Chapter 149

Tao Yaoyao was scared, yes... she said this lightly in front of He Youge, but she was a little scared when faced with Ji Hengxuan's voice, and she didn't spend much thought on Dongfang Bai and the others.

Yes, I have always been pampered by those people, so there is sincere dedication, but there are more people who are less careful, but Ji Hengxuan is different. Ji Hengxuan was raised by himself and pampered by himself, just like The child in his hands is the same, so Ji Hengxuan is special.

Because of this special, Tao Yaoyao suddenly became a little chilly, feeling a slight coldness all over her body, "Yaoyao, what's wrong with you? Why is your whole body cold?"

Ji Hengxuan was slightly taken aback and said, "Did He Youge do something to you?" When talking about He Youge, her eyes gradually turned cold. She disliked He Youge out of ten thousand, if it wasn't for the She is the Empress Empress, Ji Hengxuan has already secretly found someone to kill her.

Ji Hengxuan's words made Tao Yaoyao smile, "I'm fine, I just thought of some past events," he said with a hesitant look, "By the way, Hengxuan, do you still remember how your mother died? ?”

How did Ji Hengxuan's mother die?Mu Yaoyao quickly said again, "Look at my demonic barrier, how do you know?" That's right, this child was sent out when he thought his mother was seriously ill. When saved.

Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, always felt that Tao Yaoyao had something to say, he couldn't help but frowned while he was busy, why is this?It feels strange, and... a little subtle.

"Actually, I know about my mother's affairs," Ji Hengxuan said after being silent for a while, Tao Yaoyao's hands trembled when he heard this, but he still forced a smile to look at Ji Hengxuan.

"Oh, what do you know? Can you tell me? Actually, I really want to know too," Tao Yaoyao's expression was indescribably complicated, Ji Hengxuan found out that Tao Yaoyao really had something to hide from himself.

But he believed Tao Yaoyao, so he didn't ask too much, but talked about his mother's affairs, "Mother died unexpectedly. When I investigated, I found that someone poisoned my mother. That kind of poison is a kind of poison. A kind of poison mixed in the food, in that year, there was a palace lady who poisoned the queen mother, but then the palace lady disappeared, "

I don't know if the court lady is dead, but as long as he finds someone right now, he will be able to convince Emperor Gu that He Youge killed his mother. When hearing this, Tao Yaoyao nodded, "Don't worry , will be found soon,"

During that night, Tao Yaoyao had a dream. In the dream, her appearance was not her current appearance, but a very ordinary face. She went to a very noble woman to be a court lady.

"The Empress... I have eaten something," she watched as she brought the food in. There was a slight poison in the food, and then she gave it to the woman. After the woman ate it, she saw herself showing a complicated expression .

After Tao Yao ate the poison, her body became weaker and weaker. Tao Yaoyao saw herself shrinking, and finally when the woman was about to die, she ran to find her sister.

"Ahh..." Tao Yaoyao just dreamed that she was going to run, when she was stopped and shouted, she fell to the ground, and saw the woman pulling her clothes with blood from her seven holes, and there was a black hole at the corner of her mouth. blood.

"Where are you going? You poisoned me, give me back my life, give me back my life..." The woman pulled her dress, and then climbed onto her body, Tao Yaoyao retreated desperately.

"Hengxuan..." When she saw Ji Hengxuan when she was in despair, she was overjoyed and ran over quickly, but the next second her stomach hurt, and she lowered her head to see that there was a fist in her stomach.

"Why you? Why did you tell me after killing your mother... He Yaoyao..." That roar made Tao Yaoyao wake up with a startle, with sweat on her forehead, and she looked extremely haggard.

"What's wrong, did you have a nightmare?" Hearing this familiar voice, I saw Ji Hengxuan sitting aside, reaching out and rubbing his hair, "Don't be afraid, I'm by your side, I'm sleeping for a while,"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan with wide eyes, thinking of the expression of the other party not hesitating to give her a knife in the dream, she felt very nervous. At that moment, she didn't know what to say, she just wanted to hug him fiercely .

"Ji Hengxuan, if you find out that one day I made a big, big mistake, what will you do?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan and said, Ji Hengxuan was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and stretched out his hand to pat The gentle movements on Tao Yaoyao's back comforted the frightened heart at that moment.

"I will forgive you, because you are Yaoyao, no matter everything is the same," Ji Hengxuan said very calmly, his calm tone was so firm, Tao Yaoyao knew that Ji Hengxuan would not lie to himself.

"But Ji Hengxuan... do you know that what I... what I did can't be forgiven, I hurt you... Is that also forgivable?" Tao Yaoyao's last words almost drowned in her throat Inside, she really doesn't know why Mr. System likes to play with himself so much?

At that time, Changfeng chose the male lead's fiancée to hook up with Changfeng, and Dongfangbai chose Qing Yaoyao, the inner ghost, to hook up with Dongfangbai. You have to toss yourself to death to be happy.

"What's wrong?" Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Did something happen? Yaoyao..." Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao and became puzzled, wondering what happened?It made Tao Yaoyao so sad to hear Ji Hengxuan call her.

Tao Yaoyao raised her head and looked at Ji Hengxuan, "I... Ji Hengxuan... I'm fine," that's all, it's just a game, did I take it too seriously? !

Tao Yaoyao said to herself in her heart, this is a role-playing game, why should she take it too seriously, even if Ji Hengxuan has given his feelings, but after the game is over, they will go their separate ways, if this is the case, why bother to do that Care what he thinks?
But even so, Tao Yaoyao still felt a heavy pressure in her heart, and felt that there was something that almost made her suffocate, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, unwilling to let herself think about it.

"I have nothing to do, I just had a nightmare. I dreamed about the past, and I couldn't see clearly intermittently, so I woke up in fright." Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan after she had calmed down, and she didn't pay too much attention to it because she had figured it out. , Naturally, it became more relaxed when talking.

But there are a lot of things, you can't really let go if you figure it out, Tao Yaoyao doesn't realize it at the moment, and when she realizes it, many things will be too late, and it will be difficult to turn back.

(End of this chapter)

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