Chapter 168
"Miss, you are awake. Today is your big day for you and your new uncle, miss, you have to get up and wash up quickly." Tao Yaoyao woke up and heard these words. She rubbed her forehead and found that there was nothing in her mind. memory.

Isn't this a mission?But whether the task is done by ear, now take one step at a time, Tao Yaoyao got up directly, someone came in soon, and put on this bridal dress for herself, when Tao Yaoyao looked at those clothes, she couldn't help sighing Tone, these are really unexpected.

The wedding dress was quickly put on, and then thrown into the sedan chair. Tao Yaoyao was sitting in the sedan chair, and she looked outside suspiciously, and saw the people around her with strange expressions.

For some reason, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but frowned with pity. Why did this pity look come from?Tao Yaoyao shook her head, still planning to take a step forward.

When Tao Yaoyao was sitting in the bridal sedan chair and waiting for the bridal sedan chair to get off, the person who kicked the door of the sedan chair was not her bridegroom officer, but a man in white clothes, she was slightly taken aback when she saw it.

Tao Yaoyao was pulled in and heard the cuckoo of the chicken. After hearing the crow of the chicken, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help pursing her lips. What kind of rhythm is this, but I don't know why?I feel excited at such a weird moment.

Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but shook her head, and quickly prayed to heaven and earth, and was thrown into a room when she was there. After being thrown in, this Tao Yaoyao looked around, felt the unusual atmosphere, and put that After taking off the red hijab, I saw a wooden coffin not far away.

When she saw the wooden coffin, Tao Yaoyao was taken aback for a moment, and then walked over directly. The next second, a group of people came in, and then directly threw Tao Yaoyao into the wooden coffin. Yes, she likes ghosts, but she doesn't like this corpse.

"Who are you to let me out?" Tao Yaoyao desperately patted the wooden coffin, but unexpectedly, someone behind her grabbed her shoulder. The moment her shoulder was grabbed, Tao Yaoyao shivered.

"Lady..." One sentence made Tao Yaoyao turn her head, and she punched the person behind her. The other party got a black eye, and immediately covered her cheek, looking at Tao Yaoyao with a look of disbelief.

"Why did you react like this? Shouldn't you be startled?" It's simply an anecdote that this woman was able to fight back when she was grabbed by the shoulders of a dead man in this coffin.

"I forgot to tell you, I have flattered one thing. I am a servant of ghosts, and ghosts don't want to scare me. What's more... ghosts are transformed by people. I am not afraid of ghosts?" Tao Yaoyao is a Those who are fans of ghosts will not feel a little scared when they encounter real ghosts.

This kind of thing made the man very aggrieved, Tao Yaoyao pushed the coffin, but still couldn't open it, "How do I get out?" Tao Yaoyao looked at the man and said, "Also, I'm here to marry Are people still here to die?"

Hearing this, the other party smiled, "Since you don't know, what kind of person do you want to marry? You are so courageous, do you know what people outside call me? They call me weirdo, say I like strange things, and I also like to sleep in this kind of place, I am not human at all, so I asked you to cheer me up and make me more popular, "

The corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched at these words, this is really very popular, Tao Yaoyao looked at the man, "Is there no way to go out now? That's all... Brother, I'm tired too, borrow a seat. "

"Okay, you can sleep next door to me, and I will call you when someone comes," Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, and then fell asleep directly, her eyes flashed in the darkness, and gradually became black and white When she got up, she looked at Tao Yaoyao with that weird look on her face.

The next day, Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, and the coffin was pried open, and she couldn't help covering it with her hand when looking at the sunlight, "Aren't you calling me..."

Tao Yaoyao turned her head and said, she turned her head and saw the man in the shroud, his face was pale, and his body was so cold that there was no temperature at all, at that moment, the corner of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched and swallowed.

"That... this is my husband, the one who died yesterday?" Tao Yaoyao looked at the servant and said, and the servant looked at Tao Yaoyao with pity on his face. ,

"Well, the Eldest Young Master left without waiting for the visit to the Young Mistress. My condolences to the Young Mistress," Tao Yaoyao chuckled when she heard this.

"The person from yesterday, hehe... the feelings are real," Tao Yaoyao's mood became complicated, she didn't know whether it was fear or depression, she met a real ghost last night, but she thought it was someone else's prank in a daze.

In fact, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help complaining right now, how big of a heart she was, that she was so calm under such circumstances, Tao Yaoyao came out of the coffin and went to freshen up.

When she was going to wash up, she was sitting in the water, the light couldn't be refracted in, Tao Yaoyao didn't know what happened, she fell into a drowsy sleep.

When Tao Yaoyao woke up again, suddenly there was another person in her tub, "You...pervert..."

He slapped the other party by himself, and the man covered his cheek, "My lady, you are wrong, I am your husband, why am I a pervert?"

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at the man, and found that he was exactly the same as the dead man, she frowned immediately, but she didn't know why?She felt that this voice was different from the voice she heard in the coffin yesterday, it was deeper, but this man's voice was hoarse and sexy.

Maybe it's because of the coffin that the voice is a little different, Tao Yaoyao thought so, but soon her face changed, peat, even a ghost can't take advantage of her so openly. "Give you five seconds to get out, or don't blame me for being rude,"

The man blinked his eyes when he heard this, the woman's reaction was really strange, she was not afraid when she saw her appearance, Tao Yaoyao covered her body with the towel, and looked at the man fiercely.

The man climbed out of the tub directly, Tao Yaoyao watched the man leave with a terribly ugly expression, she was pretending to be a ghost, and she didn't know if it was a real ghost just now?
But whether it was true or not, Tao Yaoyao felt that she was at a big loss, so she put on her clothes directly, and then went out, "Young Madam asked you to come and pay her respects."

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, she nodded and went over with the refreshment, because she slept with the dead for a day last night, she naturally had to wash up before going.

When Tao Yaoyao was going to serve tea, she saw a man beside the lady. This ghost is really fierce, and it can come out in broad daylight, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips, lowered her head as if she didn't see it, Being blind doesn't like being a fool.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao's reaction, the man slightly twitched his mouth, "Mother... this is sister-in-law, it's really a sign," the man said suddenly, the voice was different from that of homework, but it was the same as the one in his bathtub just now. The inside is exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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