Chapter 154

Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, from the anger at the beginning, to the calmness at the end of Dao, his very calm eyes almost made Tao Yaoyao's blood freeze, Tao Yaoyao opened her mouth not knowing what to do. say something?
But a lot of things are done, she didn't talk too much, but listened to He Youge sneered, "He Yaoyao, you think that if you get involved with Ji Hengxuan, you can sleep peacefully... Haha... I Tell you, you will never be able to, I tell you, you are the culprit who killed his mother, "

He Youge was very kind to Ji Hengxuan when he came here from time travel. At that time, he felt that Ji Hengxuan was the hero, and he would have a future after he was pleased. But he didn't know when he became unwilling, and gradually let this unwillingness blind his eyes. .

At the beginning, she took a lot of wrong paths, but even so, He Youge didn't regret it, the winner and the loser... But she hasn't lost yet, and she won't let herself lose completely like this.

"Tell me, is that true?" Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yaoyao, and Tao Yaoyao looked at Ji Hengxuan, and nodded under Ji Hengxuan's cold and calm expression, he knew that it was Ji Hengxuan who was pressing himself hard Angry, I just don't want to be misunderstood, and I don't want this He Youge to sow discord.

But Tao Yaoyao told Ji Hengxuan, "I said I wouldn't lie to you. I just remembered these days that I poisoned you. No matter how much you say, you can't change the fact."

Tao Yaoyao admitted so resolutely that He Youge was a little surprised. Ji Hengxuan's eyes gradually became indifferent, "Take Princess Mingyue back,"

Tao Yaoyao was dragged away, and Tao Yaoyao didn't resist, but at this moment, He Youge looked at Ji Hengxuan with disgust, "Don't think you won me, I tell you I didn't lose,"

Hearing this, Ji Hengxuan couldn't help but smiled, "Are you waiting for Father to rescue you? I forgot to tell you, I just sent a beautiful woman in a few days ago, she looks exactly like you, now Father is really with her Love you, don't even think about your father, who will come to you when this happens, "

No matter what Gu Di does, he will never cross his bottom line, and this bottom line is Gu Di himself. Gu Di can tolerate the woman in front of him killing Ji Hengxuan's mother and queen Heng, and he can also allow He Youge to push Na Taoyao. Young into the water.

Even more, he could ignore all the ruthlessness, but he couldn't allow it. He Youge gave himself a cuckold. In fact, Ji Hengxuan knew very well that part of the reason why Emperor Gu doted on Tao Yaoyao was because of He Youge.

It's not that he loves the house, but because... He Youge is very jealous of Tao Yaoyao, as long as Tao Yaoyao is around, He Youge will take the initiative to please Gu Di and make Gu Di like him.

Before that, Emperor Gu went to please He Youge, but after Tao Yaoyao came, he became He Youge to please Emperor Gu, so Emperor Gu's mind changed. Others didn't know what Emperor Gu was thinking. But Ji Hengxuan had already figured it out.

When I saw He Youge in front of my eyes, I just thought she was ridiculous and pathetic. In this world, no one would love his royal father, and no one would really like her, because his royal father had always only loved her. Love yourself alone.

"Ji Hengxuan... what are you proud of? Don't you like that He Yaoyao? Haha...that's ridiculous, she was the murderer who killed your mother's queen," He Youge said coldly, and looked at Ji Hengxuan directly with mocking words.

Ji Hengxuan didn't intend to pay any attention to it, his face was so cold that one could look down on any expressions. After returning to this residence, he saw Tao Yaoyao sitting on the bed not far away, and when he saw Tao Yaoyao , Ji Hengxuan approached step by step.

Tao Yaoyao didn't say a word and watched Ji Hengxuan approaching, and suddenly his chin was pinched, Tao Yaoyao felt the pain of being pinched, looked at Ji Hengxuan, "Why? Don't tell me, are you happy to see me being played by you?"

"I don't," Tao Yaoyao shook her head, and she shook her head when she heard Ji Hengxuan's words, "I really..."

But soon he lowered his head and didn't say much, so what can't be changed, Tao Yaoyao didn't speak, Ji Hengxuan became anxious, and directly started to tear Tao Yaoyao's clothes, Tao Yaoyao immediately began to struggle .

The clothes were torn, and Tao Yaoyao was terrified, "What are you doing... woo... let go..." Tao Yaoyao pushed Ji Hengxuan, feeling that her clothes were peeled off, and her face turned pale, "Ji Hengxuan let me go, Ji Hengxuan..."

Hearing the cry, Ji Hengxuan did not let go of Tao Yaoyao, but pressed Tao Yaoyao, "Let go... Separate..." Ping ping pong pong broke many things, and the cup beside the bed also fell to the ground.

At this moment, Tao Yaoyao was terribly frightened and pushed people desperately. People have great potential. At the most dangerous moment, Tao Yaoyao pushed Ji Hengxuan away, but when she turned around, she fell on the bed with her head It hit the ground.

On the ground was the fragment left by the two when they pushed back just now. Seeing that the fragment was about to pierce Tao Yaoyao's head, Ji Hengxuan hugged Tao Yaoyao without thinking, replaced the fragment, and directly slammed Tao Yaoyao fiercely. Pierce into Ji Hengxuan's body.

Ji Hengxuan felt the pain so bad, Tao Yaoyao was so frightened that she wanted to struggle, but when she raised her head and saw Ji Hengxuan's pale face, she was taken aback, "Hengxuan...Hengxuan..."

The blood on the ground oozes out, Tao Yaoyao hurriedly supported the person, and saw the fragment pierced on the back, Tao Yaoyao opened her mouth when she saw it, "Hengxuan..."

"I'll find a doctor for you," but Tao Yaoyao was quickly caught, and she turned her head to look at Ji Hengxuan. Ji Hengxuan's expression was patient, almost hiding all his emotions, but... a lot of resentment, yes There is no way.

"Why you? Tell me, why you?" The hoarse voice made people worry. Tao Yaoyao knelt down and looked at the pale Ji Hengxuan, and her heart ached so much at that moment.

"Would you believe me if I said it wasn't me?" Tao Yaoyao opened her mouth and said, she tried to explain, this was the first time she felt like explaining after time travel, Ji Hengxuan looked at Tao Yao after hearing this tender.

"It's not you? Haha... Then why are you saying it's not you?" Ji Hengxuan's voice was hoarse and full of anger, hating... the one who hurts you the most will not be the enemy, but it will definitely be the person you love the most. Thoroughly experienced, and thoroughly felt.

"It's not me, if I...cough cough..." Tao Yaoyao's face suddenly became ugly, her body trembled, the pain in her body was severe, it was like the soul was being torn apart, it was painful.

"You're lying to me again," Ji Hengxuan said calmly, after seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, he thought that Tao Yaoyao was lying to deceive herself, Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this, and grabbed onto Ji Hengxuan tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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