sister became wary of him, and He Yaoyao's fiancé was very satisfied with this marriage at first.

But I saw this He Youge once six years ago, and immediately changed my mind. At that time, He Yaoyao was a ten-year-old baby. Given this to Emperor Gu, naturally there is no way to get married, so if it is on He Yaoyao's body.

On the day when He Yaoyao had an accident, she stood at the door, listened to her sister, and said to her fiancé, "I'm sorry, I'm already a married woman. I only regret that we met so late. I can't be sorry for Yaoyao. ,"

"You Ge, you are so kind. If Yaoyao understood your thoughts, then I wouldn't dislike her so much. It's a pity that she has taken advantage of you, but she still misbehaves everywhere. I can't stand it..."

Tao Yaoyao watched He Yaoyao leave heartbroken, and she was sitting in the carriage, but she didn't expect that the carriage was tampered with, and the wheels fell off halfway, and He Youge's enemy came to the door. Such a coincidence, as if someone pushed it?

When Tao Yaoyao sank to the bottom of the water, through He Yaoyao's eyes, she saw He Youge's cold and distorted gaze. It was the gaze that wanted He Yaoyao to die. Why?
He Yaoyao kept asking why?I respect this sister very much, but why do everyone say that I treat my sister badly?She is neither bad nor naughty, why?Like this, everyone thinks they are bad.

And why does that sister hate herself?Why do you want to die yourself?He Yaoyao doesn't understand, neither does Tao Yaoyao, He Yaoyao has never been sorry for He Youge since she was a child, but He Youge keeps ruining He Yaoyao's reputation, she doesn't understand?She doesn't understand either?

What kind of deep hatred would make a real sister ruin this real sister?
What kind of feelings made this He Youge attack him a second time?The carriage derailed for no reason, she didn't believe that no one did anything, and this time...she was pushed into the water by He Youge's own hands, she just wanted to die, why?Why did He Youge hate He Yaoyao so much?
(End of this chapter)

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