Chapter 148

Gu Di was in a bad mood these days, when he looked at the materials he was sitting on, his face turned livid. "Where did these come from?"

The information on it is all about He Youge and Xi Tongjing, but at this moment it is clearly written that the big pearl is used as a token of engagement, and He Youge also owns it.

It's a pity that after He Youge got the big pearl, he killed Xi Tongjing's family and returned to the palace to become his own empress. This kind of thing almost hurt Gu Di's face. up.

The overheard heard this and looked at Emperor Gu, "I don't know, I got it from a little eunuch. After reading it, I knew it was important, so I showed it to Your Majesty."

Gu Di's gaze was heavy. He always knew that He Youge had many flower protectors, but knowing it was one thing, but seeing it naked was another. When thinking of these things, Gu Di's face became ugly stand up.

"Go to the real investigation, I want to know everything, not just a few words," what I need to know right now is everything, not just a few words, the eunuch who heard this nodded and immediately went down to investigate.

Gu Di rubbed his forehead, when did it start?When did he and He Youge go a little far away? He still remembers the first time he saw He Youge, He Youge was the girl next to his original partner. At that time, she was innocent and bold, and she was full of vigor and vitality. .

At that time, she was rescued by her original wife. Because the people in the family treated her badly, she was willing to follow the former queen into the palace. He was curious from the first time, and liked it at the end.

I don't know when it started, this woman is like that water, slowly flowing into my heart. It's the first time I feel this feeling from He Youge.

But just two years ago, because of Tao Yaoyao's being pushed into the water, Gu Di actually saw it, just like Ji Hengli did, but he also kept silent like Ji Hengli.

From which day did he have such a strange feeling towards himself, the queen, why did he protect that Tao Yaoyao, but he just didn't want to see this He Youge and regret it in the future, but...he didn't expect this He Youge It will actually get worse.

Gu Di shook his head. If there is any bad feeling in the relationship, there will be impurities bit by bit. Right now, He Youge and Gu Emperor have the impurities, and the relationship is actually the most fragile.

When Tao Yaoyao woke up the next day, she went to look at Ji Hengli. Ji Hengli woke up earlier, but later she was too weak, so she fell asleep again, and was relieved about Tao Yaoyao.

It's a good thing this little guy didn't make any noise, otherwise he wouldn't know how to compensate He Youge's son right now. He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Come here..."

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when he saw He Youge's gaze, and when He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao, his expression still had that disgust, and he hated Tao Yaoyao very much, "Do you know that I hate you very much? ,"

"..." Did you call me here just to tell me this?Tao Yaoyao looked at He Youge puzzledly and said, He Youge couldn't help but smile when Tao Yaoyao looked at his descendants.

"You are very strange, aren't you? Why did I ask you? You are from Ji Hengxuan, aren't you?" At the beginning, He Youge had doubts. It wasn't until the matter of Chen He that He Youge was completely sure. , this Tao Yaoyao belongs to Ji Hengxuan.

"Sister said yes," Tao Yaoyao's reaction made He Youge's face turn ugly, and when she saw Tao Yaoyao's indifferent expression, she felt an indescribable hatred.

"He Yaoyao, you are my sister, why do you help outsiders deal with me?" He Youge said angrily. After these days, Ji Hengxuan dealt a heavy blow to him, which made He Youge almost breathless. At this time of Tao Yaoyao, He Youge almost roared.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she looked at He Youge, "You have your position, I have my choice, not to you think He Yaoyao is your sister? You push me into the water , almost killed, back then, you seduced your sister's fiancé, and you were looking for someone to intercept and kill your own sister, and you asked me to stand on the same boat as you, do you dare to take me?"

I didn't have any sincerity towards He Youge, but He Youge also didn't have any sincerity towards myself and He Yaoyao. I always wished that He Yaoyao would die, but I just pretended to let everyone treat me as a good sister.

For this is the most hateful thing, He Youge's face changed coldly when he heard this, but soon He Youge smiled, "He Yaoyao, if you are with Ji Hengxuan, you are not afraid of Ji Hengxuan in the end Kill you? Don't forget what you did to Ji Hengxuan,"

Tao Yaoyao blinked slightly at He Youge's words, not knowing what He Youge meant?But right now, she doesn't care. After bringing down this He Youge, she will leave this world. As for what happens next, it really has nothing to do with her.

"I haven't forgotten, I don't need you to remind me, but I have my own way," Tao Yaoyao didn't ask stupidly why?Instead, he said coldly, this arrogant appearance made He Youge's face ugly.

"He Yaoyao, let me tell you, don't be too complacent, the hatred of killing your mother is irreconcilable, do you think Ji Hengxuan will let you go? not human,"

He Youge gritted his teeth and said coldly, Tao Yaoyao's footsteps stopped after these words, Tao Yaoyao's head bang, and she killed Ji Hengxuan's mother, the former empress?
This is impossible, but Tao Yaoyao felt uneasy, because what He Youge said did not seem to be a lie, Tao Yaoyao smiled calmly, "So what? Compared to being calculated by my own sister, I It might as well be like this,"

The neither salty nor light tone made this He Youge want to eat Tao Yaoyao, and Tao Yaoyao didn't stay much. When facing He Youge just now, he had the idea of ​​showing weakness again, but at this moment, his whole body It's all cold, is he really the murderer who killed Ji Hengxuan's mother?
Tao Yaoyao has always been thinking that there is no need for He Youge to weave such a lie to deceive herself, let alone...then He Youge doesn't know that she has no memory, but right now...if it is true, she... When thinking of Ji Hengxuan, Tao Yaoyao involuntarily held the cup tightly with her hand.

When she heard the voice behind her, she was startled and the teacup in her hand fell to the ground, "Yaoyao..." The familiar voice in the past made Tao Yaoyao feel unspeakably cold today.

(End of this chapter)

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