Chapter 15

"Yaoyao..." Changfeng stood up, and Tao Yaoyao put his hands on her shoulders for a moment. When the small shoulders were pressed on her, they obviously sank, and her footsteps became heavier. Tao was trembling.

Compared with Yaoyao's body, Changfeng's body is the difference between a big mountain and a small mountain. With a height of about 1.9 meters, with a figure of about 1.5 meters, he can stand up like an adult and a child. In addition, Yaoyao is a woman, and she can resist a five times The man can imagine how tired he is.

"Yaoyao, I'll go by myself, don't get tired, or else I'll wait here, you go back first, I'll be fine if I wander for a while, and then catch up with you," when she rolled down the hill just now, even though she had protected Tao Yaoyao , but he was thrown in all sorts of messes, plus all the way the sharp stones hit him, his whole body hurts like hell.

When he saw Tao Yaoyao carrying him, Chang Feng felt a little weird. Although he said to let go, that action never made him want Tao Yaoyao to let go. In fact, if Chang Feng really wants to leave now, it is not impossible, at most He carried it back with force, but the next moment his hand hesitated slightly, reluctant to leave that small shoulder.

"Bullshit, if you stay, if the wolf comes, then you wait to deliver the food," Tao Yaoyao saw Changfeng fainted, and thought that Changfeng was seriously injured, but she didn't know that the fainting just now was just It's because he didn't sway over for a while, although the fall was heavy for Changfeng, he could still bear it, and he could sway over after a short rest.

"Don't worry, I will take you back, cousin. Don't worry, I will definitely carry you back. You don't know that I used to fight with boys. I have always been No.1. I am their leader and my strength is the same. Biggest, cousin so don't think I'm small, I'm actually very capable," Tao Yaoyao said while carrying Changfeng desperately.

It's just that the difference in height at the moment made Changfeng's feet dragging. Looking at Tao Yaoyao's appearance, Changfeng felt like saying in his heart, little cousin, if you drag like this, you might as well walk by yourself. You are tired too.

Just looking at the sweaty little face, which was full of determination, Changfeng did not speak, but let Tao Yaoyao carry him. Such warmth makes people reluctant to destroy, greedy for this moment The look and tenderness of being anxious for himself.

When listening to Tao Yaoyao's words, Chang Feng was slightly taken aback, but he was thinking of this little liar, who still lied to me at this time. Soon it became clear that the little cousin in front of him should be the little cousin.

Tao Yaoyao didn't know that she had become a little liar, and she was still chattering to Changfeng, "Cousin, don't worry, I will take you back soon, whether you are in pain or tired, if you are tired, go to bed first, but Don't sleep to death, or I will be afraid, "

Afraid that Changfeng would die suddenly, Tao Yaoyao kept looking for topics to talk to Chang Feng. In fact, Tao Yaoyao didn't know that although Changfeng was seriously injured at the moment, it was nothing to them who loved to suffer injuries all the time. Big deal.

Especially for Changfeng, the injury was more serious than this time, and he would not die because of this injury, but it seemed that there was a little more blood, but it was just a flesh injury.

"Yaoyao, I'm fine, just tell me to listen," Chang Feng said in order to reassure Tao Yaoyao. Although his tone was somewhat weak, his expression was bright, especially when he looked at Tao Yaoyao. With a hot.

"Oh, let me tell you, you don't know that I was so cute when I was young..." Tao Yaoyao continued to talk when she heard Chang Feng's reply, talking about a childhood anecdote.

It's just that Tao Yaoyao suddenly realized that Changfeng seemed to be a lot lighter?Could it be that Mr. System is helping?Because of Changfeng's sudden weight loss, Tao Yaoyao wasn't so tired when she was carrying Changfeng.

It's just that she didn't know that Changfeng used his feet to support his body where he couldn't see, and only pressed a small part on Tao Yaoyao's shoulders, in order to match Tao Yaoyao's footsteps.

At this moment, Changfeng seemed to be working harder and more uncomfortable, but just like this, he still looked at the girl in front of him silently, as if it was important to get close to her a little bit, even if he would give everything, let alone cooperate with Tao Yaoyao's footsteps.

Under the moonlight, their shadows were stretched very long. The two walked side by side, but the man behind him leaned slightly on the girl with his body and strength. Changfeng's back was already soaked with sweat.

On the bloody back, the blood dripped on the ground bit by bit. It seemed that it was not painful, but the injured person seemed to feel nothing at all. He still walked willfully, accompanied by willful, even if it hurts. But he couldn't get rid of the tenderness in those eyes.

Because of Changfeng's injury, Changfeng hasn't been on the mountain these few days. Fortunately, there is some food at home, which is enough for them to eat for a few days. In fact, Changfeng also secretly went to the mountain, but was scolded by Tao Yaoyao to go back.

Because of going back to Tao Yao's family, Yaoyao was dressed in men's clothes again, and Chang Feng also kept silent about what happened that day, as if he had never seen Yaoyao's women's clothes before, which made Tao Yaoyao a little surprised.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao, how could she know? Parents thought, since they have been sharing the same bed for many days anyway, he didn't foolishly say that if you sleep on the bed and I sleep on the floor, she is saying that Yaoyao herself does not recognize her as a woman. He can't pretend to be a gentleman.

In this life, he intends to marry Tao Yaoyao, and when this girl is willing to tell him that she is a woman, and when she is willing to put on women's clothing for him, as for her not talking about the bed photo at the moment, then there is no need for him to hide from Ruan Xiangyu pillow.

In fact, even though Changfeng is like this, there are more rules than in the past. In the past, when two people slept on the same bed, although they were covered with two quilts, they were still a little close, but since they knew that Tao Yaoyao was a girl, there was a gap between There is a ditch about two palms away, and Tao Yaoyao got things several times, will this man fall?

In fact, Tao Yaoyao didn't intend to hide that she was a woman. The appearance of the heroine made Tao Yaoyao feel the crisis. Since other women couldn't find it, she would do it by herself. Virtue would kill her.

If this man can be made not to like the heroine, then it doesn't matter if he loses his morals right now. Unfortunately, this man is too honest. He doesn't say that he is a woman, but when he wants to share the same bed, this man will pounce on him.

But Tao Yaoyao, who knows that this man is too timid, afraid of her night attack, but he is so sleepy, has some doubts whether her body is a faceless girl, that's why Changfeng Youmei is still in bed. can be so calm.

The two of them are also funny, they are both waiting for the other to speak first, but the other is bothering the other, trying to make the other want to talk, so the misunderstanding is so wrong, Yaoyao hopes that Changfeng wants to say that he likes herself, Changfeng hopes that Yaoyao can Accepting that he puts on women's clothes, at that time he proposed marriage to Yaoyao and married Yaoyao.

The days passed slowly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye. When Tao Yaoyao held Changfeng down, her complexion became uglier day by day. This man is a real woman, and he has been sleeping next to him for half a month, yet he has not moved at all , Is he really that attractive?
(End of this chapter)

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