Chapter 177
When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she couldn't help but pursed her lips. Although she was seriously injured at the time, she still remembered that Li Hongwei didn't take her too far, so she hid in the cave, and the vines outside were still showing their teeth and claws. Waiting for them to go out, like the snake and scorpion, and then devouring them.

In this case, why didn't Li Hongzhao leave when he left?It was midnight when Li Hongzhao left, that is to say, there was no sun, and it was impossible for those ghosts to let them go, but Li Hongzhao ran out with her, and she was still unscathed.

Now that Li Hongwei has disappeared, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but frowned, whether Li Hongwei's disappearance was related to this matter, Tao Yaoyao felt that she needed to investigate carefully, because if she didn't investigate, there was nothing she could do Find out what happened to Li Hongwei?
"You just woke up. I'll get you something to eat. Don't worry, my brother is now a ghost. There is nothing worse than a ghost in the world," Li Hongzhao began to comfort him.

Tao Yaoyao pursed her lips when she heard this. She didn't tell Li Hongzhao that there are things worse than ghosts in the world, that is, the ghosts are scattered without leaving any traces.

"Okay," Tao Yaoyao nodded, she is too weak, the wound is covered all over her body, Li Hongwei is a ghost who doesn't like those things, but she is human, and that ghost thing seems to suck blood .

At least she felt severe ischemia, so Li Hongzhao went to look for food, and finally broke the millet porridge and came in, "You are relatively weak, and you are talking about eating something," Tao Yaoyao nodded upon hearing this.

After eating, Tao Yaoyao fell into a drowsy sleep. While Tao Yaoyao was sleeping, she had a dream. In the dream, Tao Yaoyao saw some strange things.

"You go and catch him," someone seemed to be talking to her in the dream, she heard her resistance, but she couldn't hear what she was saying clearly?
In a blink of an eye, there was another scene, someone stroked his cheek, "Why do you think you are fake? Even if we are not human, so what? Everything in the world, as long as you use your own thoughts, it is no different from human beings , we live longer than humans, and are more powerful than humans, why do we have to be humans? Being humans is very hard..."

She heard the hoarse voice whispering in her ear, and heard the guilty and sighing voice repeating some words.

"From the very beginning when you came out, I knew you were special, but you didn't know that you were too special, and this would only hurt yourself, are just some codes,"

Tao Yaoyao had a severe headache, always in such pain, "Wake up, don't be deceived, wake up, they are all liars, wake up..."

Tao Yaoyao didn't know who she was listening to?But when she woke up... Tao Yaoyao felt a headache, how did she wake up?
Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, and saw Li Hongzhao sitting beside her, looking at her with a worried expression, and was slightly taken aback when she saw Li Hongzhao's gaze.

"You're having a nightmare, did you dream about big brother?" Li Hongzhao said when he saw Tao Yaoyao, and then brought the food to Tao Yaoyao, and Tao Yaoyao took a few mouthfuls of it.

"My elder brother hasn't come back yet. I'm going to take a rest. You can take a rest here. When I find him, I'll bring him back." When Li Hongzhao saw Tao Yaoyao, he worried about taking her with him. If someone had an accident, then it would be even more difficult for him to act.

Tao Yaoyao looked at you, Li Hongzhao, "When I recover from my injury, let's go together." Right now, I don't know where Li Hongzhao is. If I don't find it, many things can't go on.

And let Li Hongzhao go alone, if he loses someone, how can he find someone to come back now? After hearing this, Li Hongzhao wanted to talk, but seeing Tao Yaoyao's eyes, he could only nod his head .

When looking at Tao Yaoyao, "Okay, I'll wait until you recover from your injury." Right now, I can only wait for Tao Yaoyao's injury to recover before looking for someone. When Tang Yingying heard this, It was also a lot of peace of mind.

But after Tao Yaoyao went to sleep, Li Hongzhao ran away secretly by himself. Tao Yaoyao was careful, knowing that this uncle had always had bad intentions, so he could only be careful now.

Li Hongzhao couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw Tao Yaoyao who was supported by the door. He felt that this girl was too uncute, and she was still following him at this time, eh...

"You promised me, but you ran out alone," Li Hongzhao said while looking at Tao Yaoyao, the villain complained first, and Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but smile.

"You have to make it clear that you lied to me first, ahem... Li Hongzhao, you go to find Li Hongwei, do you think you can find someone?" Finding someone you can't see is like finding a needle in a haystack.

When Li Hongzhao heard this, he didn't say a word, he didn't think about this matter, Tao Yaoyao hugged the package, "Let's go together, you go on the road alone, when you are lost, you come back, I will It's hard to explain,"

Although she didn't see that the two brothers were very brotherly, Tao Yaoyao knew very well that Li Hongwei was worried about Li Hongzhao, and Li Hongzhao also had Li Hongwei in his heart.

Hearing this, Li Hongzhao naturally disagreed, "You still have injuries on your body, I can't take you with me." When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, Li Hongzhao showed disapproval, but Tao Yaoyao smiled laugh.

"I have injuries, but my injuries will be healed after treatment," and although the system master is hung up, the system can still be used, and there are still many medicines in the system that can treat those injuries.

"Let's go, it's not easy to leave when it's late," Tao Yaoyao said, hurry up if you want to leave now, Li Hongzhao nodded when he heard this, since everyone has come out, it's impossible for him to think alone, In this case, it is better to bring people with you.

It doesn't matter if you look for it slowly, after all, you are looking for someone, but you don't know where your big brother died.

Li Hongzhao and Tao Yaoyao set off together, and Tao Yaoyao was going to see the cave first, but when the two of them came to the cave, they smelled the pungent smell of blood, and couldn't help frowning immediately, the bloody smell The smell was so strong that Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but want to vomit.

"Be careful, there must be something weird inside." Right now, I don't know what happened inside, it's only two days away, this bloody smell has to kill so many people's blood to be so strong, Tao Yaoyao's heart It was an ominous premonition, and this premonition made Tao Yaoyao couldn't help feeling uneasy. She looked at Li Hongzhao and stretched out her hand to hold the other party. Now that Li Hongzhao had something wrong in front of her, Li Hongwei would definitely be angry, so she had to protect her. better.

(End of this chapter)

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