Chapter 178
The pungent smell of blood made Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning, and so did Li Hongzhao, who couldn't help but look at Tao Yaoyao, and the two looked at each other before walking deeper, reading the corpse inside, the bones Li Lei looked particularly bloody.

Moreover, the flesh and blood were all ground up, as if the minced meat had been chewed, which made people feel disgusted. Tao Yaoyao looked into the depths, gritted her teeth and walked inside, waiting At that depth, she saw a huge pool of blood. When she saw the pool of blood, Tao Yaoyao took a step back.

At this moment, Li Hongzhao also trembled, and soon saw that there was a person in the depths. When he saw that person, he was slightly taken aback, "It's the big brother... Where is the big brother..."

"Your elder brother?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and immediately looked over, "You stay here first, I'll go down and fish your elder brother up,"

"Wait a minute, is it strange that you don't understand?" But before Tao Yaoyao could move, she was held back by Li Hongzhao. Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongzhao and blinked, what's so strange?
In fact, it should be said that in this ghostly place, there is no longer any place to make myself feel strange. When he heard this, Li Hong took a look at the elder brother.

"I can't see big brother, but I see it now, don't you find it strange?" I have never been able to see big brother, but now I can see big brother, isn't it strange?

Tao Yaoyao also looked over when she heard this, yes, Li Hongzhao had never been able to see Li Hongwei, but now she could see it, and Tao Yaoyao knew clearly now that there was something strange indeed.

After looking at Li Hongzhao, "Then what should we do? It's impossible to stand still?" Because they are waiting here right now, and there will be many dangers.

"I'll go down," Li Hongzhao gritted his teeth, Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongzhao when he heard this, and shook his head immediately. He had some kung fu at the moment, and although Li Hongzhao also had it, he was obviously not his opponent.

"Take it with you," Tao Yaoyao said, pulling the cane down, and after jumping down, she looked at the people in the pool of blood, "Li Hongwei... Li Hongwei... wake up Li Hongwei?"

Tao Yaoyao called Li Hongwei, but Li Hongwei did not respond a few times, and couldn't help but frowned, and suddenly Li Hongwei opened his eyes, blood-red eyes, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth .

Before Tao Yaoyao could respond, she was slapped by Li Hongwei's palm, and Tao Yaoyao flew out directly. Li Hongzhao kept watching, and when he saw something was wrong, he immediately tied Tao Yaoyao with a rope, and then He directly pulled Tao Yaoyao to his position, hugged Tao Yaoyao and ran away.

While running with Tao Yaoyao in her arms, the mountain shook suddenly behind her. Tao Yaoyao said, "Let me down, let's go quickly." That person was Li Hongwei, but it wasn't Li Hongwei.

Tao Yaoyao spat out a mouthful of blood, don't pay attention to it for now, Tao Yaoyao ran with Li Hongzhao first and said, the cave seemed to be moving, and there was a sound of breaking ground on the ground. hand outstretched.

"What the hell is this?" After seeing those ghosts, Li Hongzhao was taken aback, but Tao Yaoyao knew that these passers-by were probably intercepted on the road, and now they have become the nourishment here. Get those damn things and run.

Li Hongzhao ran with Tao Yaoyao, but Li Hongwei behind him chased him out. Tao Yaoyao held his chest and ran with Li Hongzhao, but was soon pushed by the force behind him, and the two spit out a mouthful of blood.

After the blood was vomited out, Tao Yaoyao immediately clutched her chest, her whole face was ugly, "Don't make troubles, evildoers," just when Tao Yaoyao and Li Hongzhao were about to die, there was a sudden stern voice.

When Li He thought about it, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and soon saw a Taoist priest in white coming out, Li Hongwei ran away immediately after seeing it, and after running away, Tao Yaoyao let go in one breath.

"Are you two okay?" When looking at Tao Yaoyao and Li Hongzhao, the Taoist priest in white said, and when he heard this, Tao Yaoyao and Li Hongzhao shook their heads.

"I'm fine, I just got a little injury." Tao Yaoyao looked at the Taoist priest in white, "I don't know what your name is?"

Tao Yaoyao felt that others had saved her no matter what she said, so she had to act like she wanted to repay her kindness. After hearing this, the Taoist priest in white immediately smiled, "I am Huangfuhao..."

Hearing Huangfuhao's name, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth immediately, the whole world really had friends gathered together, if this man is not wrong, right now he is that Li Hongwei's sworn enemy, and finally killed that Li Hongwei magnificent people.

When he heard this, Li Hongzhao smiled and said, "So it's brother Huangfu..." Although Li Hongzhao didn't know Huangfuhao, he still smiled and said.

Tao Yaoyao wanted to kick this man, but she still smiled, "Brother Huangfu, we still have something to do, so we won't bother you," and said that he was going to take Li Hongzhao to run away, but Li Hongzhao didn't receive Tao Yaoyao's frequency, but lost Tao Yaoyao.

"Sister-in-law... Didn't you mean to find my brother, this brother Huangfu is just right now and can help us," Tao Yaoyao's mouth twitched at this sentence, feeling that this person is really at a loss right now. After arriving.

"If there is anything that needs help, I can help you with all my strength," Huangfuhao said, his white teeth looked particularly sunny, and people couldn't help but say "stupid", but Tao Yaoyao couldn't help kicking Li Hongzhao up.

"That..." Tao Yaoyao wanted to say no, but Li Hongzhao immediately went to hold Huangfuhao's hand again, with a look of kissing his father, which made Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but have a toothache.

"Brother Huangfu, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know what to do. Sister-in-law, would you say so?" Tao Yaoyao, who heard this, was already hopeless. Looking at Huangfu Hao and Li Hongzhao When I was there, I couldn't help but hehe.

You are all like this, what can I say, I am so desperate now, so desperate, I don’t want to say anything anymore, Tao Yaoyao sighed and felt deeply unhappy.

Li Hongzhao looked at his sister-in-law. For some reason, he felt that this sister-in-law's gaze was even more terrifying than that of the fake elder brother just now. Could it be that he was wrong? Why did he always feel that his sister-in-law was going to eat him alive? , must have made a mistake, although this girl doesn't want to see her, she doesn't want to eat her.

Tao Yaoyao can't wait to eat Li Hongzhao, Li Hongzhao is a bastard, but he will cause trouble for herself, Tao Yaoyao can't help but sigh, feeling that she meets people who are not good, no matter how they meet, they are so unreliable Man, I wanted to avoid Huangfuhao, but I didn't expect Li Hongzhao to rush on him, God is going to kill me.

(End of this chapter)

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