Chapter 13

"Hurry up, Missy is here." At that moment, even Situ Qing was fascinated by the woman in front of him, but when he heard the voice, Situ Qing came back to his senses, and then pulled Tao Yao Yao's hand.

"They are looking for you, you are the daughter of the master in this courtyard!" He held Tao Yaoyao's hand as he said that, the delicate touch, smooth and delicate, he has known for a long time, Master Tao raised his daughter like a treasure, and he only knew this when he saw her today. The woman is really a treasure, with that alluring face, few people can withstand her seduction.

"Let me go, I'm sorry for pressing you just now, but you are such a big man, let me go, let me go," Tao Yaoyao struggled desperately when she heard Situ Qing's words, but it's a pity In front of Situ Qing, his little strength was as indifferent as a chicken to an eagle.

Peaty, my sister wants to run away, peat dripping male lead, my sister offended you, isn't it just to suppress you for a while?If I had known, my sister would give you two kicks first, and kick you to death, you bastard.

"Let go? It's you who should go back with me. As a woman, she actually climbed over the wall and went out in the middle of the night, and spread the word so ignorantly. It depends on the face of your Tao family," he said, and wanted to pull Tao Yaoyao back.

"Shangguan Wanyan (ノω<.)ノ))☆..." When she was held back by Situ Qing, Tao Yaoyao knew that from the tone just now, this guy seemed to know herself so cheap Daddy, damn she ain't going back.

As soon as he heard Shangguan Wanyan's name, Situ Qing turned his head and was slightly taken aback, but he never let go of his grip, and when he hadn't seen Shangguan Wanyan, he sneered at the little trick in his heart, Tao Yaoyao, I'm sorry, you still turn back the little trick.

"Put eyes in!" But when Situ Qing turned his head, he heard Tao Yaoyao's words, and soon saw Tao Yaoyao wanted to put his hand in his eyes, so he quickly held that disobedient hand.

"Protruding (哉盘哦) bitch," I just held my hand, and in the next second, there was a huge pain in my lower body. The emotional Tao Yaoyao didn't get in the eyes at all, but directly attacked the body. That kick was pretty good Seriously, the balls are broken.

"Bitch, you dare to play dirty with me." Although the pain made Situ Qing subconsciously let go, but the male lead is the male lead, even if he covered the bottom, he did not forget to catch the culprit. Then he said, "I'm kicking,"

When he heard Tao Yaoyao's words, Situ Qing naturally protected his lower body subconsciously, but it's a pity that it's best not to believe the words of the demon girl forever, because this time Tao Yaoyao inserted her eyes, and Tao Yaoyao directly gave Situ Qing the second crab , Situ Qing's eyes were about to bleed from the poke /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~.

"Haha... Yaoyao kicked round and round," Situ Qing had no choice but to let go of Tao Yaoyao under the pain in his eyes, covering his eyes with one hand and his lower body with the other, not to mention how embarrassed he looked.

I just beat the dog in the water, which is the favorite of witches. I saw Tao Yaoyao lifted her skirt, then kicked Situ Qing to the ground, and then ran to a high place, "Jack, I crushed you to death. "

She has always been revengeful, last time Situ Qing beat her and Changfeng, this time he sent him to his door to make her dirty, if she let her go, she would not be called Tao Yaoyao, so this woman is very bad.

The male lead was just stopping her, she just ruthlessly put her hands in her eyes, and she didn't let go, and when she finally left, she deliberately used her own body weight to press down on others, Situ Qing is considered to be a good martial artist at this moment.

It also caused Tao Yaoyao to suffer internal injuries. In fact, most of them were angry. It was the first time in his history that he was raped by a woman and treated like this by a woman. When he thought of all this, Situ Qing spit out blood from the corner of his mouth.

Tao Yaoyao was also out of anger, and ran away ahead of time, she didn't care if the hero was the hero or not, after all, she would never see the hero again in her life, so she naturally wanted revenge and revenge.

"You bitch, you dare to treat me like this, bitch, you wait for me..." At this moment, when Tao Yaoyao was still hearing the angry scolding behind her, the harsh sound made Tao Yaoyao drool more and more, my dear father Dear mother, the hero is so scary, hurry up and finish the task and go home.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao ran fast, and soon arrived at the memorial ceremony venue, and the servants behind her were also chasing after each other, the night was as deep as water, it was already around eleven o'clock, and the people around Almost all scattered.

When Tao Yaoyao saw the empty place, she almost burst into tears, because the male partner ran away, the male supporting character ran away, ran away!You must know that when she was in a coma, she saw the beauty under the mask, she was not the heroine.

How could Tao Yaoyao never think of it?She finally thought of the hero to save the beauty, but in the end she still made a bridge for the heroine and the heroine. This made Tao Yaoyao have the illusion that if she did not die, she would not die.

"Hurry up, you guys. If the miss is lost, there are good fruits for you to eat," Tao Yaoyao panicked when she heard the voice, so she didn't want to be caught back. She wanted to find a male partner, and she tried her best There is a way to grab the male supporting role. Damn, since she can't find other women to seduce, even if she seduces the male supporting role herself, she can't take advantage of the female lead.

Although she was very angry with the heroine for spoiling her good deeds, Tao Yaoyao knew very well that now was not the time to be angry, but how to find a way to get rid of those followers behind her, and when she thought of this, Tao Yaoyao jumped off her skirt and ran away.

In the middle of the journey, because the corner of the skirt tripped her, she hastily tore the corner of the skirt, how to run in a panic, under the dark moonlight in the middle of the night, Tao Yaoyao kept running in the field.

The people behind kept chasing after her, and Tao Yaoyao, who was not careful, immediately rolled down the hillside. After all, the night was pitch black, and people ran in a hurry while hiding from others in a panic, and running away in a panic. road.

Just when Tao Yaoyao fell and rolled down the hillside, the next second her body was hugged by someone, and then her whole body was stuffed into the man's arms, her head was also protected by a big hand, and then the two of them walked Rolling down the hill like that.

The bumps along the way made Tao Yaoyao a little queasy, and by the end, she was already dizzy, "Don't be afraid, Yaoyao, don't make a sound,"

As soon as Tao Yaoyao got to the bottom, she was hugged tightly by someone, and then hid under the hillside, her whole body was pressed under the man like that, the rough panting sound, the ambiguous atmosphere, that belonged to the man's unique smell, let Tao Yaoyao's face turned bright red.

Under the moonlight, she was pretty and blushing, her long eyelashes were flickering, and because of the mist that rushed out in a panic, her watery eyes were covered with a little bit of fear, like a frightened bunny. So cute and lovely.

The bright red lips breathed out for a long time because of the fright, and the small mouth that opened and closed was as shiny and attractive as honey, and one couldn't help but kiss, although the hair was already messy and the forehead was full of men. Instead, it added a sexy charm to her.

Seeing Changfeng unconsciously shifting his eyes to other places, he didn't dare to look at Tao Yaoyao for half a minute, for fear that he would lose control in the next second, but the person in his arms was very sweet, and the faint fragrance came to his nostrils.

Because they were afraid of being discovered, the figures of the two were tightly attached to everything, their heartbeat and breathing were so clearly audible, and the heat from the thin tulle skirt made Tao Yaoyao subconsciously push Changfeng up.

Although she is a girl with a strong taste, she has never had sex before. After all, Tao Yaoyao is a nerd girl and very nerdy. She wanted to have a boyfriend several times, but every time she let her go, she has been a suitor for a long time In many, also dying down one by one.

There is a saying that is true, even if you are a goddess, as long as you stay home, men will still run away.

(End of this chapter)

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