Chapter 170
"What's the noise?" Li's mother frowned and said, hearing this, those servants immediately told the whole story, when hearing this, Li Hou was slightly taken aback.

"It's absurd, take me to see it." Even if his son was married in the dark, the fact that his son came back as a ghost still makes this Li mother think it is absurd. People in the world are like this.

She wanted her son to die well, but she didn't want to believe in ghosts. Right now, Li's mother went to Tao Yaoyao's room. Mother Li.

"Is there someone in the room just now?" Li's mother looked at Tao Yaoyao, and found that Tao Yaoyao looked good, and her eyes suddenly became much warmer. No matter whether this woman doesn't care about her son, she doesn't want to see a day at the moment. The same people who cry at night.

Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this, "I was the only one in the room just now, and I didn't see anyone else." Of course, ghosts don't know if it counts or not?

"Young Mistress, that Eldest Young Master came back just now, didn't you really see, Eldest Mistress?" The servant's words made the Li mother who asked her look uneasy, and Li's mother looked at the servant.

Although the daughter-in-law here didn't make a fuss, she couldn't guarantee that she would be so calm after hearing this. The servant looked at Shang Li's mother and immediately knew that she was wrong, so she lowered her head and dared not speak.

"No, no one has been here before, not to mention that if the husband comes back, come back, this is the husband's home, what's wrong?" Tao Yaoyao's words made the servants look stunned.

Right now, everyone thinks that Tao Yaoyao has a brain problem. If she is not a person with a brain problem, how could she say such a thing? You must know that it is a ghost, a ghost that can harm people.

Tao Yaoyao's mother was slightly taken aback by Tao Yaoyao's words, but she didn't say much, "Take care of the young mistress well, if you are daring to talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude, you should have a good rest, rest assured this is the Li family, in the future No one will get in your way, 0"

These words were to support her, Tao Yaoyao immediately smiled and sent the Li mother away, and after sending her away, she sat aside and saw that the ghost hadn't come out, so she got up and planned to go out.

When Tao Yaoyao went out, she was late, and then walked into the garden. When she saw some petals, she picked some. When she was about to go back, she met Li Hongzhao. Why did she recognize Li Hongzhao? , probably the breath of this man.

"Sister-in-law is so elegant, is this for my elder brother, or for yourself?" Li Hongzhao looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, this woman is very bold, even if she saw her elder brother's real ghost, she was still calm very.

After hearing this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongzhao, "Of course it is for my own use, not to mention that my husband doesn't need it," Tao Yaoyao's words made Li Hongzhao raise his eyebrows, and he looked at Tao Yaoyao .

"If I didn't know that you and my elder brother were strangers, I would have thought that the two of you have a deep affection, otherwise how could my sister-in-law see her, but my elder brother's ghost is not afraid at all," Li Hongzhao's words made Tao Yaoyao laugh laugh.

"Compared to some shameless person who stuns my sister-in-law and runs into my sister-in-law's bathtub, what am I? After all, he is also my husband. What am I afraid of?" Tao Yaoyao's words made Li Hongzhao smile, this woman Sure enough, it was distinguished.

"I didn't go to accompany my sister-in-law because I was afraid that she would be alone, but... now if my elder brother really comes back, I, as a younger brother, naturally can't overstep, but... my sister-in-law is not my elder brother, sister-in-law, you It’s better to know your own interests.”

Although Tao Yaoyao said that he was his elder brother, Li Hongzhao felt that things about ghosts and ghosts were not credible, and he couldn't believe what the woman said at the moment, because he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes. Of course...the elder brother probably wouldn't come to him.

Seeing Li Hongzhao leave, Tao Yaoyao smiled and left with a flower basket. After returning, she asked someone to prepare bath water for herself. When taking a bath, she threw flower petals down and saw someone walking in.

When he saw this person, his face was pale and it was Li Hongwei, "Can you guys tell me about your time?" Girl, being treated so frivolously, how could she not be angry?

Hearing this, Li Hongwei smiled, "You are my wife, so I naturally want to come and have a look, you are in good shape, how about being a ghost couple with me?"

"Don't want to," Tao Yaoyao directly shook her head and said, just because she likes to watch ghosts doesn't mean she would be willing to be a ghost, Tao Yaoyao directly refused.

When Ye Shi saw you, Tao Yaoyao finished washing up and began to eat, everyone was trembling now, the servants couldn't see Li Hongwei, but Tao Yaoyao could.

But because there are too many people now, Tao Yaoyao doesn't want others to think of herself as a lunatic, so when eating, she eats very calmly, and doesn't take Li Hongwei as an existent person at all.

"The eldest young mistress said that she would come over now," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and Li Hongwei, who was beside her, began to speak.

"It's my little sister, don't make my little sister angry for a while," Li Hongwei's words made Tao Yaoyao look at him with raised eyebrows, and quickly withdrew her expression and nodded, letting the servants prepare.

After a while, Miss Li came over. Miss Li is about seven or eight years old. When she saw Tao Yaoyao, she was a little wary, but when she saw Li Hongwei, "Brother..."

Crackling... A lot of things were knocked out in the room in an instant, because everyone saw that Miss Li walked over to the empty stool, and after she walked over, they were extremely happy.

Right now everyone is thinking, has the young master always been there?Soon everyone saw that Miss Li climbed up and sat down as if being hugged. At that moment, many people fainted.

Li Hongwei felt that he was very bad, and had been close to this sister since he was a child, but he never thought that when he was dead, no one else could see him, but his sister could.

But soon Li Hongwei thought that he had heard some things before, that is, his little sister always liked to talk to inexplicable people, and sometimes she would talk to the air and play with the lotus pond, Looking back now, does it mean that she could see ghosts at that time.

Thinking of this, Li Hongwei suddenly became complicated, "Brother, they all said that you are dead, you can't play with me, but I see you now, brother, it's just a joke, brother, when will you accompany me to go fishing, brother ..."

(End of this chapter)

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