Chapter 153

He Youge stole someone, and Ji Hengli was the most innocent person to be affected. He Youge went to see Ji Hengli. Ji Hengli is still about ten years old now, and he knows a lot about him.

"Auntie..." Ji Hengli hugged Tao Yaoyao, let alone Ji Hengli's embarrassing position, Tao Yaoyao is similar, and Tao Yaoyao is also like this these days, because of He Youge, he became Princess Mingyue, but Right now, He Youge has a problem, and the moisture of Princess Mingyue has come to him.

Holding the crying child, Tao Yaoyao sighed, "Okay, don't cry, auntie is here." The shadow in Ji Hengli's heart will almost stay for the rest of his life, because this He Youge has given him too much love. pain.

Ji Hengli raised his head and looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Auntie and all of them say that my mother is stealing people, and I may not be the child of my father. Auntie, I am so sad, Auntie...I am in pain..."

She was so sad and in pain, she began to cry as she spoke, and when she saw Ji Hengli crying, Tao Yaoyao sighed, "You are your father's child, the upright and upright Prince, even if you Now there is no queen mother, but you are also a prince, "

Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengli and said, "No one can doubt your identity, because you are very similar to His Majesty, Hengli don't think too much, the world of adults is not what you should think about,"

Tao Yaoyao didn't want too many things to happen to Ji Hengli this time, she hoped that Ji Hengli could live a good life instead of living in such pain. After hearing this, Ji Hengli raised his head to look at Tao Yaoyao, and then groaned Woo crawled on Tao Yaoyao's body and cried.

Tao Yaoyao rubbed Ji Hengli's beautiful hair, "Don't cry, it's over, good boy... it will pass," Tao Yaoyao went out after appeasing Ji Hengli, this palace where people used to come and go, After He Youge's disaster, the building was already empty, and many court ladies and eunuchs chose to find another new owner.

Looking at everything around her, Tao Yaoyao explained to the few people who stayed behind, and then went out the gate, "Her Majesty Princess Mingyue said, the empress wants to see you, so let you go..."

Gu Di planned to bestow He Youge's death. Before He Youge died, He Youge asked to see Tao Yaoyao. Gu Di nodded when he heard it. After all, he was the woman he had liked for many years. Right now, he can still agree to this request, of course If it was Ji Hengli, it would be impossible.

Because Emperor Gu hates He Youge, why would He Youge go to see his son? Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning when he heard that He Youge wanted to see her, but still nodded to meet people.

When she went to meet people, Tao Yaoyao's mind became complicated, and she didn't know why He Youge wanted to see her?Tao Yaoyao walked not far away, and He Youge was locked in the cell. Although he was embarrassed, he still had an unconcealable arrogance. When he saw Tao Yaoyao, his expression turned cold.

"Let me out," He Youge said when everyone was leaving. Tao Yaoyao immediately felt ridiculous when she heard this, and looked at He Youge.

"Impossible. If I let you go, I won't feel better. What's more... Sister... Do you think we have a bond?" Do you have a bond that allows you to take risks?
Obviously the two of them don't have each other, not to mention Tao Yaoyao didn't treat He Youge, even He Youge didn't treat Tao Yaoyao, He Youge didn't surprise Tao Yaoyao's answer, but smiled lightly, "He Yaoyao, if you don't let me go out, I'll go and tell Ji Hengxuan what you did, and I'll see when the time comes, does Ji Hengxuan hate you more, or hate me more?"

He Youge looked at Tao Yaoyao coldly and said, she knew that Ji Hengxuan and Tao Yaoyao had schemed against her, and the only way right now was an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and she couldn't feel better about this little bitch.

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, her face turned pale, but she quickly looked at He Youge, "Why do you hate me so much? I don't think I'm sorry for you, why do you want to kill them all over and over again? "

With that suffocation in her chest, Tao Yaoyao knew it belonged to He Yaoyao, the resentment in He Yaoyao's heart had accumulated over time, and she was already going to pounce on He Youge, eat He Youge alive, she adored her sister so much, adored herself In the end, she was used and hurt again and again by her sister.

When He Youge heard this and looked at Tao Yaoyao's eyes, he suddenly laughed, "Ask me why? Why don't you play? Ask yourself, you have wanted to steal my things since you were a child, what? Those who are called elder sisters should give in to younger sisters, and in the end... I even gave you a man, how do you want me to like you? He Yaoyao... You are a nightmare that I can't get rid of for the rest of my life, why do you Don't follow my plan to die, go..."

She planned to find someone to marry Tao Yaoyao from the very beginning, but Tao Yaoyao got close to her son and her husband, and even got a good impression in front of them, why did she do this?Why do you want to rob yourself of everything again and again?
What He Youge said made Tao Yaoyao look at her, "I see," He Yaoyao, you heard it too, this is the result, she just wanted you to die.

Feeling hot in the chest, something disappeared soon, He Youge watched Tao Yaoyao about to leave, "He stop, let me out, He are still the queen, He Yao tender……"

One sentence made Tao Yaoyao turn around, and He Youge said, "I told Ji Hengxuan that you killed Henghou and poisoned Henghou day and night, how would you feel if Ji Hengxuan knew? "

Tao Yaoyao looked at He Youge with a cold expression, suddenly the footsteps behind her made Tao Yaoyao slightly startled, then she turned her head and saw Ji Hengxuan's gaze, from unbelievable to angry, "Ji Hengxuan, are you still looking at me?" I don't know, she was the one who poisoned you, she killed your mother, do you know..."

He Youge looked at Ji Hengxuan and said, "Back in the day, she knew that I couldn't sleep day and night because of the matter of succeeding the empress, so she went to see Empress Heng on her own initiative, and then poisoned Empress Heng."

Back then, He Yaoyao admired herself, and when she thought that Empress Heng was bullying her, she immediately volunteered and told herself that she was willing to be an undercover agent for herself, lurking beside Empress Heng, for the purpose of giving herself information.

And He Yaoyao did it. During that year, he really drugged that Heng Hou. In the end, Heng Hou became seriously ill and died bit by bit from the poison He Yaoyao had given him. Stop thinking.

But poisoning had already been done for a long time, even if He Yaoyao chose not to poison in the end because of soft heart, but it was just to let Henghou linger and live for a few more days, and in the end he was still tortured to death by the poison.

(End of this chapter)

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