Chapter 211
When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she raised her head and looked at the fortune teller, but found that what the person had already seen had disappeared. After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao looked around in a daze, and quickly shook her head. He shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Did I meet a ghost just now?Or just met a ghost, Tao Yaoyao walked not far away, what should she do now?Huangfu Qingxuan was sure that nothing happened, but Li Hongwei killed Huangfu Qingxuan's whole family, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but smile.

"Damn... It doesn't matter to me whoever dies," Tao Yaoyao directly planned to ignore it, whether it was Huangfu Qingxuan's death or Li Hongwei's death, it had nothing to do with her, she didn't want to get involved in the mess. .

Tao Yaoyao did not go to Huangfu Qingxuan's place after the incident, nor did she return to Li Hongwei's place, but found an inn to live alone, and after staying alone, she paid the rent for a year. When I have something to do, I will listen to the drama, and when I have something to do, I will go to other teahouses to listen to the gossip.

Tao Yaoyao was very tired about the matter of Huangfu Qingxuan and Li Hongwei, and she didn't want to be in a dilemma about this right now. Since the mission failed and she died in the end, it doesn't matter, anyway, life is a life. die.

Tao Yaoyao felt that the task this time had nothing to do with her, no matter how desperate they were, Tao Yaoyao bought this inn half a year later and became the proprietress. The acquaintance I met turned out to be Li Hongzhao.

Li Hongzhao was also slightly taken aback when he saw Tao Yaoyao, and looked at the woman coming down the stairs, with her hair tied at the moment, with a soft expression on her face, which was different from her half a year ago.

At this moment, she has that faint warmth, and that gentle and watery temperament. When seeing Tao Yaoyao, Li Hongzhao opened his mouth, "We always thought you were dead, you didn't follow Huangfu Qingxuan, but you didn't When I came back, I didn’t expect you to be the shopkeeper here.”

Right now, Li Hongzhao was really surprised. He didn't expect that Tao Yaoyao would be the proprietress here, and his elder brother was there... In the past six months, many things have happened.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao sat and brushed her beautiful hair, and began to pour tea for Li Hongzhao. He had never seen that kind of charm before, it was so warm and seductive, no wonder here Everyone said that the lady boss is beautiful.

"Something happened, and I suddenly felt a little tired, so I opened a shop here and waited for the final rejection. No matter what, I chose to accept it happily." It doesn't matter to me who wins.

After these years, I am really tired, very tired, very tired, I don't want to have any relationship with them anymore, and I don't want to have any entanglements anymore, I just... want to be like this, waiting for my stranger.

"You have seen it through, but do you know that now they are fighting with each other, and many people died outside, do you know... a lot of people died," Li Hongzhao grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand and said, "Sometimes I was thinking, it would be much better if you were here, I always thought you were dead, because if you weren't dead, why didn't you stop?"

"Li Hongzhao... You said I stopped? But are you mistaken? After all these years, do you know how I have lived? I stopped Huangfu Qingxuan from killing you, and I also stopped Huangfu Qingxuan from knowing what you did. But in the end, I feel that my heart is very tired, I don't want to take care of these things, and I don't care about the outside things, just waiting for him to end." She didn't want to have any relationship with them.

Right now, I just want to live a good life in this piece of peace. When Li Hongzhao heard this, he was stunned not far away, "You are so selfish, so selfish..."

"I'm selfish. If you have nothing to do and I have something to do, I'll leave first," said Li Hongzhao and got up directly, not planning to tell Li Hongzhao too much right now, when Li Hongzhao was looking at Tao Yaoyao.

"Then Huangfu Qingxuan, you really don't care anymore? That day... Huangfu Qingxuan was outside the door. I don't know what happened between you and Huangfu Qingxuan? But I want to tell you, which night Huangfu Qingxuan was outside the door," Li Hongzhao said Let Tao Yaoyao stop.

"So what? Li Hongzhao is doomed to many things. I came let Huangfu Qingxuan die, but I suddenly felt that this was unfair, and I was not reconciled to myself. I...a lot of times, I enjoy his kindness, but I can go back I'm going to kill him too much, do you think it's fair to me? Is it fair to Huangfu Qingxuan? I'm suddenly tired, I don't want to know, what happened? Even if he dies, he dies, it's a matter of an instant, "

If Huangfu Qingxuan loses, then let himself die too, if Li Hongwei dies, then he will leave this world too, he is already tired of all these games.

Li Hongzhao looked at Tao Yaoyao's leaving back, and sat on the stool not far away, "You know, this is no longer your own business,"

Big brother has been looking for Tao Yaoyao all these years, but no matter how hard he looks, he can't find it. At first everyone thought that Huangfu Qingxuan killed Tao Yaoyao, because big brother killed Huangfu Qingxuan's family, but he didn't believe it. .

But even if he didn't believe it, after half a year, he gradually chose to believe it, believing that Huangfu Qingxuan really killed Tao Yaoyao, because if Tao Yaoyao didn't die, it was impossible not to come back now.

But at this moment, he realized that he was wrong, and this woman was hiding in this place alone. After Tao Yaoyao returned to this room, she took a sip of tea and drank it. While drinking, she looked at the water in the water. Reflection, "Because I like you,"

This sentence flashed across her mind, Tao Yaoyao immediately drank the water in the teacup, it had nothing to do with her, it had nothing to do with her at all, she had already resigned herself to fate, she could go as she came or died, live worth mentioning.

Tao Yaoyao lay down on the bed and fell asleep, when she felt someone talking to her, she suddenly saw someone not far away, "Fortune teller? How could it be you..."

"Yeah, your heart is running away. Now that you have chosen, why don't you go and see... Maybe there will be a better way out. Have you ever thought about hiding, this is the worst decision, because... like this ...Your thoughts will never be conveyed for the rest of your life, "

"Intention?" Tao Yaoyao smiled after hearing this, "What is my intention? It doesn't matter anymore, whether I like it or not, what do I think? A person whose life is being played with by others, how can I have the qualifications to say my heart, you know... At the beginning, I was very happy to take on these tasks and worked hard to live, but... it was made by human heart, and I have experienced a lot, and it really hurts."

In her current mood, she felt...that balloon was constantly inflating there. At first she felt indifferent, yes...Changfeng felt indifferent at that time, but it was just a role-playing, Dongfang Bai felt distressed at that time, and had For a moment, the emotions will be full, but after that moment, she will feel that it is just a role-playing.

Her emotions were like that of the water. It was still choppy a second ago, but it soon calmed down. She thought that Huangfu Qingxuan would be fine this time, but... when did she know, it turned out that it was not possible.

Just like the balloon was blown to the limit and exploded directly, just like the water was already full, and there was no way to turn off the tap. After half a year, she thought she was enough to calm herself down, but why didn't she think about completing the task a few times before? Same, someone came and turned off his faucet, so that he could go to the task with a smile?

(End of this chapter)

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