Chapter 216
Tao Yaoyao shook her head, she felt a little strange just now, she went out shopping with a small bag, after buying some food, Tao Yaoyao took a lollipop, looked at the mirror not far away, and fiddled with it repair.

After getting this beautiful hair, Tao Yaoyao went home with her bag on her back. Li Hongwei followed behind Tao Yaoyao all the time. Tao Yaoyao always felt that someone was following her, and when she turned her head from time to time, she saw shadows on the ground , and then stopped.

He stopped and took a few steps back, "If you follow me like this, will you be like that goblin? Could it be that you have a crush on me? Or do you mean that you will follow me after you like me? "Tao Yaoyao smiled and said, with that playfulness when speaking.

When Li Hongwei heard this, Tao Yaoyao didn't say much after seeing it, but went straight home in that car. When returning home, Tao Yaoyao leaned against the car and fell asleep up.

While sleeping, Tao Yaoyao vaguely seemed to hear someone talking, "Hurry up, someone, save my daughter, hurry up... ah... come..."

Tao Yaoyao woke up in the next second. She dreamed that her mother was crying and yelling to save herself. Tao Yaoyao thought why she had such inexplicable thoughts. Tao Yaoyao rubbed her forehead. Get down the taxi.

After returning home, Tao Yaoyao started to cook. Tao Yaoyao's cooking skills are still good, and he put a bowl not far away. Li Hongwei knows that Tao Yaoyao is very courageous, and has always been the biggest. Now... ...that's it.

"That's for you to eat. If you don't speak the same way, then don't say it. It doesn't matter... But... Don't worry, you didn't hurt me, and you shouldn't hurt me right now, so I won't say it, you are Isn't it the person I saw in the mirror a few days ago?"

Tao Yaoyao looked at the chair not far away and said, the other party didn't answer, but there was a word on the table, after seeing the word, Tao Yaoyao smiled, "That's fine, you don't need to write with me." Speak."

After eating, Tao Yaoyao went to the computer to get some materials, "I want to prepare some materials, what should I prepare?" Tao Yaoyao began to prepare some files, and when the files were ready, Tao Yaoyao Already crawling on the table and falling asleep.

When Tao Yaoyao fell asleep on the table, Li Hongwei stood not far away and watched. When he looked at Tao Yaoyao, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, chatting with his hands about Tao Yaoyao's beautiful hair. The temperature on his cheeks made Li Hongwei's mind involuntarily warmed up.

Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, and heard the sound of the door opening, then rubbed her eyes and came out with her clothes on, and saw the father came back, "Dad..."

"Is your mother not off work yet, Taotao?" Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this, and seeing Tao Yaoyao like this, the father sighed.

"You child, you always like this. You don't sleep at night and stay up during the day. Don't do this in the future," Tao Yaoyao nodded after hearing that, with a look of pity.

Tao Yaoyao went to cook, and when the food was ready, her mother and younger brother came back, Tao Tao was sitting not far away, her mother looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, "Isn't there an interview?"

"Interview?" Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and hurriedly ran to her room to look at the calendar, and saw that the interview was indeed written on the calendar, but it was not today but tomorrow.

After seeing this, Tao Yaoyao walked out, "My interview is tomorrow," after Tao Yaoyao finished speaking, she felt a headache, but she couldn't think of many things, and her head hurt badly
"Yaoyao... what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly, wake up quickly..." When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she couldn't help opening her eyes, and found herself in the white ward.

"Ahem..." Tao Yaoyao looked around, and when the mother saw Tao Yaoyao woke up, she breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Tao Yaoyao's hand, and touched her forehead.

"Are you feeling better? You suddenly fell into a coma and frightened your mother, Yaoyao..." Tao Yaoyao shook her head when she heard this. Right now, she really doesn't remember why she fainted, but she feels something is going on in her mind slide over.

Li Hongwei looked at Tao Yaoyao, it was in the depths of her memory, there was something preventing her from exploring that memory, the more this happened, the more she had to look clearly, see everything in the depths of Tao Yaoyao's memory clearly.

Tao Yaoyao was in a coma for a long time, because there was nothing wrong, she was discharged from the hospital soon, Tao Yaoyao was lying on the bed, feeling that she was a little strange recently, after rubbing her forehead, she covered her quilt and fell asleep.

On the next day, Tao Yaoyao got up, put on the formal attire, and went out. After going out, she took a car to the interview place. During the interview, Tao Yaoyao made no mistakes.

The interviewer asked Tao Yaoyao to go back and wait for the notification. After getting in the car, Tao Yaoyao called the head of the family and said that she would not go back and had some things to do. Tao Yaoyao had a party with her friends.

After the party, Tao Yaoyao planned to go home, but unexpectedly on the way home, she suddenly heard that someone upstairs was on fire, and there was a child standing on Tao Yaoyao's corridor, and many people Running back and forth.

When Tao Yaoyao saw the child being pushed to the ground, she quickly picked it up, then ran out with the child in her arms, put the child on the side of the road, and looked not far away, suddenly someone pulled her clothes, Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback after turning her head.

"What are you doing?" But before she finished speaking, she suddenly saw a huge truck directly crashing over. When Tao Yaoyao saw this truck, she was dumbfounded.

"Yaoyao... Hurry up and save my daughter, how could she die?" Her head hurts, her whole body seems to be squeezed so badly, Tao Yaoyao doesn't know why she has this memory, these memories...

"Yaoyao... Yaoyao..." Someone was calling her, but she couldn't tell who was calling her. When she heard that voice, Tao Yaoyao froze, "Sleep...keep sleeping... ..."

Who let herself continue to sleep, Tao Yaoyao felt that someone was telling her to sleep, but she knew she couldn't sleep anymore, she must wake up, Tao Yaoyao frowned, and many pictures flashed in the next second.

That memory was like a tide, and Tao Yaoyao's head was about to explode, "It head hurts...what's going on? Ahh..."

"Ahh..." Tao Yaoyao suddenly opened her eyes and felt a headache. Li Hongwei was slightly taken aback when he looked at her one by one. When he saw Tao Yaoyao woke up from the dream, he looked at her with angry eyes. by myself.

"What did you do to me? Playing with my memory for fun? And stuffing me with messy things," and getting myself killed by a car, there is nothing more hateful than this.

Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei, this man actually peeped at her most precious memory, what Yin Meng saw was the most precious person in a person's memory, and at this moment, in Tao Yaoyao's Yin Meng, there was no Huangfu Qingxuan There is no one, there is a strange home, Li Hongwei doesn't know whether to be happy or angry.

"I didn't create that. It's just your deepest memory. Everything in it follows what you remember. I didn't interfere with anything." Li Hongwei's words were not false, because he really Never interfered with anything in Tao Yaoyao's memory.

Right now, Tao Yaoyao was stunned when she heard this, "Fart...I'm alive and well, even if I die, I'll be electrocuted, it's impossible to be hit by a car, it's an electric shock..." She was playing a role-playing game. When you come to this world, even if you die, you can only get an electric shock, not being hit by a car.

"What is an electric shock?" Li Hongwei looked at Tao Yaoyao and said, he has never heard of the electric shock right now, is it a word from which world?But... reached out and rubbed Tao Yaoyao's hair.

"I'm sorry," Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and Li Hongwei stroked her cheek, "I can't change anything, it must have hurt at that time."

It must hurt to be hit by that thing, right?When he saw Tao Yaoyao was hit with blood all over his body, he felt the fear completely. He clearly knew that this was just a memory dream, but he couldn't help but feel the lingering panic in his heart. stand up.

Tao Yaoyao was slightly taken aback by what she said, and touched her cheek, "I said I was dead... I wasn't dead at all, don't talk nonsense..." She wasn't dead yet, because she was killed by the system. Pulled into this world, she is alive.

(End of this chapter)

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