Chapter 140

He Youge was almost going crazy, "That woman, that woman is here to snatch me again, that woman..." He Youge is not afraid of anyone in the world, except for that younger sister.

The younger sister in her previous life was a nightmare, she robbed her of everything but pretended to be innocent, and Tao Yaoyao in this life is also like this, everyone wants to rob her, she can't wait to kill these sluts.

She worked so hard to raise them, not to let them grab men from her, not... He Youge went crazy, "Bitch...Bitch..."

He Youge yelled, thinking of the anger in Tao Yaoyao's chest, no matter what, he couldn't suppress it, why couldn't he get rid of that bitch even after time travel?

He gave her heart, but the bitch went to the room and entered the room.

He Youge started making a fuss, and the servants who were almost frightened knelt on the ground with their hands tightly pressed to the ground, not daring to look up at the empress. , Gu Di hurriedly hugged the person, seeing that the person was still not stopping, he immediately gave the person a hand knife and knocked him out.

Seeing He Youge's appearance, Gu Di was angry and distressed. He was angry at He Youge's random thoughts, and felt sorry for He Youge because of Tao Yaoyao, "Why are you so disobedient, woman? What the hell happened to Yao, it made you want to kill him so much..."

It's a pity that no one answered Gu Di's voice, and at the moment that Tao Yaoyao was carried back to the room, her blood dripping appearance looked terrifying, the empress suddenly became violent, and for no reason, Tao Yaoyao was beaten to the point of bleeding The matter was quickly spread.

There are many people in the palace who want He Youge to die. Such a big matter was immediately spread, and some people even added fuel, saying that He Youge was afraid that Tao Yaoyao would also be favored by Emperor Gu.

Last night, she designed Tao Yaoyao, wanting Tao Yaoyao to lose her body to Chen He, but unexpectedly, Tao Yaoyao ran away cleverly. Seeing that the plan did not succeed, today's empress became angry and beat Tao Yaoyao.

Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, the blood on his face was wiped clean, but this person was unconscious, with a pale expression, which looked particularly frightening, Ji Hengxuan stood aside with an ugly face, not daring to move .

I was afraid that if I moved, I would hear bad news about Tao Yaoyao. Then He Youge hit Tao Yaoyao ruthlessly, almost dying of her breath. He Youge really wanted to kill Tao Yaoyao.

When Tao Yaoyao saw that Emperor Gu came in, she didn't hide at all, and was beaten directly. Tao Yaoyao had the idea of ​​ruining He Youge's reputation, so she naturally didn't let such a good opportunity pass.

When Emperor Gu came in, he saw the pale Tao Yaoyao, "How is the imperial doctor?" Hearing this, the imperial doctor shook his head.

"Princess Mingyue is seriously injured. If she can't wake up right now, the old minister can't do anything." Tao Yaoyao was so injured that she almost died in one breath. When hearing this, Gu Di frowned.

Looking at Tao Yaoyao's pale face, and thinking of He Youge, he didn't understand why He Youge hated Tao Yaoyao so much?I went to investigate by myself, and found that Tao Yaoyao didn't do anything to apologize to He Youge at all.

Since this is the case, where does the resentment come from, "People must be saved, otherwise you will also come to see me." If Tao Yaoyao died, it would not have a good impact on He Youge.

Thinking of He Youge, he sighed. Seeing He Youge's crazy appearance, he couldn't help frowning, distressed but a little disappointed. When he heard this, the imperial doctor nodded.

"You two go down, the servants here will watch," looked at Zao Wou-ki and Ji Hengxuan, Ji Hengxuan didn't want to leave, but was dragged away by Zhao Wou-ki, now the two of them have no identity or reason to stay Down.

Ji Hengxuan was dragged out, "The Fourth Prince is not in the mood to act now, and it won't help if you stay," Zao Wou-ki said, Ji Hengxuan's eyes twisted when he heard this.

"I'm going to kill that bitch," He Youge is a pervert at all. She has been wary of He Yaoyao since she was a child, always trying to make everyone hate He Yaoyao.

Right now, I can't wait to kill Tao Yaoyao to understand all this. When he heard this, Zhao Wuji frowned, "Stop, now is not the time to talk about these things, you have to understand, she is the Empress Empress , the foundation continues, if you do it, you will only destroy yourself, "

He Youge has a lot of roots in this harem, and many court ladies are facing that He Youge, just like today, even if Tao Yaoyao is beaten to death in He Youge's bedroom, as long as He Youge thinks about it, there will be court ladies who will come out to take the blame .

But because when Tao Yaoyao was beaten, Gu Di had just gone with them, so he was caught straight. Hearing this, Ji Hengxuan took a deep breath.

Looking at everything in that room, he wanted to go in, really wanted to, but knew that it was not possible at this time, He Youge didn't know about his relationship with Tao Yaoyao, so he wished to get rid of Tao Yaoyao.

Wouldn't it be even crazier after knowing the relationship between him and Tao Yaoyao?This was something he didn't dare to think about, "Let's go back to the bedroom."

After saying that, she turned around and left, Tao Yaoyao had a severe headache, but she didn't want to wake up right now, she just let herself fall into chaos, and didn't let herself wake up, but there was always someone crying in front of her in the middle of the night.

cry?Ahh... There were raindrops falling on her cheeks, little by little, which made her feel uncomfortable, and the silent crying made Tao Yaoyao think, who the hell made her cry so much? uncomfortable?
Tao Yaoyao really didn't want to open her eyes, yes, opening her eyes would hurt, she naturally chose to close them, anyway, Mr. System bound her soul to this body, as long as she didn't complete her mission, she couldn't run away, So she is in no hurry.

But someone was crying and she was in a hurry. Tao Yaoyao frowned and opened her eyes, which were very heavy and painful. When she opened her eyes, she met Ji Hengxuan's gaze. Ji Hengxuan was crying, although he didn't He spoke, but the tears fell on his face.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, "Why are you crying? I'm not dead yet..." Tao Yaoyao knew that her life would not die since the beginning of the mission, so she never cared about it.

But she didn't care about Ji Hengxuan, but she did. As soon as Ji Hengxuan saw that Tao Yaoyao woke up, he immediately threw himself on Tao Yaoyao's body, biting that Tao Yaoyao's shoulder fiercely, as if to vent his anger.

The resentment and fear in her heart were all poured out at that moment, Tao Yaoyao was very painful when she was bitten, but Ji Hengxuan's emotions infected her, making Tao Yaoyao unable to care about her own pain.

She seemed to have done something wrong again, causing the child to cry so sadly, Tao Yaoyao felt for the first time that she avoided it at that moment, and the child would not cry like a doll.

Ji Hengxuan was afraid that Tao Yaoyao would not wake up. He knew that Tao Yaoyao would let him go. After thinking about it, he knew that Tao Yaoyao himself did not hide. When he saw Tao Yaoyao woke up, the anger in his heart, There is no way to expel it.

Desperately biting Tao Yaoyao's shoulder, venting her anger and fear in her heart, she has always acted like this, she does not take her own life seriously, she has never cared about her own life or death.

It seemed that life and death were like a meal to her. When Ji Hengxuan realized this, his heart was so cold that he wished to bite Tao Yaoyao to death, wished to swallow Tao Yaoyao alive, so that he could relieve the uneasiness in his heart. , the anger subsided, why did he never know how to cherish himself when he hated her?
(End of this chapter)

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