Chapter 213
"... Can you see what she is?!" Tao Yaoyao looked at He Ruer who was rolling on the ground and said, He Ruer was just like that mud, rolling on the ground continuously, and the skin on her body continued to fall off.

A face was melting like that mud, "You... bitch... bitch..." The dagger in Tao Yaoyao's hand was made of that blood talisman, and it was given to her by Huangfu Qingxuan before. Any evil thing will not be able to bear this knife.

The same is true for He Ruer right now, Tao Yaoyao looked at He Ruer who was on the ground and said, "Now I see it a lot easier," Li Hongzhao trembled when he heard this, and felt that Tao Yaoyao made him feel too scary .

Tao Yaoyao's cruel and bloody approach completely stunned Li Hongzhao. Right now, Li Hongzhao didn't dare to take any action against Tao Yaoyao. magnificent.

When Li Hongwei saw Tao Yaoyao came to find him, he was more or less surprised, with that smile on his surprised face, "I thought you wouldn't come to me, Yaoyao..."

Li Hongwei stretched out his arms to hold Tao Yaoyao and said, Tao Yaoyao felt the coldness of the embrace, but she did not push Li Hongwei away, but let the other party hold her coldly, Li Hongwei let go of her hand and looked at Tao Yao When he died, he was slightly taken aback.

do not know why?Li Hongwei felt that Tao Yaoyao had changed a lot, but he didn't know exactly what changed, but when he looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Yaoyao..."

"I'm here to help you. I don't want to let the people suffer like this, but you also promise me, can you be nice to the people?" Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei and said, when she spoke, her expression was almost Youguang, but there was that chill in the depths, Li Hongwei, who heard this, looked at Tao Yaoyao.

"Okay, as long as you come back, you can say whatever you want," right now, as long as Tao Yaoyao comes back, she can say anything. When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao hugged Li Hongwei directly, with that expression on her face. The coldness, the long cold light, there is no way to hide it anymore.

"I killed He Ru'er..." Li Hongwei was taken aback by Tao Yaoyao's words, but he didn't care. He Ru'er should not be dead yet, and if he died, he wouldn't be safe.

"It's okay, she offended her, and it's good to teach her a lesson," Li Hongwei was very happy that Tao Yaoyao could come back. After all these years, he never gave up looking for Tao Yaoyao, and now Tao Yaoyao appeared in front of him, For him, it is the biggest and most gratifying thing.

Tao Yaoyao felt her happiness, but she didn't speak, but leaned directly in his arms, and at this moment, when Tao Yaoyao was leaning against him, she fell asleep without knowing when, and Tao Yaoyao was handed over by Li Hongwei. It was taken down by one person.

After Li Hongwei settled Tao Yaoyao, he walked directly not far away. After entering the room, he opened the door directly, and saw He Ruer on the ground, He Ruer in front of him, that moment Zhang and Tao Yaoyao have exactly the same appearance, and they have already collapsed, with the mud on their bodies, when they looked at Li Hongwei, they desperately grabbed Li Hongwei's clothes.

He Ruer has a disgusting pungent smell. When he saw He Ruer, Li Hongwei avoided it directly, "'s that woman...she's Huangfu Qingxuan's spy, she used Huangfu Qingxuan's The blood talisman hurt me, Hongwei..."

While talking, the whole person looked at Li Hongwei with begging, " me, Hongwei..." While speaking, he started to cry. If it was Tao Yaoyao's appearance before, Li Hongwei would Bewildered, it's a pity that the ugly and foul-smelling face in front of him makes him feel no heartbeat anymore.

"After all these years, I can't really hurt you when you stand up. I have been doing things for a long time. Now your appearance is ruined, and your foundation is also ruined. Why are you better?" Yao's appearance has some affection for He Ru'er.

But now seeing He Ru'er's appearance, that bit of emotion is completely gone, and he knows very clearly that after all these years, the woman in front of him has been calculating him, He Ru'er immediately cried when he heard this cried.

"Could it be that my company for you after this year is really so cheap? Li you have any heart?" I came out of the cave and followed the man in front of me, but the man in front of me But he said such cruel words.

Hearing this, Li Hongwei's expression turned cold, "I remember, but I haven't forgotten how you abused me at that time, why don't you say how wronged you are, you just want to find someone who can take care of you. You left that cave, so you chose another, don't say you are really good to me, "

Back then, He Ruer was an old monster in that cave, but he couldn't leave the cave, because someone set up a formation, and specially restrained He Ruer, and only when He Ruer had no choice would he lure Li Hongwei past.

At that time, if it wasn't for my ability, I would have been swallowed alive on the spot, and the spirit orb on my body would have been snatched away, so right now, I really don't have anyone to say who owes me to He Ru'er.

When He Ruer heard this, He Ruer opened his eyes wide, and Li Hongwei looked at He Ruer, because all his abilities belonged to He Ruer, and he couldn't hurt He Ruer right now, but right now...she was killed by Taoyao. Yao's foundation was wounded by a knife, and even the most basic human form was difficult to maintain.

"Come on, take a good look at this woman, don't get too close," He Ru'er, this woman is a disaster after all, and he has to find a way to get rid of it, but right now he knows very clearly that if it is an ordinary The means are no way.

If you don't get rid of He Ru'er, you can't sleep or eat at ease. Right now, Huangfu Qingxuan doesn't have He Ru'er to make you feel uneasy, but fortunately, Tao Yaoyao gave He Ru'er a knife, so that you have more time to prepare.

Tao Yaoyao was sitting in this room, some human beings were pouring tea for Tao Yaoyao, and then came in with clothes, "You..." Tao Yaoyao frightened the girls just as soon as she spoke.

The girls turned pale one by one, kneeling on the ground, not daring to make any movements, begging for mercy only silently, after seeing all this, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help being stunned, "What are you doing? "

Tao Yaoyao helped him up, "Don't do this, I can't bear it, get up, I'm just like you, not those things outside," Because of Li Hongwei, the city is already full of monsters , People... live more and more cautiously.

When they heard this, the women looked at Tao Yaoyao in a daze, and when they saw Tao Yaoyao's expression, they all began to wonder, if the woman in front of them was just a human being, why would that The devil, would he be so careful to please?
Yes... It was a careful flattery, as if she was afraid that if she accidentally made the person in front of her angry, she would turn around and leave. Tao Yaoyao ignored the thoughts of these people, but looked at the silk not far away, reluctantly Can't help shaking his head.

Li Hongwei, this man, if he is not crazy, he has nothing to say to himself, but... when he is crazy, Tao Yaoyao can't take it anymore. After leaving the things, "Do you know that Huangfu Qingxuan?"

This sentence made everyone turn pale, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help but frowned after seeing it, "We don't know, we are definitely not sent by that devil,"

Right now, the two devils are fighting, but they and the common people are caught in the middle, and once they find out who is the spy, they will be swallowed alive. They will never forget that scene for the rest of their lives.

Tao Yaoyao, who saw this scene, knew now, even if she asked more, she couldn't find out what she wanted to know, "I'm tired, you all go down," it seems that I have to take a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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