Chapter 159

He wants to die with Tao Yaoyao, if she betrays him, then he will hold her hand, go to hell together and be entangled for life after life, this is his choice.

But things are impermanent, and Dongfang Bai, who has always been prepared to let Tao Yaoyao betray him, never thought that Tao Yaoyao would be there to help him and expose Li Jinyue. When he saw Tao Yaoyao vomiting blood from being beaten, at that moment His blood coagulated.

Holding Tao Yaoyao was trembling all over her body, and when she saw the genius doctor, she yelled in panic for the first time in history, "Save her, save her...or I'll kill you, save her!"

Yes, as long as he can be saved, he doesn't care about anything. As long as she lives, he doesn't care if he sacrifices his life. He has always said that he wants to die together, but at this moment, he knows that he is dead and he doesn't want her to be hurt.

Fortunately, the miracle doctor didn't have a reputation for nothing. She came back to life and opened her eyes to look at him. At that moment, he felt that everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

"Little Yaoer, after I catch Li Jinyue, I will take you to roam the world, to see the prosperity you like, to walk the way you want to go, and then find a place full of peach blossoms to settle down and live this life for the rest of your life." the life you like,"

He doesn't think power or fame is important anymore. He just wants to take the person in his arms, but see the prosperity she wants to see, go the way she wants to go, live those most beautiful days, and tell everyone that this A woman is someone he has loved.

But many times, his decisions were always ruined. Li Jinyue actually made friends with the genius doctor and took Tao Yaoyao out. Tao Yaoyao was in Li Jinyue's hands. At that moment, he felt fear .

When he went to find Tao Yaoyao, he saw her being hung on the big tree. When Li Jinyue let him kneel down, he didn't hesitate at all, because...she only wanted her to be well, nothing else I don't care, I just wish her well.

But he didn't expect that Tao Yaoyao was the same, she broke the 2 rope and fell directly, when she fell, she held her tightly in her arms, for fear that she would get hurt, he thought if he It doesn't matter if she is dead, as long as she lives.

Fortunately, they all survived, and it felt so good to be taken care of in that cave with Tao Yaoyao, but God seemed to love to joke with him too much, she died, and blocked a knife for himself.

The blood-red liquid flowed out, and at that moment, he felt that the blood in his whole body was no longer flowing, and his heart couldn't help beating, "Little Yaoer...don't scare me, little Yaoer..."

Holding the person in his arms in disbelief, such a lively person, but right now he is lying in his arms silently, "Don't scare me, little demon, don't you always play tricks? Don't scare me..."

A person who always loves weirdness, died... died, Dongfang Bai's mind went blank at that moment, and he felt that the blood couldn't flow anymore, what to do... what to do...

I keep thinking about what to do?His little demon can't move anymore, what should I do?His little Yaoer doesn't talk to him anymore, what should I do... what should I do?
"I don't allow it, you don't allow it to die, you don't allow it to die... wake up, wake up... wake up... don't go, little Yaoer, Qing Yaoyao... please don't leave me behind, please..." She humbly begged, begged her not to leave, but she still didn't wake up, and it was impossible to wake up now, "Don't go, don't leave me... Xiao Yaoer... Don't go..."

"Ahhh..." The rain kept falling, and there was a cry from the mountain. When Liu Jinyuan saw it not far away, he smiled like that lunatic.

"Haha... Dongfang Bai didn't expect you to have today, haha... crying like this for a woman, haha ​​Dongfang Bai..."

Dongfang Bai's gaze twisted, as if the injuries on his body were no longer there, he pressed Li Jinyue tightly, punching and punching him, almost making him deformed, but the anger in his heart couldn't be extinguished no matter what .

“啊啊……啊啊啊……”他喜欢的人死了,还是为自己死的,他不知道什么是活着?And why are you alive?Why live?

His heart is ashamed, it is better to die, but he dare not die, his life was saved by his little Yaoer, it was his little Yaoer, who bought it with his own life, and there is no way to give it up now up.

Because what he gave up was not his own life, but his little monster, cruel and bloody, taking revenge on everyone, the genius doctor was executed by him, and the world became more and more chaotic.

Bloody is almost the main thing in Jianghu, but he doesn't care, the person he likes dies, and he has no choice but to let everyone in the world come and play with him, let everyone follow him die.

The longer a person lives, the clearer his memory will be. When he dreams back at midnight, he will always see that woman sitting on his body, "I like your leader, I like you very much,"

She said with that smile that she likes her look, and her every move is in her heart. When she woke up, there were wet marks at the corners of her eyes. After looking around, she realized that she was dreaming again.

When did it start?He couldn't tell whether he was dreaming or talking. If it was a dream, why was her smile so real? If it was real, why would it disappear when he touched it.

Because of longing, eroding himself day and night, he finally became addicted to that drug. It was the dream-returning incense that the poison doctor made for himself, which can let you see the person you like in your dreams.

Addicted, addicted, because he couldn't extricate himself, and he didn't want to wake up, he knew the dissatisfaction in his obsessive religion, but he didn't want to pay attention to it, and finally someone in the religion rebelled.

On a certain day, he couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. She was in the dream. In reality, he was betrayed by someone, but he didn't have much anger. The whole palace was stained red with blood. He killed all the people who betrayed him, but he was also exhausted. The lights are dry.

Looking at the smiling woman not far away, he walked over, stretched out his arms to hug her, and half knelt down, "Little Yaoer..." What is a dream?The dream is so beautiful that I don't want to wake up. If I can, I really want to be addicted to it for the rest of my life.

"My little Yaoer, you are here..." The blood continued to flow from his body, and the cold became colder and colder, "Little Yaoer, I feel cold, little Yaoer..."

When the person who came to look for Dongfang Bai the next day, he found that Dongfang Bai had died long ago, but he was still holding the painting of that woman in his hand, and he didn't let go of it. It's all a beauty's dream hero, no matter who it is?As long as it is in love, it is the dog in it, and there is no way to escape it.

(End of this chapter)

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