Chapter 141

Tao Yaoyao refused to change after repeated admonitions, which angered Ji Hengxuan, Ji Hengxuan stared at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao could only hug her head, "It hurts..." her little face was pale and screamed in pain, don't mention how provocative that look is, It hurts to see Tao Yaoyao holding her little head like this.

"Don't you know how to hide when you know it hurts? Did you know that it almost killed you?" Ji Hengxuan gritted his teeth and said, this woman really screams pain every time, but she never repents after each time.

"Tao Yaoyao, what exactly do you want me to do? Tell me, do you know that you are wrong if you don't die?" Ji Hengxuan said loudly, Tao Yaoyao lowered her head when she heard those words, feeling aggrieved .

"But Emperor Gu saw it, I... I thought... What a good time for people to see her ferocity," which means that He Youge committed the crime with great difficulty, and no matter what the evidence is conclusive, people cannot Can't see, when Ji Hengxuan heard this, he sighed.

"That's all you are doing? Silly girl... Don't think too much, I will take care of my affairs, don't do this next time, I never need you to fight by yourself, what I want is you to live, "With Tao Yaoyao's appearance, Ji Hengxuan doesn't know what to say?Scold?How do you scold me?

Hearing this, Tao Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, and Ji Hengxuan's heartfelt words made Tao Yaoyao nod, "I will,"

Although she knew that Ji Hengxuan was thunderous and rainy, even if she was angry with herself, she would not be too aggressive with herself. Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan and felt a little guilty. Be careful next time, don't let Ji Hengxuan We are worried about this.

"By the way, Xiao Ji, why are you here?" I would be beaten, and I didn't hide, it was entirely because I knew that the system master would not let me die. After hearing this, Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yao tender.

He directly hugged her in his arms, "You woman, what do I have to do to make you behave? You know that He Youge is going to kill you, but why do you bump into him every time?"

There was helplessness and anger in that look, but he had nothing to do with this woman. If it was someone else, he could do it very rudely, but the person in front of him was just because she was Tao Yaoyao, so he had nothing to do.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she fell silent, lowered her head and did not speak, and let Ji Hengxuan hug her. After she fell into a drowsy sleep, Ji Hengxuan left. When she woke up, it meant that she had passed danger.

Tao Yaoyao passed the danger, but He Youge didn't. He Youge looked at Gu Di, "Are you blaming me? It's her..." He Youge wanted to say that Tao Yaoyao was wrong, but he didn't. There is no way to say.

Because there was no evidence at all, Tao Yaoyao didn't do anything at all, she just said "I'm beautiful", and at the beginning, she was the one who beat herself up, and it was Tao Yaoyao who was disabled in the end.

"You Ge, I don't know what you have in mind? But Yaoyao is disfigured," Gu Di said, and He Youge's face became happy. Seeing this happy He Youge, Gu Di's expression gradually cooled down.

He Youge said, "I know I was wrong, I will apologize to Yaoyao, but... one day I will be in a bad mood, woo... I don't know why... so I beat Yaoyao,"

It's so pitiful, but it's a pity that Gu Di just looked at her coldly. If he didn't miss the happy look just now, he wouldn't be like this, but he clearly saw He Youge because of that Tao Yaoyao Disfigured and delighted.

"You Ge, you know what I think about you. Although I have a harem, who in this harem has surpassed you? You said that I have three thousand harems. When I married you, I already had them. It is impossible for me to marry these women. Let them out, because once they leave the palace, how will they live?"

It is impossible for her own woman to marry her out, especially at this moment when these people are sent to a nunnery, it is a wrong choice at all, because the families of these concubines will not agree.

It's impossible for him to send people away right now, He Youge pursed his lips when he heard this, "But I'm still not happy, I hate it when you smile at that beautiful woman and those women..."

"You Ge, I have nothing to do with that beautiful lady Rong, I never touched her at all," Since I got He Youge, I rarely go to the other bedroom to spend the night, and with this He Youge's temper, I don't want to touch her. There was no way to appease them thoroughly, and she didn't even bother to care about other people.

He Youge was appeased, Tao Yaoyao was beaten disfigured, and there was a scar on her forehead. When Tao Yaoyao went out, she was wearing that strap, and the eldest princess saw it.

"Hehe, let me just say, you two sluts lost your temper, and now you're fighting among yourself," Tao Yaoyao looked at the eldest princess when she heard this, and didn't even have the intention to talk to her.

"He Yaoyao, stop for me, He Yaoyao..." The Eldest Princess went to pull Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao looked back with an ugly face, and directly threw away that hand, the Eldest Princess was furious and wanted to do something to Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao kicked her directly, "I tell you, I won't tell you anything else right now, princess, but don't treat me as an easy bully, get out..."

Naturally he didn't care about the disfigurement, but this woman kept provoking her again and again, Tao Yaoyao was also angry, the eldest princess was beaten, and the doll yelled.

"Father... woo woo... This little bitch beat me, woo woo..." Weeping, he went to look for Gu Di, who saw that Tao Yaoyao made a move, and Tao Yaoyao looked at the eldest princess , Gu Di looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"She blocked my way. I was in a bad mood. I let her go. I still stopped her. I want to spoil her. Everyone thinks that I was beaten by my sister, so I can be bullied," Xiaolian said. Proud as a little peacock, it made Gu Di smile slightly.

Gu Di looked at Tao Yaoyao, "That means your lord is right?" Gu Di looked at Tao Yaoyao, and felt that this girl's temper was hotter but also very delicate.

"Of course, they all bullied me, and my sister bullied me too. If that's the case, why can't I bully others? I'm not easy to bully," Tao Yaoyao said a few words of bullying, and Gu Di was slightly taken aback.

Is it just bullying after being beaten like this?It seems that this girl holds grudges, but she doesn't hold grudges too much. Resentment is different from resentment. Resentment can be passed, but hatred is difficult.

"Father, she hit me, you have to make the decision for me," the eldest princess cried, and Gu Di frowned, looking at the eldest princess, he felt guilty for Tao Yaoyao. Provoking Gu Di said coldly.

"If you don't learn well at such a young age, go back and copy the hundred female precepts for me, or you won't come out," the eldest princess was slightly taken aback by this sentence. Gu Di has many daughters and sons, and among the daughters of this daughter-in-law, Ji Hengli is the only son. , the others are ministers.

The more children there are, the less they care about it. Even if they are somewhat close, they can still be punished in many cases. The Emperor Gu in front of him is obviously closer to Tao Yaoyao.

Seeing this, Tao Yaoyao knew that her hard work these days was not in vain, and her goodwill was still there, so she immediately ran over pitifully, the little tail on the back was shaking violently, and she could tell her intentions just by looking at it.

But at this moment, Emperor Gu knew Tao Yaoyao's small thoughts, and she was here to complain, she really was a ghost girl, she immediately followed the pole, no wonder she was so lovable.

(End of this chapter)

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