Chapter 14

"Yaoyao don't move, be good, don't move, I'll talk about it after a while," Changfeng felt the person in his arms resist, quickly pressed the little head to his chest, and comforted him softly.

"With me around, you won't be bullied, don't be afraid... Be good..." The warm words in her ear reassured Tao Yaoyao a lot, and she gradually relaxed her tense body.

The pursuer was walking past them, he might be able to run away alone, but it is difficult to take Tao Yaoyao with him at this moment, so Changfeng quickly stabilized Tao Yaoyao as soon as he felt Tao Yaoyao's resistance.

Changfeng's body also has another feeling, when the soft and fragrant man is rubbing desperately in his arms, he has a sense of pleasure but also a bit of discomfort, especially in the lower body.

Although he has never had sex before, but he is not a fool, knowing that Yaoyao is going to make a fuss, something big is going to happen, Tao Yaoyao felt Changfeng's strangeness, and when he heard the hoarse voice, he let out a sigh Don't dare to move around.

Compared with Changfeng Taoyao, she understands everything in front of her eyes better. Ganchai Lihuo is a lonely man and a widow. In American dramas, it is usually time to be in the wilderness in the next second. It is not for nothing for her to watch a big ghost movie in American dramas, especially late night ghosts. In the movie, Na Ye He is the most common plot.

At this moment, when she heard Changfeng's strange behavior, Taoyaoyao~~(╯﹏╰) b felt that Mao had made it on her own, and felt that the person in her arms was quiet. Changfeng felt a little disappointed, and wanted to let this girl dawdle few times.

But soon Changfeng cursed himself as a beast, and after the man ran away, he slowly let go of Tao Yaoyao, looking at Tao Yaoyao with fiery eyes, "Yaoyao, you are a woman, right? !"

In fact, when Changfeng met Shangguan Wanyan at first, he said goodbye to Shangguan without much conversation, but when Changfeng waited for Tao Yaoyao for a long time but still did not see Tao Yaoyao, he couldn't help feeling anxious.

So he hurriedly searched around, but after searching for a long time but still did not see Tao Yaoyao's figure, Changfeng's heart was shaken, holding on to his last hope, that is, that Tao Yaoyao got lost .

He couldn't find the place he had agreed with him, so he felt anxious and wanted to go home to see if Tao Yaoyao had returned. If he didn't go back to Changfeng, he thought that if there were no parents, he would try his best to kill him. The family that was looking for someone today also wanted to find out what Tao Yaoyao was thinking.

Just on the way home, I saw a group of people chasing a woman. The woman was wearing a white floral dress with her hair fluttering in the wind. Her veil skirt fell to the ground under the night sky. That ethereal and beautiful scene , as if a fairy fell into the mundane world, people stopped involuntarily.

When his eyes saw the woman's appearance, his heart skipped a beat, isn't that his Yaoyao? !When he saw Yaoyao in women's clothing, Changfeng felt his heart jump out of his chest.

Even if the person is changing, it's just that he is like that at a glance. That's his Yaoyao, not the recognition of his appearance, but the original temperament. No matter how his Yaoyao changes, those eyes will never change.

When he realized that the woman was Tao Yaoyao, Changfeng's heart was like thunder, but before he could react, he saw Tao Yaoyao rolling down the hillside. When he saw this, Changfeng didn't even think about it. hugged Tao Yaoyao.

At that moment, the only thought in Changfeng's mind was that he wanted to protect her, and he must definitely protect him. With such thoughts in mind, Changfeng rolled down with his arms around Tao Yaoyao like that, and Tao Yaoyao was never injured at all. Yaoyao said sadly.

When she heard Changfeng's words, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, and when she wanted to explain, she found that the man beside her suddenly fell down on her, and then pressed herself heavily under her body.

And there was a wet touch in that hand, seeing Tao Yaoyao at this time, first she panicked, at this moment, in a place she had never seen, Changfeng's back was already covered in blood and flesh.

Especially those hands, those hands that were holding her just now, but at this moment, there is blood on them, and there are still a lot of gravel on them. Obviously, the reason why Tao Yaoyao was not injured when she rolled down just now is because of this man. It's very well protected.

"Cousin, wake up cousin," Tao Yaoyao was a little out of breath under the weight of the mountain, Changfeng's whole body seemed to be breathless, which made Tao Yaoyao flustered.

She is very scared at the moment, afraid that something will happen to Changfeng, afraid that Changfeng will die, afraid that it will be difficult for her to go home, and she doesn't know if Tao Yaoyao's voice is too miserable. wake up.

When she saw Tao Yaoyao who was crying like a tearful person, she wiped away the tears on Tao Yaoyao's cheeks with her fingers, but that immediately made Tao Yaoyao look bloody.

Especially those hands, those hands that were holding her just now, but at this moment, there is blood on them, and there are still a lot of gravel on them. Obviously, the reason why Tao Yaoyao was not injured when she rolled down just now is because of this man. It's very well protected.

"Cousin, wake up...Cousin, don't scare Yaoyao, cousin...Cousin," Tao Yaoyao was a little out of breath under the weight of the mountain, and at this moment Changfeng seemed to have no breath at all. It made Tao Yaoyao flustered.

She was very scared, afraid that something would happen to Changfeng, afraid that Changfeng would die, afraid that it would be difficult for her to go home, and she didn't know if Tao Yaoyao's voice was too miserable, but Changfeng, who was originally unconscious, woke up leisurely Come.

When she saw Tao Yaoyao who was crying like a tearful person, she wiped away the tears on Tao Yaoyao's cheeks with her fingers, but that immediately made Tao Yaoyao look bloody.

Changfeng's hands were already dripping with blood, and the tears immediately melted away, making Tao Yaoyao's exquisite little face look incomparably embarrassed, "Yaoyao, don't cry, I'll wipe it for you, and it will be gone in a while." Not dirty anymore,"

Seeing that Tao Yaoyao's face was dirty, Chang Feng hurriedly wiped Tao Yaoyao's face with his hands, but when he saw his clothes, he withdrew his hand again, "Wait, Yaoyao, I'll get water and wash it soon." It's clean,"

He knows that Tao Yaoyao loves to be clean, since she came, everything in the house has been tidied up. At that time, he was a little surprised that his delicate-looking cousin would actually clean up the house.

And he tidied up like a girl, when he saw Tao Yaoyao, he knew that women love beauty, especially that face, when he saw that Tao Yaoyao's face was dirty by himself, The first thought was to find water for Tao Yaoyao to wash.

"Wash your ass, I'll take you to see a doctor, what should be washed now is not my face, but to show you the wound," Tao Yaoyao scolded angrily when she heard Changfeng's stupid words, wash your ass now The face, the life is gone, and I still have the mood to worry about whether other people's faces are dirty.

(End of this chapter)

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