Chapter 152

The matter of He Youge's stealing people simply stunned everyone, but Gu Di personally went to arrest people, there is nothing wrong with it, and He Youge's target of stealing people is not someone else, but this Gu Di His elder brother King He, you must know that Emperor Gu and King He have an enmity.

In the early years, this Emperor Gu almost lost to King He. He never thought that his most cherished woman would be with King He. This was a slap in the face. When he was with the other party, he wanted to eat her alive even more.

He Youge grabbed his clothes, looked at Gu Di, "Someone framed me, Your Majesty is Gu Lang, someone framed me," this affectionate cry made Gu Di's face darken even more .

If she had a crush on this woman, then she became disgusted at this moment, and kicked her directly, "Framed? He Youge, He Youge, I don't know how many men you have? Over the years, you have done anything, I turn a blind eye, even if you killed the queen, but He are so sorry for my love, "

Gu Di really likes this He Youge. Over the years, Ji Hengxuan has investigated many things and sent them to her. Gu Di knows a lot, but because that person is He Youge, he chose to stand on the sidelines , Pretending not to see all that, saw the person whom he did not expect to protect so much, but stabbed himself in the back.

"You kept saying that someone hurt you, why didn't you say it, why did you go there? He Youge... Tell me, why did you and King He appear there in the middle of the night? If it wasn't for you, why did King He go back? You Take a good look, what is this? This is your letter to King He," Gu Di said loudly.

"In the past, you always told me that you want to live freely, and if you want this and that, I will give it to you, but I doted on a woman, so what did you do? How dare you say it wasn't about you Did you do it? You write letters to those men day and night, and you still talk about it, do you think I am a fool?"

Gu Di became furious right now. The resentment accumulated over the years had already drowned all of this. At this moment, she just wished to destroy this He Youge. She had loved He Youge for so many years. But how did He Youge treat himself?
If two years ago, Emperor Gu would be furious, but he would have chosen to close the news at the first time, but in the past two years, He Youge has disappointed Gu Emperor in many things, maybe he is still in love, But even if she is in love, there is still a pimple, and this pimple has already been enlarged by everyone.

After hearing this, He Youge looked at Gu Di, "You talk about me, but you don't talk about yourself. If it weren't for you...would I be like this? Empress Empress...hehe...she looks gentle and gentle , but he is also a black-hearted person, you say that I am having an affair with those men, but you don’t think about it yourself, I saw three thousand in your harem, tell me how I feel?"

"Father and child, I don't know if I should say something or not?" The sudden voice made everyone slightly stunned. Gu Di turned his head to look at Ji Hengxuan, and He Youge immediately knew that all of this was planned by Ji Hengxuan of.

"It's you, you must be the one who wants to kill me, it's you... Ji Hengxuan is you, isn't it?" As he said that, he was about to pounce on him. Hearing this, Ji Hengxuan smiled and looked at the crazy He Youge.

"He Youge, you are joking. This is not me. If it were me... I don't have the ability. What I want to say is that you always say that father is not good and that is not good. If this is the case, why do you appear in father's house so often?" In front of the emperor, you said that you didn't want Chen En back then, and that gentleness didn't hide, but you went to see my father again and again, and you were reluctant to see my father, and then you betrayed my mother and quarreled. It's not your fault to make trouble, you are a victim, I beg my mother to send you out of the palace and give you a way out,"

Ji Hengxuan's words were very cold, talking about the events of the past, "At that time, the father hated the queen mother in order to chase you. Don't you know the father? If you were not your majesty, she would not look at you at all. 0"

The sudden words made everyone stunned. Gu Di's face changed drastically, and he slapped Ji Hengxuan directly, but Ji Hengxuan was not afraid at all, "Father, did I say something wrong? She is unwilling to be lonely, and frequently has sex with other men." There is entanglement, she has been like this since you are His Majesty, if you are nothing, do you think you can keep this woman?"

These words pierced Gu Di's heart like that sharp knife, and made Gu Di's heart cool down. Gu Di had to deal with He Youge's matter, and Ji Hengxuan walked out directly. .

In fact, Gu Di himself did not understand. From being cautious at the beginning to being disappointed at the end, Gu Di agreed to let He Youge contact those men at the beginning, but he just wanted He Youge to give up on his own initiative and then sincerely talk to himself. Pass.

But after these years, He Youge got worse. It's no wonder Emperor Gu didn't have any thoughts in his heart, but he is an emperor, no one would say what Ji Hengxuan said, and now that Ji Hengxuan said it, he suddenly seemed a little lost.

Tao Yaoyao returned to her residence a little depressed, and she also sucked in some aphrodisiacs. If Ji Hengxuan hadn't restrained herself this time, Tao Yaoyao would have become a little scared, because this is not a good memory, but this He Youge and King He, Tao Yaoyao sighed.

If you say that this woman He Youge is also a talent, now her boyfriends are all over the world, King He...has a relationship with He Youge, you must know that after He Youge had a child, she first lied to Tong Jing when she ran away, Later, after being entangled with King He, Emperor Gu chased his wife back after thousands of miles.

In fact, even if a man and a woman are in love, many times if there is a lump in it, it will fester sooner or later, and the relationship between Gu Di and He Youge is the same.

Gu Di likes He Youge, and knows that He Youge has many men, but he has always hoped that He Youge can be in the palm of his hand. The indulgence I gave you is not because I really don't care, nor because I don't love you, I'm just waiting You turn around, these are words used on Gu Di.

But right now He Youge obviously didn't look back, Tao Yaoyao shook her head and didn't intend to pay attention to these things, He Youge caused such a scandal, even Gu Di couldn't tolerate her now.

He Youge is going to die, but Tao Yaoyao is still very uneasy. For some reason, she always feels that there are still many things that don't fit in with what she thinks. Where is it?
Did I still overlook something?Tao Yaoyao sat in the room, worrying about the matter of He Youge, He Youge was imprisoned, Gu Di used wine to relieve his worries, Ji Hengxuan immediately sent the beauty over.

As for his father, Ji Hengxuan only gave a few words of love and shame, but he couldn't completely commit shame. This is his father. It's true that he loves He Youge, and he loves He Youge, but once He Youge hurts him The beautiful fantasy in her heart, her father would choose to discard it, just like her mother and queen back then, so she was not surprised at all that He Youge would fall out of favor so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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