Chapter 217
Tao Yaoyao was very angry at the nonsense of the person in front of her. What did she say at the beginning? Could it be that Li Hongwei did it, or did she not remember it?
Right now, it is impossible for her to have this memory, but Tao Yaoyao knows very clearly that it cannot be her own memory right now, "Get out... get out..."

Tao Yaoyao pointed at the doorway, her tone was cold and disliked, "Get out..." This person looked at her memory, which made Tao Yaoyao's longing for that house even stronger, no matter what, she couldn't forget, no matter what The way is to abandon home.

When Li Hongwei heard this, he stood not far away and looked at Tao Yaoyao with a complicated expression. When he was pushed out of the door, he didn't leave for a long time. When he looked at the lights of the house, Li Hongwei had a complicated expression.

"I just want to..." Wanting to see clearly, who could be stuck in the depths of Tao Yaoyao's memory?Yinmeng can see her most important person, and the memory of this person must be hidden in the birth, not a fake.

Those memories are true, Tao Yaoyao's memory does not contain any of them, Tao Yaoyao is sitting in the room, leaning against the wall, and when leaning against the wall, her expression is full of pain.

There were tears in the corners of her eyes, and when she spoke, she was even more angry, "Bastard... casually peeping at other people's memories, bastard... bastard..." Tao Yaoyao felt wronged, and she really wanted to go back. Home, but right now this memory is coming up like a tide.

"Yaoyao... Yaoyao... Get up quickly, Taotao is going to school today, Yaoyao..." All kinds of memories gave Taoyao a severe headache and made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Yaoyao... Hurry up and save my daughter, hurry up and save my daughter, save her..." Tao Yaoyao suddenly had a picture in her mind, someone hugged her and cried, calling for her to be saved.

Tao Yaoyao rubbed her forehead, it hurts...Tao Yaoyao looked around, it was not her own memory, but suddenly there was a blur in front of her eyes, and that invisible memory appeared, standing there In the middle of the road, there was a woman lying on the ground not far away, and the passers-by kept watching.

Someone called for an ambulance, Tao Yaoyao took a closer look, and when she saw the woman's face, Tao Yaoyao took a step back, it's impossible... This is me, this is me, no possible……

"Ah..." Tao Yaoyao opened her eyes, looked around, and found that she was still in that room, and a servant pushed the door in. After seeing Tao Yaoyao's panicked expression, she couldn't help but smile slightly. Leng.

"Girl... what's the matter with you?" After seeing Tao Yaoyao's expression, the maids were slightly taken aback, Tao Yaoyao shook her head and said that she had no problem, it was just a nightmare.

When she heard this, the servant girl nodded, "Girl, let's wash up, the master is still waiting for the girl to eat," the servant girl said cautiously, Tao Yaoyao nodded when she heard this, and went to wash up.

Tao Yaoyao was more or less repulsive about going to see Li Hongwei, but now she knew very clearly that it was impossible for her not to see Li Hongwei. Tao Yaoyao appeared wearing that white dress, looking It's very beautiful, it looks a bit like a modern dress, but it doesn't feel the same, it has a lot of ancient style.

Tao Yaoyao looked at the bowls and chopsticks and the dishes, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback. The man was cooking for herself according to what she remembered, and Tao Yaoyao sat down and ate.

Li Hongwei sat not far away and looked at Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao lowered her head and did not speak, because she didn't know what to say to Li Hongwei? "How many times have you fought with Huangfu Qingxuan?"

"Just once after you disappeared, I think he probably went looking for you," Li Hongwei knew clearly that Huangfu Qingxuan liked Tao Yaoyao very much, and now that Tao Yaoyao disappeared, Huangfu Qingxuan went to look for that Tao Yaoyao .

Tao Yaoyao was shocked when she heard this, and looked at Li Hongwei, "Then let's get married... If she really likes me, she will definitely come. At that time, we are preparing a plan,"

Tao Yaoyao looked at Li Hongwei and said, when Li Hongwei heard this, he didn't know what to say, he felt a little bit disappointed and bitter, he clearly heard that it was marriage, but right now...he didn't feel it Any pleasure.

"Okay," but that's it, right now he still agrees, because...he really wants to marry her, not looking for that cock to worship, nor looking for someone else to replace her, she just I want to marry her myself.

When she heard this, Tao Yaoyao nodded and put down her bowl and chopsticks to leave, but Li Hongwei said, "Is it delicious?"

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she turned her head and looked at Li Hongwei, "I don't like you stealing my memory, it's mine, there will be more in the future, don't blame me for being rude,"

When Li Hongwei heard this, his face was slightly taken aback, and when he watched Tao Yaoyao leave, he was silent, "Okay."

Just saying good, Li Hongwei ate alone, Tao Yaoyao didn't hear that one, Tao Yaoyao came back to this room, playing with the paper crane in her hand, it was half a year later, the first time The second folded paper crane, the spiritual power is injected into it.

The paper cranes began to dance and flew not far away. When looking at the paper crane, Tao Yaoyao raised her head to look at the paper crane not far away. When she flew away not far away, her expression gradually revealed that nostalgia.

Back then, Huangfu Qingxuan taught him how to fold origami cranes, even if he still remembered it now, but... it has long since changed.

In the dead of night, when Huangfu Qingxuan was sitting on the roof, he suddenly saw the paper crane dancing not far away, he was slightly taken aback when he saw the paper crane flying, the light and spiritual power surrounding the paper crane, It's Tao Yaoyao's.

Feeling the aura above the Tao, Huangfu Qingxuan was slightly taken aback, when that pale hand grasped the paper crane, the faint warmth wrapped around the fingertips, and it turned into a woman in the blink of an eye.

The woman was sitting at the window, looking out of the window with lonely and indifferent eyes, and at this moment...someone was hugging the woman from behind, at this moment the woman turned her head and smiled faintly, while watching that scene, Huangfu Qingxuan directly Crush the paper cranes.

"You have been hiding for so long, but you still chose to return to him in the end. When he came to Li Hongwei's side, the corner of his mouth twitched into a cold expression, then the next time we meet, he will be an enemy.

The night was very deep, and in this pitch-black night, that night-like monster almost swallowed up the world, and ate it up, turning the pain of next year into that pitch black.

(End of this chapter)

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