Chapter 171
The young master of the Li family has not been buried yet, and almost everyone in the Li family has seen the ghost, and many people are panicking, and many bad things have been spread about the Li family in an instant.

Even if Li's mother didn't believe this servant, her daughter had seen it, and it was impossible for her to say that she didn't believe it. Regarding all of this, Li's mother was in a bad mood, and at night, she went to Taoyao Yao's room.

"Mother, I don't know if you can't let go of anything? But if you're dead, don't come back. If you're dead, go away. Go with peace of mind. Your wife will watch over you. What else can you not let go of? "Mother Li felt that this son must leave.

Although she also felt distressed, but this is a different way between ghosts and ghosts. Tao Yaoyao looked at Li's mother in a daze when she heard this, and then looked at Li Hongwei who was on the side. He lowered his head to cover up the deep pain in his eyes.

Silently walking in front of her mother, she held her mother's clothes with that hand, but she didn't dare to use too much force. Tao Yaoyao heard Li Hongwei say, "I just don't want to, I don't want to die, and I don't want to leave... "

She didn't want to die or leave, when Tao Yaoyao heard this, for some reason, that inexplicable image flashed in her mind, and someone there was also crying.

"I just don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die like this," those words were like a curse, in my mind, when I saw Li Hongwei, my eyes became complicated, I lowered my head and said nothing. say.

After waiting for a while, Li's mother looked around, "Go with peace of mind, my mother will burn paper money for you, so you can go with peace of mind,"

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao looked at Li's mother, and after looking at Li Hongwei, Li Hongwei said a few words to Tao Yaoyao, after Tao Yaoyao sighed, "Mother gone,"

When Li's mother heard this, her eyes widened immediately, "He said just now that he was going to be reincarnated, and he came back because he couldn't worry about his mother, mother..."

When hearing this, Mother Li's expression was complicated, but she didn't stay for a while, and left in a hurry. When watching Mother Li leave, Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips and said nothing.

At this moment, Li Hongwei squatted aside, holding his forehead with his hands, Tao Yaoyao walked over to look at Li Hongwei, "Don't think too much, it will pass soon,"

"I've always known that my mother doesn't like me more than my younger brother, but I didn't she wanted me to disappear from this house so much," while speaking, her body gradually faded, watching the faded voice , Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback, but she stretched out her hand but didn't say much after all.

I don't know why?I used to think that it was just a code, but now I feel that heavy. When did it change?When did something change again, Tao Yaoyao shook her head and didn't intend to think too much.

After Tao Yaoyao watched the person disappear, she should eat and drink in the following days. As for Li Hongwei, she had never appeared before. Although Tao Yaoyao was a little emotional about this, she didn't pay much attention to it.

The night is very thick, Tao Yaoyao has been in this world for half a month, and there has been no movement from Mr. System in this half month. She is a bit confused about the future of the tourist who left the tour leader. It's better to travel, at least you can go if you have money.

But right now, don't say that I can't leave if I have money, and I don't know how to leave if I have no life at all?Tao Yaoyao was very depressed, she had never seen such a dedicated bastard before.

When Tao Yaoyao fell asleep that night, she suddenly heard the sound of a thunderstorm. When she saw the thunderstorm, it poured down, and the smell of blood kept coming to her nostrils. When she smelled the smell of blood, Tao Yaoyao slightly Immediately stood up in a daze.

When I opened the door, I saw corpses lying on the ground outside the door. When I saw those corpses, my face turned pale in an instant. Tao Yaoyao looked at everything around her. What the hell is going on? What's going on?

Tao Yaoyao was shocked, suddenly there was a coldness behind her, she turned her head and saw the knife slashing towards her, when she saw the knife, Tao Yaoyao immediately avoided it.

After kicking her, Tao Yaoyao's kung fu is still there. Right now, after defeating the opponent, she immediately starts looking for someone. In this Li family, although she hasn't had much contact with her for half a month, she has been eating and drinking for a long time. , there is still more or less emotion at the moment.

And Tao Yaoyao felt that this might be related to her mission, but when she opened the door, she saw Li Hongzhao and Li Hongwei not far away, "Li Hongwei..."

Tao Yaoyao hadn't seen Li Hongwei for a long time, and she didn't recognize him at the moment, but when she suddenly saw the dying man on the ground, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, I just came up like this, everyone is dead," Li Hongwei looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, suddenly holding his head and shouting, "Why is this happening, why..."

"Calm down, let's leave first." Tao Yaoyao looked at the people on the ground, and then began to lift up, "No matter what happened, let's leave first and talk, okay?"

If things go on like this, there will definitely be big problems. Hearing this, Li Hongwei nodded. Tao Yaoyao took Li Hongzhao to a walk not far away, and when she heard those movements, she immediately hid in the well and put her body all over her body. As it sank, Li Hongzhao was also dragged down.

"See if there is anyone else? Don't leave any of them behind, kill them all," Tao Yaoyao's face turned pale when she heard this. Right now, all of these people's kung fu is very good. Those people's words can't be eaten and walked around.

"Come out, people are gone," Li Hongwei immediately stretched out his hand to pull Tao Yaoyao as soon as he saw that people were gone. She felt that it was useless for her to be a ghost. so useless.

"Let's stop talking, let's take Li Hongzhao and leave first," Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei and said, this place can't stay now, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen after only a few days of good life.

Li Hongwei nodded and left. There is no one alive in Li's house, and they are all dead now, completely dead overnight.

"Did you hear that something happened to the Li family, and many people died. It's really tragic. Now that these people are all dead, it's terrible," they all began to tremble.

"That's right, I went to see it too. The body was burnt. The young mistress Xin was really miserable. Her husband died without entering the house. Now the whole family is dead,"

"Don't say she is miserable. I think that woman is a disaster. Otherwise, no one in the Li family will die sooner or later. Now everyone is dead, but the eldest young mistress has disappeared without a trace. I think ...It's because this young mistress is here to collect debts, "

Several people were talking there, but they didn't notice that someone passed by them. When they heard these words, the corners of their mouths twitched, their expressions were so depressed, and their feelings became a bastard.

(End of this chapter)

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