Chapter 156

If it was suspicion at the beginning, it was shock at the moment, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, but his body was a little weak, and he almost fell to the ground, Zhao Wou-ki hugged him quickly, Tao Yaoyao looked at Zhao Wou-ki.

"Why didn't you go back? Dongfang Bai? I should have completed the mission. Could it be that Mr. System lied to me?" Tao Yaoyao said in a daze. When she heard this, Zhao Wuji's heart ached.

"Don't worry, Mr. System didn't lie to you. I came in after I went out and thought of you. I will complete all the tasks with you, Yaoyao..." As he said that, he hugged Tao Yaoyao, and Tao Yaoyao felt That embrace, looking at that Zhao Wuji.

"Do you have any questions?" Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this, Zhao Wuji carried Tao Yaoyao and walked not far away, Tao Yaoyao didn't know what was wrong?Feeling a little uncomfortable, leaning against Zhao Wuji's arms, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's appearance, Zhao Wuji shook his head, then held him steady, and continued on his way. He had the memory of Dongfang Bai, although he didn't recover all his kung fu, but his skill was still there.

After Tao Yaoyao and Zhao Wuji came to this ruined temple, this Zhao Wuji went to buy some food for Tao Yaoyao, such meticulous care made Tao Yaoyao feel a little bit in a trance , but I don't know why she still feels that there is a sense of disobedience.

What the hell is wrong?But for a while, he couldn't think of it, Zhao Wuji got Tao Yaoyao fried fish, when he gave the fish to Tao Yaoyao, he saw Tao Yaoyao lost in thought, "Who are you thinking about? "

Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips when she heard this, she missed Ji Hengxuan a little, and she didn't know what Ji Hengxuan's expression would be if she saw that she was gone, she would be very angry, after all, she hurt him.

"Zhao Wou-ki, can we go back for a while, I want to talk to Heng Xuan," Tao Yaoyao couldn't let Ji Hengxuan go, but Zhao Wuji's face turned ugly, Tao Yaoyao felt shrouded in shadow for a moment, looking at that Zhao Wou-ki bit his lip when it happened.

"Why do you want to think about that Ji Hengxuan? Now that He Youge is dead, you think it's done, and there will be no more tasks. Now we only need to stay for a month, and you can go back,"

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback by Zhao Wuji's words, "Go back? Where will I go? It's not like mission after mission, and there is no way to get rid of those missions," Tao Yaoyao said with sadness, so many missions , it is simply impossible to complete it by yourself.

"Little Yaoer is fine, it's just a mission, we can return to modern times soon and be together," Tao Yaoyao looked at Zhao Wou-ki when she heard this, she didn't know why?Suddenly it feels a little strange.

"Zhao Wou-ki, what kind of person were you before?" Hearing this, Zhao Wou-ki was slightly taken aback, looked at Tao Yaoyao, smiled and said something about the time when he did not time travel.

"I used to be a very ordinary person, will Xiao Yaoer be disappointed?" This made Tao Yaoyao sigh, looking at Zhao Wuji.

"I know why something is wrong," Zhao Wou-ki was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "You are not Dongfang Bai, that man Dongfang Bai, even if he is inferior and careful, he will not show your expression, you are not he,"

The breath all over his body told himself that the man in front of him could not be Dongfang Bai. Hearing this, Zhao Wuji looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Why do you say that, I am Dongfang Bai..."

"No, you're not. I asked you just now, what did you do before? You said you were an ordinary person, but you were wrong, Dongfangbai, with such a temperament, even if the virus king blocked his memory , but it comes from the heart, and most of the time there is no way to change what’s inside.”

In fact, Tao Yaoyao knows very well that the things in her bones can never be changed, such as the inferiority complex in Dongfang Bai's paranoia, such as this Changfeng... In fact, Tao Yaoyao realized one thing, many... ...Many, when they were doing their own strategies, these people had similar temperaments.

Why do I think that Dongfang Bai is not Zao Wou-ki? In fact, it is very simple. The feeling this man gives me is not the feeling that Dongfang Bai makes me feel hungry. Moreover, he knows Dongfang Bai's temperament, the domineering in his bones, if he really remembers himself , and likes himself, then he will snatch himself desperately.

"If you were Dongfang Bai, it would be impossible for me to be intimate with Hengxuan without taking any action. I understand Dongfang Bai," these words made Zao Wou-ki feel so painful when he looked at Tao Yaoyao. Resentment.

"You don't believe me, I said I'm Dongfang Bai, why do you believe in your own feelings, but don't want to believe me?" Upon hearing this, Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips.

"Okay, it doesn't matter. I will prove that I am Dongfang Bai. Qing Yaoyao, if you say I am not Dongfang Bai, then who do you say I am?" This sentence made Tao Yaoyao speechless. Tao Yaoyao looked at Zhao Yaoyao. Promise, no more talking.

She didn't know what to say, this man said he was Dongfang Bai, and he said yes after being exposed by herself, could it be that she made a mistake, is he really Dongfang Bai?
Zhao Wuji left with Tao Yaoyao, Ji Hengxuan was naturally furious, "You said that Zhao Wuji ran away with someone? Let me chase after him, and the ends of the earth will also find him back for me,"

Ji Hengxuan could hardly believe it. At this time, his big cousin actually poached himself, and even took Tao Yaoyao away. At this moment, Ji Hengxuan's heart was burning like a raging fire, wishing to eat everyone alive up.

When he returned to this room and looked at the bed, Ji Hengxuan's eyes gradually became complicated. For some reason, at that moment, he felt that fluctuation in his heart, and stretched out his hand to touch the quilt. There was still her breath in the room. But now the person has already disappeared.

Ji Hengxuan fell asleep on the bed in a daze, and felt that he had entered a dream. In the dream, he saw someone who claimed to be himself. When he looked at him, "Why don't you believe her words? I can't I will give you memories, but you have to believe that your mother was not killed by her, remember to find him quickly, that thing will start to move again, if you are one step late, you will definitely make yourself regret it, "

Ji Hengxuan opened his eyes, why did he dream about this?And who is the person in the dream?What does it mean to make yourself regret it?What is it that makes me regret it?

Ji Hengxuan became uneasy, put on his clothes and walked out by himself. On He Youge's side, he had arranged everything by himself, which was not sufficient. Gu Di was currently under the control of drinking to relieve his worries, but he was alone people.

Tao Yaoyao... Tao Yaoyao is someone he can't control at the moment. When thinking of Tao Yaoyao, Ji Hengxuan's eyes gradually become complicated. I don't know if it is more hatred or more love?

(End of this chapter)

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