Chapter 165

Tao Yaoyao felt as if she had entered chaos, her spirit was constantly being pounded, she suddenly opened her eyes and came to this door, when she looked at the door, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback and stretched out her hand to push away.

Unexpectedly, Tao Yaoyao's hand was grabbed by someone in the next second, the same thing happened twice, looking at the person who grabbed her hand, "let go..."

"If you go inside, you will encounter things you can't bear. Are you sure you want to open it?" The man's voice was calm and sexy, with a hoarse tone, and he couldn't bear it.

When talking, she looked at Tao Yaoyao with an expression Tao Yaoyao had never seen before, Tao Yaoyao turned her head when she heard this, looked at the white gate, pursed her lips and smiled, " I have always been thinking, what will I do if I have no way to go back for the rest of my life? What will my parents do? I have worked hard for this answer, for all of this, but these days, I am suddenly at a loss, I am at a loss This, why on earth am I doing this, I want to know, is my approach right?"

As long as she can remember, it was her parents who took care of her and protected her, but now she was dragged into this world, and she wanted to go back, her parents were getting older, so she couldn't rest assured.

"But suddenly I don't know why I have a feeling, do you know? I suddenly feel that when I think about my parents, I am very confused and can't see clearly. I can't see their faces clearly, nor can I see their faces clearly. people,"

She didn't know when it started, she couldn't see their faces clearly, and she couldn't see their people clearly. Those memories seemed to be fading bit by bit. This kind of thing made her panic.

She remembers that she likes to watch ghost movies, and watched them with her parents since she was a child, but why now she can even remember the ghost movies she watched clearly, but when she thinks back about her parents' appearance, she can't see clearly, she……

"I don't want to live like this, I just want to know, who am I? I am Tao Yaoyao, everyone says I am Tao Yaoyao, but during this task, why do I suddenly feel that my memory , my life is a little strange, and I'm afraid... this feeling of uncertainty, "

Tao Yaoyao stood in front of the door, the man didn't say anything when he heard this, and hugged Tao Yaoyao from behind, Tao Yaoyao felt familiar, but didn't speak, in fact... I felt it at the beginning, but I didn't admit it the same way That's all.

The hand gradually pushed open the door, and what he saw was the memory he didn't have. He came to a place that made him feel strange. It was a string of data to the code, and suddenly the whole person was sucked in. He looked at the man in black robe standing not far away.

"Dongfangbai... no..." She looked at the person not far away, then her figure faded away bit by bit, and she quickly closed her eyes. Who is she?Is it Tao Yaoyao?

No, the memory was generated in her mind. From the very beginning, she remembered that she was almost a string of codes like everyone in the game.

In the daze, there was someone standing in front of her, she watched her gradually build up from the string of small data, and there was a person looking down at her from above.

"You will be number one hundred from now on, don't let us down like those people before, remember..." Who is talking about number one hundred?
When he turned around, he seemed to hear someone saying something? "Damn it, that ghost thing is too cunning, no one can approach it at all, even if it is close, there is no way to lure it out, damn it..."

"Could it be that our planning bill is wrong in the first place? After all, it is the most primitive data. Now we are letting the initialized data get closer. Wouldn't this be a very unwise choice?"

"Then you can't go find someone? You know, this violates the laws of time and space, and you will be expelled. Don't say it, we won't be able to catch that ghost thing, and we will pay for ourselves instead,"

"We can't find people, why can't we make people? Didn't you always think that Hundred Hundred is too human? You actually have the idea of ​​shrinking because you are going to die. In this case, we let her pretend to be a human. "

"But how can No. [-] pretend to be a human being? No matter how good the disguise is, it will be exposed halfway,"

"Then erase the memory at this moment, and tamper with a memory that doesn't belong to her and give it to her. This girl... has a good appearance and personality, and this kind of personality is the most useful,"

Listening to those words, Tao Yaoyao felt dizzy, she didn't know what she was doing, and suddenly there were some memories in her mind, it was the memory of a girl, that woman's name was Tao Yaoyao, and when she had this memory, , also called himself Tao Yaoyao.

"It's impossible, I'm human? I'm human... If I'm not human..." Looking at all those memories, Tao Yaoyao was completely dumbfounded. Looking at those scenes, she was about to collapse completely. "What am I?"

Looking back at the man, the man revealed Dongfang Bai's face at this moment, "You are number one hundred,"

"I am number one hundred, so what do you have?" Tao Yaoyao looked at the man with confused eyes, "No, I am Tao Yaoyao, not a number one hundred, you made a mistake..."

"Those memories are real. Your memory has been wiped out, and the current memory is regenerated. You are number one hundred, and you are the one hundredth created to capture me," the man looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"As for me, I am the virus in your mouth, but... Yaoyao, you have to be clear that many things are not as simple as you see," the man said, stretching out his hand to stroke Tao Yaoyao's cheek, "Now you It’s not time to get in touch with these, it’s time to go back, forget all this, and pretend that you’ve never been here before.”

"Forget? Hahaha... It turns out that I have been doing it for a long time. When I see those people, I always think that they are just a string of codes. Even if they die, they will not have any feelings, because those feelings are fake. , turns out that I am just like them, and I am just a string of codes, why is this so why? I don't want...I don't want..."

Tao Yaoyao backed away, she doesn't want to be a puppet who doesn't know anything, she doesn't want... The man walked over directly, grabbed that Tao Yaoyao's hand, and in the next second it was on that Tao Yaoyao's forehead Kissed him and hugged him in his arms, "We are no different from people, why should we be sad? We have our thoughts and thoughts, and there is nothing less than people? We can live forever and ever, so don't think too much, Go to sleep, when you wake up, nothing will happen..."

(End of this chapter)

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