Chapter 169
Tao Yaoyao felt that she was alive right now, this person can talk to that lady, right now it means that everyone here is alive, but who was that person in the coffin with her last night?Is it a ghost?But why is that man standing here?
Tao Yaoyao felt that her mind was in a mess. Could this be the legendary twins right now?If it wasn't for the twins, how could they have such an appearance, Tao Yaoyao walked over and knelt down.

"Mother drinking tea," taking one step at a time, the Li family is also my husband's family right now, her husband Li Hongwei is also the person who was lying in the coffin yesterday, and the person in front of me at this moment, could she be Li Hongzhao? On the way here, I asked the maid to know, but no one told me that these two people have the same appearance.

And this bastard... even ran into her bathtub, Tao Yaoyao thought it was really peat, Tao Yaoyao brought tea to Li's mother, and Li's mother looked at Tao Yaoyao, "You entered my Li family door, my son left yesterday, that is to say, you are not blessed, but my Li family has always been the most fair, and will not drive you out just because you are not blessed, "

Tao Yaoyao now knows what it means to be cheap and invincible, and the people in the Li family in front of her are fucking cheap and invincible. At this time, at this critical moment, she even said that she would not drive you out, marrying a ghost husband Who would?
Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, "My daughter-in-law knows, my daughter-in-law will." Tao Yaoyao's words made Li Hongzhao slightly taken aback, and looked at his sister-in-law, who he had just met just now, but he didn't think he was Big Brother showed fear.

On the contrary, when he saw himself, when he saw himself talking to his mother, he looked at a loss. On the bed.

When she was drowsy, she fell into a deep sleep, and when she woke up, she felt that she was hugged by someone, and the cold breath carried the smell of soil. When Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, she saw a Man hugs himself.

"You..." Tao Yaoyao directly kicked the man down, the man couldn't help touching his body after being kicked, and looked at Tao Yaoyao with a gloomy expression.

"How can a husband get into your bed, and you kick him down," the voice was similar to what she heard last night, Tao Yaoyao twitched her mouth, and looked at the so-called husband in front of her.

"You brothers are all the same, the older brother gets into my bed, and the younger brother gets into my bathtub, do you want me to separate, or do you want me to have one daughter and two husbands," Tao Yaoyao said not to be outdone, and said The words are to offend others.

When Li Hongwei heard this, he immediately became gloomy, "He slept with you, where did he sleep? Damn... that bastard..." Li Hongwei scolded, Tao Yaoyao now thinks that this person is not Li Hongzhao up.

Tao Yaoyao didn't bother to talk to her, she just lay on the side and was about to go to bed. Tao Yaoyao was about to sleep, so Li Hongwei walked over and looked at his daughter-in-law.

"Daughter-in-law... stay away when I see my brother," Li Hongwei's words made Tao Yaoyao roll her eyes. The two brothers look alike. Don't say that Li Hongwei and Li Hongzhao are not familiar with each other right now. Even if they do, they may not be able to separate come out.

What's more, the data is so detailed that it's hard to distinguish at all, "Okay, I'll hide, I'm going to sleep, you can play wherever you want, and when you're done, just go back and be a ghost." You have to look like a ghost."

Tao Yaoyao's words made the corners of Li Hongwei's mouth twitch, and he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Daughter-in-law, why aren't you afraid of me at all? But because I know, my mother married me a daughter-in-law, so I don't want to leave without even seeing the appearance of my daughter-in-law." I died, so I came back to take a look, but daughter-in-law, your reaction made me feel unfulfilled, "

This Li Hongwei felt that others were ghosts, and he was also a ghost. Others were ghosts, and he could scare everyone, but being a ghost himself couldn't even scare the woman in front of him. Hearing this, the corners of Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Li Hongwei looked at the eyes and grinned at Taoyaoyao. To Taoyaoyao.

"Woooo..." Li Hongwei cried, and Tao Yaoyao looked confused, "Don't cry, what are you doing, don't cry...Look, I'm really scared, I'm breaking out in a cold sweat, "

Tao Yaoyao's words made Li Hongwei look at Tao Yaoyao, but he was still crying in the next second. Li Hongwei cried so hard that Tao Yaoyao turned around directly, "Cry yourself, when you finish crying, call me, Make a mask for you another day, and then burn it for you, lest you bother me every day, "

There is a saying that if you are not afraid of ghosts, ghosts will not be able to cause trouble on you. Tao Yaoyao's temper is considered Li Hongwei's ability, and now if people don't fall for it, he can't do anything against Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao was sleeping, but the maids outside were pale with fright, the gloomy cold wind blew in, and the crying sound was exactly the same as their young master's, could it be that the coldness made everyone swallow saliva.

"Tell me, why is it getting colder and colder today? This is June. Does the crying sound here belong to the young lady?" Might be a boy.

Those who heard this swallowed their saliva, and then carefully went to open the door. Inside the crack of the door, they pushed it open and put their heads in to have a look, but before they could get in, they met the pale face, the corners of their eyes were black and blue A dead face.

The corners of the mouth were still bloodshot, "Come in..." The next second came the eerie words, and the few people who were peeping were scared and ran away screaming.

"There's a ghost, the young master's ghost is back, there's a ghost... woooo... a ghost, help me..." A few people ran away, trembling with fright, and two of them just peed their pants.

After hearing the noise, Li Hongzhao got up and walked out, and saw a few people not far away, "What happened?"

"Second young master, someone saw a ghost. They said that the ghost of the young master is in the room of the young grandma, and now he is frightened." When Li Hongzhao heard this, he was slightly taken aback, and immediately felt that it was ridiculous. Ghosts have been scary before, but he still doesn't think there are ghosts in the world.

But soon I thought of Tao Yaoyao's reaction when she saw her, the matter of her big brother appearing in the bathtub, and this woman, who was locked up in a strange place for a day and a night, but came out alive and kicking, not at all. There were traces of crying, and the guards had said it, but the woman just yelled a few words at the beginning, and then there was no sound.

At first everyone thought it was dead inside, but when she opened it during the day, she saw that the other party was sleeping, and beside her was her elder brother, how big was this woman's heart?

(End of this chapter)

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