Chapter 158

Why do people live in this world?In his memory, he has been in this cult since he was a child. He was picked up by the previous leader. After he was picked up, he was trained in various ways. What is killing heads?As a child, he doesn't understand.

Because you don't understand, it can be done easily, because you don't know what killing is?So there is no fear, what is fear?He never understood that at the age of three, he let his master lead him to kill a person.

At that time, he just felt that the knife went in and came out blood red, what did it feel like?I didn't feel anything, just confused and confused, looking at my master, the master nodded, patted my head, and praised myself.

Later, you won't feel that there is anything wrong with killing people?My appearance was ruined when I was ten years old. Everyone screamed in horror and disgust when they saw my appearance. A ten-year-old child knows whether it is good or bad.

In the beginning, he really didn't care about his appearance, but later... a maid who took care of him for many years, he liked her since childhood, but then she heard it by accident.

"Young master Xiaodie is really kind to you. Everyone said that you will definitely be her concubine in the future. Although you are a few years older, you are a big gold brick." Dongfang Bai didn't know what a concubine was. ?But he felt that if Xiaodie followed him, he wouldn't hate it.

But most of the time, the one who hurts is always the person closest to her. When Xiaodie heard this, "You were being joked, do you know that when I saw his face, I was disgusted to death, but I still wanted to force my face." Coaxing him with laughter, do you know that that man is a devil, he doesn't have eyes for killing people, I wish he would die immediately, I thought about strangling him when I was a child, but I was afraid that I would be troubled, don't call me a concubine ,"

At that time, Dongfang Bai knew that he was so disgusting. A person who has been a sister and a mother since childhood, hated herself to the bone. Later, that woman poisoned herself. , when he looked at himself with that fearful gaze, he suddenly felt that his face was unpleasant, so he never took off the mask.

Many things will erode you bit by bit. Dongfang Bai has never been afraid or cared about anyone in his life. To that Qing Yaoyao, he is the only special person.

Maybe it was because he lived too lonely, his life was like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves, but when that woman came in, there were gradually splashes, why did he like him?
Dongfang Bai himself doesn't know, she is very bright, she always tells lies, but she tells people in a comfortable way, and looking into her eyes, you will feel that she really loves, looking at your face, you don't Feel any emotion just by looking at him.

There are many women who are more or less afraid of his face, or less pitiful and sympathetic. For the first time, they are a little overwhelmed by this woman's gaze. When he asked the other party to kiss him to prove it, he did not expect that. The woman really kissed herself.

Standing in a stalemate, enjoying that delicacy is like eating the most delicious candy in the world, although I never know what candy looks like?But at that moment, it felt kind of wonderful.

But he had already woken up and threw the person out, but he couldn't help but see if the person was dead, and was relieved when he found that the person was alive.

When I went to meet people the next day, this woman seemed clumsy, Qing Yaoyao... Her identity and the rest of her were investigated clearly. Li Jinyue's step-sister disappeared when she was 14 years old and died unexpectedly. reported, but he knew that this woman was right in front of him.

He made this woman a saint in the sect, and took her to the martial arts conference. Seeing her panicked and calm at the beginning when she was besieged by martial arts people, and seeing the other party's sly smile, he suddenly moved away. Do not open your eyes.

So bright, so sunny, in fact, Dongfang Bai knows very well that as long as people like them have a little light, they will be moths rushing to the flame desperately.

If Tao Yaoyao is the light, Dongfang Bai knows very well that he is the moth that flies to the flame. When the woman talks about loving herself and saying that the mountains have no mausoleums and the heaven and the earth are in harmony, but what she does is to Dongfang Bai couldn't help laughing when he dragged himself to die together.

Looking at the stunned person, he felt for the first time that if he had her by his side for the rest of his life, he would not feel lonely, and his heart gradually softened. Without her knowing, he inadvertently wanted to be right She is good.

He likes Tao Yaoyao, takes Tao Yaoyao to see flower picking, takes Tao Yaoyao to various places, makes Tao Yaoyao happy, coaxes her to like her, he doesn't care about her identity, and doesn't care about Tao Yaoyao Yao, why did you come to me?
He just likes Tao Yaoyao, as long as she is Tao Yaoyao is enough, but when he watched Li Jinyue come to find her in the night, he heard what Tao Yaoyao said, and when he liked it.

He felt that his chest was about to split open. It turns out that he is not special. It turns out that her love can be easily given to anyone. It turns out that her love can be expressed so easily. Looking at Tao Yaoyao's expression, For the first time, he felt what it was like to feel distressed.

It hurt him more than that woman poisoned him, but when she told him about Li Jinyue, he felt that his heart was rejuvenated like a dead tree, and all his emotions sprouted in an instant , are constantly growing up.

So happy, so fond of her, hugging him and wishing to tell her everything, but the next time, he couldn't tell whether it was her acting or the truth.

She wanted to betray herself in front of everyone, but she didn't tell herself. At that moment, he felt cold. When he watched her kiss Li Jinyue and pulled him, he said directly, "I feel dirty!"

Hating this woman, gave herself hope, but let herself despair, deliberately found some women to anger her, just to make her leave, deliberately let everyone bully him, because she felt that she was hurt, why should she still Can live so well.

But every time I saw her get hurt, my heart felt like it was constantly being pricked by a needle, it hurt so much...

He knew that he couldn't escape, punished those women who bullied her, watched her chasing after her, saw her disappear, he turned around and took her hand, he knew at that moment.

"If one day you betray me and let me die, then you will die with me." Even if you die, you must be with you. Even if you die yourself, he doesn't want that loneliness, he wants Tao Yaoyao This woman, when I went with him, made Tao Yaoyao unable to escape from him for life after life, and he could only be his own if he was a ghost. Love.

(End of this chapter)

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