Chapter 139

"He Youge did it by himself?" Tao Yaoyao was taken aback when she heard that, feeling that He Youge was very suspicious most of the time, and soon saw a man walking in not far away, and that man was Chen He.

"Chen He has thoughts about He Youge in the first place, even if it's nothing at the moment, do you think my father will really think that way when he sees him?" Chen He has thoughts about He Youge, and he misses He Youge in his heart .

Now that Chen He appears here, it's no wonder that Emperor Gu has no idea. Tao Yaoyao is not very interested in all this, because soon Emperor Gu came from not far away, "If you are not interested, we will leave."

Too much involvement in this kind of thing will make Emperor Gu doubt it. Tao Yaoyao nodded and planned to leave. This He Youge quarreled with Emperor Gu, because Emperor Gu saw that He Youge was with Chen He .

Although nothing happened between the two of them, Chen He has always thought about He Youge, and now that Emperor Gu has captured him, even a man who is alone and widowed can think about it.

"I've said it all. I have nothing to do with Chen He. Where he goes has nothing to do with me." Where did Chen He go originally to match Tao Yaoyao, because she knew clearly that Chen He liked her.

If he marries Tao Yaoyao and goes back, and he does something secretly, Chen He will get angry with Tao Yaoyao, and he is trying to find a way to get this Gu Emperor to transfer Chen He away, and then Tao Yaoyao will die far away Yes, it has nothing to do with me.

But she never expected that Tao Yaoyao was not there, but let Gu Di see her with Chen He, although they had nothing to do, but Gu Di had an ugly face.

"Nothing? He Youge, you are talking about it, why do you have nothing to do with those men? You clearly know that they like you, but you not only don't avoid taboos, but recruit people in, He Youge, you treat me like you What happened?" He Youge knew that many men outside liked him.

Although he cared about it, he didn't hold on to it, but right now He Youge and Chen He, the lonely man and widow, were staying in this secluded corner, and he even let himself catch one. It's crazy that Emperor Gu has no idea , He Youge's expression turned ugly when he heard this.

"I have always been innocent with them, and there has never been any transgressive relationship. What's have three thousand in the harem, why don't you allow me to have a few friends?" He Youge didn't want to be outdone.

The two quarreled fiercely. The next day, Tao Yaoyao saw He Youge getting angry. Obviously, yesterday, Gu Di left directly and didn't take care of He Youge at all.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao knew clearly that it was true that Emperor Gu liked He Youge, but the love had been going on for several years, and now with the appearance of his sister-in-law, He Youge was out of control, which naturally caused a disturbance.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao never knew why this He Youge was so taboo towards her?It seems that to her, she is an inescapable curse. Does He Youge care too much about herself?
"Sister..." Tao Yaoyao was slapped by He Youge before Tao Yaoyao finished speaking, "Bitch, I really underestimated you, you bitch, are you planning on me?"

"Sister, what are you talking about? Didn't you plan on me first? Why... right now, I feel that my sister has done something wrong? What's more... sister, I haven't done anything yet," Tao Yaoyao refused to be outdone.

Right now, He Youge doesn't play pimp with her anymore, and she doesn't need it, He Youge is scheming against herself everywhere, and she Tao Yaoyao is not a vegetarian, if she has a word to indulge you, sister is a fool.

Tao Yaoyao's unceremoniousness made He Youge smile coldly and speak sharply, "Bitch, why don't you put on an air, bitch, I know your thoughts, do you want to steal my palace Man, don't even look at your own virtues, "

He Youge's words were very blunt. Tao Yaoyao sat on the side, and her beautiful expression jumped, her charming and seductive look, "Sister, you are joking, am I not beautiful?"

These words clearly told He Youge that he was beautiful and beautiful, and these two things were enough to seduce men right now, and he was young and energetic.

He Youge, who was originally angry, looked at Tao Yaoyao, who was in peach blossoms, his eyes suddenly turned cold, especially those words, which made He Youge's expression change drastically.

She took the stool and threw it at Tao Yaoyao. Tao Yaoyao didn't expect that she had played too hard. When she saw that Emperor Gu came in, she let He Youge get down on the stool without hiding, and she fell into a pool of blood.

When Tao Yaoyao fell down, she felt that she had lost all her money, and she didn't know how much He Youge's goodwill in Gu Di's heart had been destroyed. After hearing He Youge's murder, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"You Ge, what are you doing?" Ji Hengxuan was dumbfounded, he just watched Tao Yaoyao being pushed down by a stool in a daze, and stood aside, Zhao Wuji reacted quickly and hugged her.

"Your Majesty's servant is going to invite the imperial physician, Fourth Prince..." Only then did Ji Hengxuan come back to his senses and followed in panic. Emperor Gu looked at He Youge, and He Youge trembled when he saw the bloody body.

"It's not me, she forced me, she forced me," it was Tao Yaoyao who forced herself, Tao Yaoyao... This face, she will never forget in her life, she and her husband Xin in the previous life Worked hard to create a family business.

My younger sister, who is [-] years younger than myself, lives at home because of the death of her parents. That younger sister is very beautiful, just like this Tao Yaoyao, energetic and delicate, soft and likable.

But because of this liking, she seduced her brother-in-law and made her son like her terribly, just like at this moment, Tao Yaoyao's reaction just now robbed her from her own sister. everything of.

Sitting there, she said in the most vicious words, "Sister, you don't even look at yourself, you are all a yellow-faced woman, but I am beautiful, energetic, and beautiful... You can't blame brother-in-law if you don't like it,"

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl was wearing a red dress, and she looked at her with a sexy red lips and a smile. At that time, she was as powerless as that crazy woman, watching her own sister robbing her of everything. .

Back at this moment, back at the same place, that Tao Yaoyao said similar words, which completely ignited He Youge's demons, wishing to kill that Tao Yaoyao, she must die.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao felt that she was quite willing to die, but Tao Yaoyao didn't know anything about He Youge's previous life. Right now, He Youge wanted her own life, and she was originally with Ji Hengxuan.

After calculating it, he will naturally not be relentless. In addition, the system master will not let himself die when the task is not completed, so this is not afraid of dying at will.

"'s not me,'s that bitch, it's that bitch..." That's a nightmare, a demon in my heart, I can't wait to eat my own nightmare every day, that woman..."I'm going to kill you!" She, I'm going to kill her,"

(End of this chapter)

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