Chapter 212
Tao Yaoyao woke up from the dream, she just took those things and fell down, thinking of the words in the dream, the last sentence that the fortune teller said to herself, "Hiding will only make my heart feel better ?Things will not end when you stop, you know very were born in a game, and if you don't stand up, you will never be able to break the game, "

Tao Yaoyao rubbed her forehead, right now she just wanted to stay here alone and wait for the result, but now she told herself clearly that even if she was hiding, there would be no result, and suddenly there was that anger.

But now that Li Hongzhao went down, when he was lying on his bed, Li Hongzhao gradually sighed, he didn't know why Tao Yaoyao rejected all this so much?But I know... Tao Yaoyao's choice right now is not correct.

She knew that Tao Yaoyao had already had a negative attitude for this mission, she hated all this, and didn't want to participate in any thoughts of Huangfu Qingxuan and Li Hongwei.

Because right now she had already given up on this damn task, Tao Yaoyao was in this room, holding the wine and drinking it, after drinking the wine, the whole body felt much warmer.

"Ahem..." Tao Yaoyao's expression gradually turned cold when she looked at Li Hongzhao who was looking for at the door, "I still don't give up, I've already said that I won't have the idea of ​​going back,"

Tao Yaoyao didn't plan to go back, and hated going back very much. When Li Hongzhao heard this, he pursed his lips...Looking at Tao Yaoyao, "I'm just here for a sip of wine. It's lonely to drink alone. , let's drink together,"

" can..." Tao Yaoyao nodded and asked Li Hongzhao to drink from the glass. While drinking, he looked at Tao Yaoyao with an indescribable coldness on his face.

"I..." The mocking tone was talking about myself and others, "I always felt that many things can be controlled by myself, but now I feel that life is actually like that water , there is no way...with any change,"

When Li Hongzhao drank the wine, he directly poured it down for himself, and then laughed loudly, "You feel wronged, don't you? I am the same. I thought I could change and take revenge, but when did I know this? Revenge is already torture and killing,"

It wasn't about revenge at all, it was just a fight between two people. When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao didn't speak, took a sip of wine, just sat like that, and directly opened her mouth after drinking.

"I'll go back tomorrow," Li Hongzhao was taken aback when he heard this, and saw that Tao Yaoyao's expression had gradually turned cold, Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongzhao and said.

"I suddenly felt that what you said was right. Hiding like this is not the way to go." Right now, he had a decision. When he heard this, Li Hongzhao looked at Tao Yaoyao in a daze.

"Are you planning to do something? Don't mess around. I hope you go back and stop it, but I don't want you to do anything crazy," Li Hongzhao said worriedly while looking at Tao Yaoyao.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but smiled, "What's crazy? I have a measure..." While talking, Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongzhao and said, "Don't worry, I won't going to mess around,"

Tao Yaoyao drank some wine and felt groggy all over. Lying on the imperial concubine chair, when she looked at Li Hongzhao, she started talking nonsense, "From the beginning, I didn't intend to accept this task, because I feel...even if I try my best, I won’t be able to escape in the end.”

Right now this is a situation, and there is no way for her to escape at all. Changfeng personally killed herself when she was in Changfeng. In the series of events after Dao Dongfang Bai was in Dao, although she felt that her memory was missing a lot, she had A feeling that I am trapped in this game and cannot get out.

Li Hongzhao was so stupid when he heard these words, he couldn't help but looked at Tao Yaoyao with a slight smile, "I don't understand what you said," yes, I didn't understand at all, but I felt that when the woman in front of me spoke, Look with that doubt.

Tao Yaoyao stopped talking, and had a dream at night, the person in the dream was always telling her to go, always calling herself to go, Tao Yaoyao felt dizzy.

While dreaming, Tao Yaoyao shook her head, feeling a little pain in her head, she got up straight away, and when she was walking not far away, she saw Li Hongzhao giving her horse, "I'll go back with you, "

"Yes..." Tao Yaoyao nodded, just like the person in the dream said, it would be impossible for him not to show up to make it all over, Tao Yaoyao also had the same feeling of waiting.

Originally thought that after a while, she would be able to understand everything, but now... She waited for half a year, and there was no response for half a year, Tao Yaoyao knew... Just like Dongfang Bai's previous missions, the same... the so-called Its mission is just to end it in a situation it likes, and this chosen by the system itself.

"Let's go," Li Hongzhao and Tao Yaoyao rode back to find Li Hongwei, and got up with Huangfu Qingxuan. On the way back, Tao Yaoyao saw that the ground around her was almost black, the city like a Shura field, Up to this point, it was all the evil spirit of gunpowder, Tao Yaoyao just treated all of this with indifference.

Not far away is the evil thing, grabbing people, teasing and laughing at those humans, Tao Yaoyao saw all this, "What is Li Hongwei doing? Won't he stop it?"

"Brother has already stopped any actions. He is completely crazy. People are different to him now, and those ghosts are his partners," Li Hongzhao said in a very distressed tone. , When he said that, his expression was full of pain.

Tao Yaoyao heard these words of Li Hongzhao, looked at the evil things not far away, and rode a horse not far away without saying a word. Evil, couldn't help but look suspicious.

The evil spirit here is really strong, Tao Yaoyao walked into this room, because of Li Hongzhao, no one stopped her from entering Li's house right now.

When Tao Yaoyao looked around, she still remembered the first time she entered the Li family's door. At that time, the Li family was thriving and harmonious. The blood-stained land around.

When Tao Yaoyao walked in, she saw someone walking not far away, "I didn't expect you to be alive, but I was really surprised," He Ru'er said while looking at Tao Yaoyao.

When he was talking, he smiled faintly, "But now... you are coming back, what has changed? There is no change..." He Ruer looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, but suddenly she was directly touched by that Tao Yaoyao. With the road, he stabbed directly at the chest.

The dagger pierced He Ru'er's chest, and He Ru'er looked at Tao Yaoyao with wide-eyed eyes, Tao Yaoyao was stabbing the dagger hard into the heart. "Don't use my face to say things that make me sick,"

Tao Yaoyao said coldly, the first time I saw this woman, I felt disgusted, and I will definitely not show any mercy if I directly stab her right now. Li Hongzhao who was at the side was also shocked by this scene, " what are you doing?"

What is this woman doing?Why did she suddenly become vicious, Tao Yaoyao pulled out the bloody knife, then looked at Li Hongzhao lightly, "Look clearly, what is this woman right now?"

(End of this chapter)

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