Chapter 166

Her name is No. 99. She looks at all kinds of people around and touches them curiously, "Number 99, you said that these people are really rigid, and they are much different from us. You said that we can play like people if we want. How wonderful it would be, by the way... No. [-], tell me, how about we scare people?"

After No. 99 thought of something, he took No. 99 beside him to play. No. [-] was very puzzled by No. [-]. They were all data without emotion, and they didn't feel anything about playing. Number one hundred is different.

How does she always like to play?And what makes people feel speechless is that she likes to run into other computers, and suddenly a black screen appears, and she turns into various ghosts to scare others. Number 99 thinks that this behavior of number [-] is against the law .

And it's not just illegal, it's almost like a virus, because she only needs to play once, and the human beings will choose to clean up their computers, and some people screamed in fright.

It is a very bad interest in this, and this interest will make this complaint every time, although the complaint cannot reach them, but this bad behavior, No. 99 thinks that it can be terminated.

No. 99 has a mission. She needs to get close to a code named Virus King. Unfortunately, the other party is too cunning. Every time she contacts, those codes will be swallowed up, and then continue to grow stronger.

No. 99 had no feeling for the death, but No. 99 was terrified. No. [-] felt that it was better not to die. When she heard that No. [-] was going on a mission, she followed secretly because it was too boring.

Watching that number 99 contacting a person, that person looks no different from a human being. With these data, they can be all kinds of people as long as they want, and their appearance can be as exquisite as they want.

Number 99 likes the appearance of the most beautiful woman, it looks like a charming feeling, watching number 99 walk in with a man, number 99 followed but unexpectedly, suddenly saw that man started to devour number [-], [-] No. There was no resistance.

When seeing this scene, No. [-] was so scared that he ran away, but unexpectedly, he was intercepted soon, "It's newborn data again, and sending them here one by one is considered willing."

When the man speaks, he has to do it. Number [-] is so frightened that he runs away immediately. The man is slightly taken aback when he sees it, "..." This is the first time. In the past, these newborn data were all captured and would not have Any resistance, here is an enchantment set up by myself, and those people can't feel it right now.

|"Please don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want, I'll be your slave, look how tired you are by yourself, I can help you," but what surprised the man even more was yet to come, After the small data ran away, it was bounced back.

After suffering several times, he knelt down in front of him decisively. At that moment, the man felt that this little data was very humane. At least she would be afraid of death in front of her. Looking at the man approaching, No. [-] stepped back a few times. step.

"Don't kill me, I'm a very bad data. Apart from pranks, the rest of my use is to make viruses to harm others. It's useless if you eat me. Don't kill me. I'm still young... I haven't been there yet. the myriad worlds,"

Seeing the appearance of this little data, the man couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to pinch the neck, and saw the other party trembling like the little white rabbit, he couldn't help laughing, after living for so long, This is the first time I have seen such human-like data.

"Okay, I won't kill you, but don't regret it, just do my best. It just so happens that I'm going overseas to play these days, do you want to follow?" No. [-] nodded immediately after hearing this.

The next second he passed out, and when he woke up, No. 99 looked outside, stretched out his hand in a daze, and stroked the mirror, " poisoned...No. [-], I'm poisoned, "

"Stop screaming, this is country H, and we're all out now," No. [-] was taken aback when he heard this, and stretched out his hand to touch it, but the hand couldn't go through it, because he was a data, and in that Sumeru In the world, it is possible to pass through any place.

What she likes most is that when others are watching ghost movies, she pretends to be a ghost in it, and when others are playing games, she also pretends to be a villain and loses players. Although many servers have complained about this interest, she still I do my own way.

Because she felt that she was trapped in the virtual world, and she couldn't have a good time playing right now, wouldn't that be too boring, "That's great, you're so amazing, no wonder number 99 was eaten by you, by the way, you called What? How can you be so powerful, even my side can't do things, but you can... "

"If it's all possible, why do you think they want to arrest me? Well, let's go," the man said, and took No. [-] out the door. No. [-] nodded immediately after hearing this.

Then quickly followed, "It's the beach, it's great,'s not Xumi's, it's amazing," No. [-] ran over and started playing to his heart's content. The man sat not far away and took a sip of tea .

Looking at the happy No. [-], the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. This is really a strange statistic. It was obviously created out of nothing, but no matter how you look at it right now, it looks like a human being.

But he knew that that little girl was definitely not human, so where is it?Of course it's not the real world, it's just a more beautiful area right now, this little girl has never been here, so she naturally thinks this is the real world.

No. 99 was tired from playing, but unexpectedly someone contacted me, "Where are you? No. [-] is dead, you come back to replace that thing, and then let us capture it,"

Hearing this, No. [-] was slightly taken aback, "But I can't do it, I was only born for a year, and you let me, a child under one year old, kill those people whose predecessors were cheated to death, that's too unreliable Spectrum, "

"Then do you want to go?" Soon there was anger in the conversation, "Stop moaning, I can feel that the Virus Lord is by your side, go catch her, lock her with that star net, "

"But head, I'm going to die. I'm going to die when the star network is used up. I don't want to..." Number one hundred hates death, not to mention... all the seniors in front of me have used the star network, but, no One can really catch the person and look at the people behind them.

Now when looking at herself with a smile on her face, No. [-] felt that if she really did something, she would turn off the communication immediately, pretending that she didn’t hear it. She is different from all the data. She doesn’t want to die, nor does she want to die. To die, she wants to live, to live for a long time, so she will never be stupid about letting herself die.

(End of this chapter)

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