Chapter 150

Tao Yaoyao went out normally the next day, Ji Hengxuan breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't like to see Tao Yaoyao showing that sad expression, and he didn't like Tao Yaoyao, who always looked unhappy, I don't even want to see Tao Yaoyao's loss.

Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao with a smile, and Zhao Wuji beside him looked carefree, "What are you going to do next? Then He Youge is her sister after all, do you really want to do this?"

"Of course, Yaoyao is Yaoyao, and He Youge is He Youge. I like Yaoyao, but I didn't say that I can forgive He Youge." He likes Tao Yaoyao, not He Youge, so He Youge He won't let go of the song.

When Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao not far away, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Tao Yaoyao said about his mother last night, which made Ji Hengxuan now involuntarily think of his former mother, who was very kind to him at that time, but It's all ruined.

And the person who ruined all of this was He Youge, whose expression gradually turned cold, and soon Ji Hengxuan turned and left. He still had a lot of things to do, so he turned and left soon.

At the beginning of the state banquet, now that Emperor Gu is hosting a state banquet, the person hosting the state banquet is naturally He Youge. He Youge is busy with the state banquet, so naturally he doesn't have the heart to take care of Tao Yaoyao. very good.

After the state banquet started, on the day when the state banquet started, Tao Yaoyao went outside the door to wait for someone. When Ji Hengxuan came to find her, both Ji Hengxuan and Ji Hengli came. After being bitten by a poisonous bee a few days ago, now this The body is good, but this person is still too energetic.

"Auntie..." When looking at Tao Yaoyao, Ji Hengxuan said, so soft and lovable, "Come and give me a hug, so cute..."

Tao Yaoyao hugged Ji Hengli, and while looking at Ji Hengli, kissed Ji Hengli's cheek, Ji Hengli immediately became shy, and when he was shy, his expression was slightly flushed.

"You can't kiss my aunt." Ji Hengli's face flushed red after being kissed, but there was still joy in his heart. He liked this aunt very much and didn't reject her.

"Okay, my aunt won't kiss you," Tao Yaoyao smiled, and saw Ji Hengxuan standing aside, looking at her with resentful eyes, Tao Yaoyao sighed, then approached Ji Hengxuan, and quickly kissed Ji Hengxuan A kiss on the cheek.

Ji Hengxuan immediately opened his eyes for a year, looking at Tao Yaoyao as if eating honey, with a lot of joy on his face, then he directly hugged Tao Yaoyao's little head, pressed and kissed Tao Yaoyao fiercely Get up, when kissing, Tao Yaoyao suddenly felt difficult to breathe, and the whole body began to beat.

"Let go of me first," said Ji Hengxuan as he was about to push this person away, but Ji Hengxuan didn't let go. When Ji Hengli saw that scene, his eyes blinked, and his expression was full of doubts. These relatives are not father and mother Is it possible?But why is this brother in front of him, he can kiss his aunt.

Ji Hengxuan let go of Tao Yaoyao, and when he looked at Tao Yaoyao's face, he couldn't help licking his lips. Those ruddy lips looked extraordinarily Yaoyan. When he saw Tao Yaoyao's winking eyes, When the whole person was panting coquettishly, the girl Ji Hengxuan's eyes darkened, the corners of her mouth involuntarily curled up, and she pressed the back of Tao Yaoyao's head, and then pressed their foreheads tightly together.

"I really want to marry you quickly," Tao Yaoyao's face turned red with these words, Tao Yaoyao stared at Ji Hengxuan fiercely, and saw Ji Hengli's eyes with curiosity.

"Auntie, I want it too, auntie..." Ji Hengli's words made Tao Yaoyao feel awkward, and Ji Hengxuan's face turned dark immediately. Regardless of Ji Hengli's young age, Ji Hengxuan knows that he is this year At the age of [-], he began to fall in love with Tao Yaoyao.

"Your aunt belongs to my brother, do you know?" Ji Hengxuan grabbed that little head of Ji Hengli and said, when he was caught by the little old man's head, Ji Hengli was slightly taken aback, and when he heard Ji Hengxuan's words, he blinked and looked at this elder brother.

"But brother, why? Isn't my aunt my aunt? And you shouldn't rob me of my aunt." The elder brother is too bad. Since he is robbing himself of his aunt, he should know that his aunt belongs to him, so he must never give it to his brother.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao suddenly had a very bad feeling, looking at the two children, hehe... "Hey... well, stop making trouble, come with me to the state banquet, you two little bean Ding, it's really troublesome."

The shyness just now is gone, Ji Hengxuan is holding that hand, and at this moment Ji Hengli is also holding Tao Yaoyao's hand, and they went to the state banquet with Tao Yaoyao, when the three of them walked in, they were almost in a state of attention, there was no way Who made Ji Hengli this little Prince His Royal Highness.

When they saw Tao Yaoyao, they frowned. Not many people liked Princess Mingyue, but everyone didn't say much, but they knew that Tao Yaoyao liked Emperor Gu, so it was too late. Reluctant to marry.

"Hengli, come here," He Youge waved his hand when he saw Ji Hengli, He Youge's words made everyone look at Tao Yaoyao, as if they were watching a joke, Ji Hengli hesitated for a moment a bit.

He Youge saw the hesitation, and suddenly his face became ugly, gloomy and gloomy. Ji Hengli swallowed his saliva and didn't dare to approach, but he still went over, because Ji Hengli knew very well that if he didn't go over, The queen mother will only be more angry.

"Sister..." Tao Yaoyao let go of her hand, and walked over one step ahead of Ji Hengli, "Sister, my sister has forgotten to visit you these days, how are you, sister..."

He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao, and then at Ji Hengxuan. For some reason, she felt that Ji Hengxuan's gaze was a bit strange, but she didn't pay much attention, "Yes, then you will come to see me a few more times in the future,"

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao smiled, she was obviously a good sister, but she had already fought countless times in secret, and there were so many thorns in her words now.

Tao Yaoyao and Ji Hengli did it in the past, and at this moment when Ji Hengxuan saw that Emperor Gu, "Father Emperor..." People couldn't help nodding their heads respectfully. It was very embarrassing for Ji Hengxuan's identity, but he was the son of the eldest son. Because of the existence of Ji Hengli this time, he became the existence who didn't know where to put him.

"Well, find a place to sit." After hearing this, Ji Hengxuan nodded, and then sat not far away. When Ji Hengli saw it, "How did it feel when my brother kissed you just now?"

No one else heard a word, but He Youge heard it. Tao Yaoyao immediately glared at Ji Hengli, thinking that the child was too talkative, He Youge's eyes flashed, showing that coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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