Chapter 157 Chapter 161

Tao Yaoyao followed Zhao Wou-ki these days, and Zhao Wou-ki was very good to Tao Yaoyao, eating and drinking, and giving it to Tao Yaoyao if she didn't eat. Tao Yaoyao looked at Zhao Wou-ki with complicated eyes, and she felt that this People are not Oriental white.

But it was undeniable that he was Dongfang Bai, Tao Yaoyao felt that she had entered a misunderstanding, and she couldn't get out of it anyway. At night, Tao Yaoyao saw that Zhao Wuji hadn't come back, she was a little suspicious and planned to find someone.

But I didn't expect that when I was looking for someone, I saw a scene. I saw that Zhao Wuji was killed by Ji Hengxuan. Ji Hengxuan was standing not far away, the knife in his hand was still dripping blood. At that moment, Tao Yaoyao felt his body His blood was coagulated.

Ji Hengxuan also heard the movement, raised his head and saw Tao Yaoyao standing not far away, looking at him with unbelievable eyes, Ji Hengxuan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't after all, but went straight to forward.

As soon as Tao Yaoyao saw Ji Hengxuan approaching, she turned around and started running. She didn't know what she was going to run, but she just felt that her whole body was too cold, so cold that she couldn't face the man in front of her. .

Tao Yaoyao ran away but was quickly caught by Ji Hengxuan. Seeing the bloody hand grabbing her, Tao Yaoyao immediately struggled, "Let me go, let me go..."

These days Zhao Wou-ki treats Tao Yaoyao very well, plus Zhao Wou-ki said that he is Dongfang Bai, Tao Yaoyao suspected it was fake at first, but he told Tao Yaoyao everything, Tao Yaoyao never told Tao Yaoyao No one has ever said anything about her and Dongfang Bai.

But Zhao Wou-ki said it all out, which made Tao Yaoyao have to believe that Zhao Wu-ki was Dongfang Bai, but... in front of him... Ji Hengxuan killed Zhao Wu-ki in front of him, which made Tao Yaoyao terrified all over, and ...and an unspeakable sadness.

Tao Yaoyao was kissed by someone, struggling desperately, biting Ji Hengxuan's lip, blood flowed into her mouth along that Ji Hengxuan's lip, but Ji Hengxuan still didn't let go.

Feeling the blood-colored Tao Yaoyao, her face turned pale, and when she looked at Ji Hengxuan, her heart couldn't be hardened, "Woooo..." I could only cry, heart-piercingly .

Seeing Tao Yaoyao crying, Ji Hengxuan let go of Tao Yaoyao, "You like that Zhao Wuji so much? You ran away with him, and you didn't want to stay? He you have any heart for me? Is it all a lie when you said you want to marry me? He Yaoyao..."

Ji Hengxuan's voice carried the deep pain, and when he looked at Tao Yaoyao, he felt the heart-piercing pain, and felt that his blood was about to freeze, thinking of what Zao Wou-ki said to him.

"Xiao Ji and Yaoyao are already husband and wife, and she is already mine, so please let her go, I will take her far away, and will not appear in your sight again,"

At that moment, Ji Hengxuan wished to kill this Zhao Wuji immediately. He liked Tao Yaoyao and hated Tao Yaoyao. Why should he let Tao Yaoyao go? Forget it, if you like it, you like it, and you will never let it go in your life, but at this moment, Zhao Wuji told himself that Tao Yaoyao is his man.

In Ji Hengxuan's mind, he just thought of Zhao Wuji's words. Looking at Tao Yaoyao, his heart softened at first, but under the tears, he became cold and distorted in an instant.

She is his, and death is his own, if Zhao Wuji dared to move, he would never let him go, and began to tear Tao Yaoyao's clothes, Tao Yaoyao originally thought he had escaped a catastrophe , but suddenly it was cold, and the whole person cried even harder.

Tao Yaoyao cried even harder, Ji Hengxuan's hands were faster this time, the night was very long, in this wilderness, Tao Yaoyao just felt that she hated Ji Hengxuan so badly, and wished she could kill Ji Hengxuan with one blow.

The pain in her body made Tao Yaoyao's face ugly, and she was about to smash the stone over with it, but unexpectedly Ji Hengxuan opened his eyes and looked at Tao Yaoyao. There was no extra emotion in the dark eyes, just cold look at her.

Tao Yaoyao couldn't smash the stone in her hand, at that moment she told herself that this bastard was raised by herself with good intentions, but he raped herself, killed Zhao Wuji, and... Tao Yao Young Qi's face was ugly.

Ji Hengxuan didn't say a word, he won't regret what he did, if he wants Tao Yaoyao, he wants it, and he won't have any regrets about it, "Ji Hengxuan, you ungrateful bastard,"

"I'm a bastard, so what are you? You said you would marry me, but you turned around and eloped with Zhao Wuji. Tell me, what are you? An adulterer..." This sentence made Tao Yaoyao directly A stone fell over, and Ji Hengxuan's head was broken.

"Bastard, peat adulterer, did I marry you? You forced me to do it in the first place. Why are you pretending to be a tragedy?" Tao Yaoyao also became angry. She was taken advantage of by others, but she might as well scold her. Adulterer fuck, I have nothing to do with that Zhao Wuji.

But Ji Hengxuan laughed suddenly, the blood on his face stained his cheeks red, and he suddenly threw himself on Tao Yaoyao's body, Tao Yaoyao was slept by him, not a virgin, that means Zhao Wou-ki's words were not false at all, That being the case, why can't I say |?

When Tao Yaoyao saw Ji Hengxuan rushing over, she jumped in fright and quickly hid, but was held down by someone in the next second, "How did that man touch you, and where did he touch you... Tell me..."

The anger that had calmed down last night, now that he was smashed, Ji Hengxuan suddenly became angry and ignored it. Tao Yaoyao was frightened, and her face turned pale.

"Bastard... why are you crazy? You let me go, no one has touched me, you let me go..." Tao Yaoyao felt innocent, and when she came out with Zhao Wuji, it was Zhao Wuji who bound herself up on her own initiative. Come out, not to mention that I haven't been a lowly person, and I'm going to sleep with others casually.

Although Zhao Wuji always said that he was Dongfang Bai, Tao Yaoyao could feel that there was no familiar aura about that person, and the resistance in her heart never disappeared.

"Ji Hengxuan...don't make me hate you, Ji bastard, don't make me hate you, I hate you..." Tao Yaoyao cried, yesterday's nightmare, everything today, Tao Yaoyao Scared to death.

She was even more afraid than when Emperor Qi Jing was. Tao Yaoyao cried more and more. When Ji Hengxuan touched the tears, his heart trembled involuntarily, but he quickly smiled. The determination on that smile, It was shocking for everyone to see, it was a kind of indescribable sadness and determination, as if they were unwilling to turn back, "Then you will hate, the more you hate, the happier I will be,"

(End of this chapter)

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